
chapter one: earth me me earth

one day Ea was riding his bike him and his bestfriend Lamars when they decided to venture into the woods they played and played and eventually realized they were lost hours went by and the sun began to set Ea a care free type of kid was unbothered but Lamars was worried his father would be angry at him so they started to try and find there way out when they heard the loudest sound they had ever heard BOOM! and just like that they were fighting for there lives instantly there's a woman in front of Mars with a huge sword trying to decapitate him but instinctively Lamars dodges the strike with speed that surprised even him watching in shock Ea is caught off guard grabbed by a giant of a man from behind his body automatically reacts and as if he was a suicide bomber he exploded into flames badly burning the giant he turns to Mars who is holding his own against the woman well despite the fact that he can only dodge her attacks not noticing he's still on fire Ea attempts to help the Gaint which causes the lady to go Beserk!!!😱