
(Intro to Volume 1)

"Jack get up"

I open my eyes to the sun and to my sister Lilly.

"Ok,ok I'm up now can you please leave me alone so I can get dressed and get myself ready for school,I'll get me something to eat in a little while now get ready "

I walk over to my dresser and pull out some pants for they were ripped in the knee "oh well"I said to my self and go over and grabbed a shirt plain black and my Favorite Wrestler jacket with the name D Hood on the backs in white I put the jacket on and grab my bag from my closet and head downstairs to the kitchen

When I get down there my mom already has breakfast ready for me and my sister I look at my mom "oh pancakes ,my favorite "I say to her and I grab me some and then I slap some syrup on it and then I grab a fork and I eat it with my sister as my mom makes us our lunch for school I get up put my plate in the sink and grab my sack lunch and walk out the door to walk to my friend John's house which is up the block but my mom hollers my name "Jack "

"Yes" I say back

"If your friends want to hang out stay out no longer than eight,ok?"

"Ok"I say back and begin walking down the street humming along to my self