
Chapter One

I need some food. I'll walk to the grocery store. Five miles away, but that's okay. I've got my buddies right beside me, and my legs are healthy and well. I look forward to today, and this walk.

One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve-. It gets kind of tiring counting. I've got a phone, but I didn't bring it. Yes it's the twenty first century. I should report these weird people. Anyway my phone has an app that lets me record my steps. It's not completely accurate. I counted once before and used my phone and it was some one hundred steps off.

Anyways, reporting them is a good idea. I would, but I was joking around in the first bit. Honestly these people are weird. However, they are a different type of weird. Inhuman. Yep. That's right, not human. I think they are mixed with dogs or something. Maybe they stay outside to much. There I go again. They are always following me. I don't let them inside. Inside my house. I don't check out the window to see them. I can feel them. I've felt since they started following me. Anyways they could shower or something. Maybe they are werewolves. I've never known them to be real. I thought they were fictional beings, made up by man. Maybe not. The dog smell can get annoying once and then. But that's okay. I'm sure they will tell me what they want to in a few days. Hopefully, it will no bet years though. I don't want to have to keep up with them. However, it is a change. I've been looking for a change for sometime. I thought I might get a puppy, but then these guys came. I'd rather not have one, since the smell is rather un-nice, but maybe I can keep the dog well groomed. Maybe that's their problem. Grooming.

I got a glass of peanut-butter, a glass of jelly, and something nice to drink; carrot juice. Next time I might get some doggie treats, and throw them down on the ground behind me. For the inhuman followers of course. I don't want to disrespect them, like I've read in a book before. They don't like to be known as dogs. However, I'm curious. Like what if I threw a ball, would they chase after it? Maybe I shouldn't. They must be bored though. I'm not much to see. They watch me do the same thing almost everyday. I think it'll be good for them. Yeah,they are sure to like it. I'll write it down in my calendar. Buy dog treats for the dogs. Perfect. I'll be buying them on June the fourth. I'm tired down with the spa on June first. Then there's bowling with Hon on June second. I'm pretty busy. Usually, I'm not though. Oh and a visit to the doctors on June the third. My schedule is partially to mess with them. I made it while thinking about them.