
Bleach: Another Story

A young man is given a second chance at life. He gets transmigrated into Bleach as Kurosaki Ichigo and was also given a normal system. Follow him in his journey as he gets girls and destroys his enemies. There are some techniques from other animes so there will be some references. There's also +18 scenes so you're already warned.

some_writer · Anime und Comics
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198 Chs

Kuchiki Rukia

(Should I change the strength multiplier of the Demon Slayer Mark?)

In the afternoon, Ichigo was walking on the streets, he beat five people up who knocked over a vase of flowers set up for a child who died in this location a couple days ago.

Ichigo promised the dead girl's spirit that he will return with a bunch of flowers for her.

Ichigo went to the local flower shop and returned back with a bunch of flowers in his hand in a few minutes.

"Thank you so much! Now I can rest in peace." She thanked him happily. Ichigo smiled back.

"You're welcome. Though you should cross over soon. Goodbye now. " Ichigo waved at her and walked away. The spirit faded from view as he is walking away.

Ichigo in the forest clearing within a few seconds and started training. Since he had achieved his Demon Slayer Mark, he had to learn how to control his strength so he doesn't accidentally break someone's ribcage with a punch.

When Ichigo arrived home, he was greeted by a foot flying towards him. Ichigo dodged the kick. Isshin landed on the ground and sent a fist towards him.

Ichigo raised his index finger and stopped the punch. Isshin widened his eyes and looked at Ichigo.

"You should really stop this or you'll have a broken skull someday." Ichigo mumbled and walked towards the dining table.

Yuzu scooped some rice from the rice cooker and put it in a bowl. She gave Ichigo the bowl and Ichigo started eating.

"Big brother. You have another one behind you." Karin commented. Ichigo sighed and looked behind him. He saw a male spirit dressed in a suit floating behind him.

"Hello." The spirit waved at him. Ichigo chuckled and waved back.

They ate in silence....




It was the next day and Ichigo was getting ready to go (teleport) to school. But then he saw the news on the television.

" The ground is shaking and the walls of some buildings are destroyed. Yep, that's a Hollow." Ichigo whispered to himself. He went back to his room and grabbed his weapons.

When he went back to the living room, Yuzu looked at him." Big brother, why are you bringing your weapons? " She asked in concern.

"I'm bringing them because I want to scare away some bullies at my school. Those guys are violent so I'm bringing these to teach them a lesson. " Ichigo pointed to the curved claymore strapped to his back and the sheathed khyber knife beside his left waist.

"Just don't swing it around like some barbarian, big brother. I don't want to see you in court for a murder case. " Karin told him bluntly. Ichigo chuckled.

" I'm not that stupid, Karin. I'm leaving now, bye! " Ichigo waved at them. His sisters waved back.

Ichigo arrived at the place where he sensed an evil Reiatsu.


"Ahhh!!!" Ichigo heard the people around him screaming in horror. He walked past the people running away from the explosion.

Giant claw marks dug into the side of a building. Ichigo was being engulfed by a cloud of smoke. He saw a Hollow standing in the midst of the destruction.

The Hollow looked like a praying mantis but it was black in color and had a white mask on.

Suddenly, Ichigo saw the dead girl running towards him. "Run away from here Mister or you'll be killed!!!" She shouted. Ichigo looked at her and smiled.

" Don't worry, little missy. I won't be killed that easily, especially not by these guys. Just get behind me and you'll see why." Ichigo replied to her. She ran behind him.

Ichigo walked up to the Hollow. He unsheathed his khyber knife. The Hollow charged towards him.

Ichigo stared at it with a blank face.

'Mizu no Kokyū, Eleventh Form: Dead Calm—

Suddenly, a black butterfly flew in front of Ichigo. Ichigo saw a black haired woman appeared in front of the Hollow. The woman unsheathed her katana and slashed the Hollow's mouth.

Blood spurted from the Hollow's wound. The woman landed on the ground before leaping towards the Hollow once more.

She cut through its entire body vertically from the head down, causing the Hollow to disintegrate and disappear.

Ichigo sheathed back his khyber knife and looked at the woman. She looked back at them but then she looked at Ichigo.

Ichigo smiled at her and waved at her. She widened her eyes and disappeared. Ichigo chuckled and disappeared as well, leaving the spirit by herself.

"Awww man, I was hoping I could talk to him." She sighed and faded from view.



The classes were boring, except for recess because he can spend time making out with Orihime and Tatsuki.

'I love them so much. The bubbly and tomboyish personality of theirs. I wish I could hug them for eternity.' Ichigo sighed and stared at the brown colored ceiling.

All of a sudden, the same black butterfly he saw that morning flew into his room. Ichigo sat up and got out of his bed.

The same dark haired woman appeared in his room. She stood on his desk and looked around. She landed on the ground gracefully.

Ichigo went in front of the woman. The woman looked around not noticing his movements.

Ichigo who was in front of her, tapped her shoulder. "Hey. Can you see me, miss?" Ichigo smiled at her. The woman jumped and looked at him in shock.

"Y-you can see me?" She asked with wide eyes. Ichigo nodded.

"Mhm. I see a very pretty woman with a katana in front of me." Ichigo grinned at her. Rukia huffed and turned away.

'Wait a second.... ' She looked at Ichigo again, then she looked at the weapons laid against the wall. She was stunned.

'He's the guy who waved at me just now.' The woman looked at Ichigo. She walked towards him. She grasped his chin and moves his head from side to side.

"Are you defective or something? Usually, humans can't see me but why can you? " She muttered. Ichigo chuckled.

" How about you tell me your occupation. You seemed very experienced fighting those monsters, it's like you've been fighting them your whole life. " Ichigo sat down and patted the ground in front of him, signalling the woman to sit with him.

She sighed but when she was about to sit down, she saw the businessman spirit beside Ichigo. Ichigo looked at him.

"Hi there. Can you leave for a while, we're having a conversation here." Ichigo smiled at him. She walked towards the spirit and unsheathed her katana. She pressed the end of its hilt against the forehead of the spirit.

"Please, don't send me to hell." The spirit begged. She smiled and shook her head.

"Don't worry, I am sending you to Soul Society. It is a restful place, you will find peace there. " The woman smiled gently at the spirit. She removed the hilt from his forehead, leaving a shining emblem on it,

The spirit clasps his hands and smiles as he sinks into the floor in a pool of blue light.

While the light fades, a black butterfly flies away from the center.

"That was beautiful, but what did you do?" Ichigo asked her. Rukia sheathed her katana and knelt on the ground.

"What I did was called a Konso. I sent him to Soul Society, which is referred to as 'passing over' in the human world. " The woman explained. Ichigo nodded.

" So... How should I go over this? " The woman asked Ichigo.

" You can start by introducing your name age and your profession. " Ichigo answered. The woman nodded and put her katana down beside her. She looked ay Ichigo in the eyes and smiled.

" My name is Kuchiki Rukia, I am 150 years old and I am a Shinigami.....

To be continued.....