
Bleach: Achievement (rewrite)

Regaining all his memories from a past life... Blessing or Curse? It's about What he Seeks and What he Needs. A Multiverse fanfic Update schedule: twice the week

AllBullshit · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

New Powers

Taking a step forward, leaving a large crack on the ground, Daiki found himself propelled toward his target with a speed surpassing his own expectation, but he didn't let that distract him as he arrived before his first target, he took a basic Taekwondo stance, a martial art he practiced during his last life

'Here we go, let's try with a basic kick' he thought, but once again the result was totally different from his calculations as he the supposed basic kick was so strong that it reduced the upper part of the hollow body to bits.

'That was stronger than I thought it would be' Daiki clearly knew that he was much strong than before, but he didn't expect to become this strong, after all, he didn't even awaken his Shinigami and Quincy powers and he was already this strong.

In reality, it's not really a surprise that he became so strong because of the fact that he reincarnated his spiritual power was already way above that of normal people, that and his predisposition as the son of a Shinigami and a Quincy and even more the twin brother of Ichigo took his already way above average spiritual power to another level.

'Now is not the time to think about this' not dwelling on this matter anymore, he hurriedly jumped backward, just in time to avoid the spike-like arm of a hollow that came from his right side.

*** Yoruichi POV

With my speed, it took me less than five seconds to find the place where I sensed the spiritual power fluctuate. It was an abandoned factory, and without wasting any time, while still hiding my presence, I stealthily got in.

What I then found was a young man with a rather handsome face and brown hair with his eyes closed, I could immediately tell that he was the one was looking for, but I decided to observe him a little more as he tried to get a hand on spiritual power, clearly indicating that he this was new for him.

As he got better and better at controlling his probably new powers, I soon felt the spiritual pressure of tree hollows coming this way, without a doubt, their target was the young man.

I hesitated for a second to intervene but remarking that he seemed to have realized their presence as well, I decided against it, it won't be too late to help him If things got out of control, after all if there was one thing, I took pride in it was my speed.

Soon followed the massacre of the first hollow, and the only words coming into my mind while seeing such a scene was "overwhelming power" while it was one of the lowest kinds of hollow, it seemed too easy for him, someone who just recently learned to use his spiritual powers.

Not that I can't understand what happened, that was the result of the difference in pure raw power between them.

Wait? What is he doing?

I was a little surprised, he was just walking toward the spider-like hollow whose attack he avoided earlier. He merely walked to the hollow and punched it instantly killing it without it even being to react and once again followed by doing the same with the last one.

Not only his strength but even his speed seems off the chart.

*** Third POV

'Speed is a really a cheat on itself' as he finished dealing with all those hollows, he adapted a bit to his new physical condition 'The feeling of strength and growing stronger is really addicting' he thought while looking at his hands.

"So, who are you?" asked a dark-skinned girl with golden irises that Daiki directly recognized as Yoruichi.

"Kurosaki Daiki" He answered, surprising Yoruichi as she was not expecting him to obediently cooperate and answer her question.

'Better cooperate now and gain some goodwill from her, she would be able to easily find me if she wanted to anyway, she is a master assassin after all' Daiki didn't believe she would do anything to him if he coopered so he took this approach but he was not planning to just base his trust on assumption and that because he has a plan.

"Kurosaki...Will you come with me obediently, or should I use a more extreme method?" The feline asked, clearly not intending to let him go.

"Fine I will come with you but on a condition" Daiki, even knowing that she didn't have any reason to agree decided to bet on it

"And why would I listen to you? I could just easily restrain you and take you with me" stated the woman

"While I can't say the I know your thinking process, if you wanted, you could have done just that and used force since the beginning without engaging in any form of communication" countered Daiki

"What is your condition?" she asked, clearly indicating that Daiki was right, at least to a certain extend

"I want you to make a trade with me, let's make an oral contract"

"a contract? Just that?" she was taken aback by his request

"Yes, a contract, I want you to assure my safety as long as I cooperate with you" Daiki said with a smile

"Then consider it done as long as you are deemed not a treat by Urahara"

As soon as she finished her sentence, the necklace around Daiki glowed and transformed into a cube, which send two beams of light, one toward each of them, Yoruichi tried to avoid it, but soon found that it was impossible as her body refused to move.

With them being hit, the cube assumed its original form but something was strange, Yoruichi couldn't feel anything wrong with her body, it was as if nothing happened at all, be she was sure she was not dreaming.

Seeing her confused, Daiki choose to explain "so basically what happened is that by making a contract with me, it activated my ability according to my will, and now we will all be obliged to uphold our part of the contract, I advise you to not even thinking of going against it" That was his power as a fullbringer

The cube allowed him to make contact with intelligent beings, the contract once established is inviolable, and both sides will be forced to act accordingly 'I have the feeling that there is much more to it but I didn't have the time to test it'


Not my best chapter but i will eventually get a hand around it

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AllBullshitcreators' thoughts