
Blade of the Underdog: Rebirth in the F-Ranks

A Boy Who Got Reincarnated Into A World Is A Level F- Swordman, Can He Proof That He Is No Weakling? Or Is He Truly Nothing?

GinerBlivion · Fantasie
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21 Chs

Chapter 1: Awake in the Abyss

The air was thick with tension as a lone figure materialized in a desolate landscape. A barren wasteland stretched out before him, a stark contrast to the bustling city he remembered. His memories were hazy, like a dream slipping away, leaving only fragments.

The reincarnated soul found himself clad in worn-out armor, the insignia of a Level F Swordsman emblazoned on his chest. A sword hung loosely at his side, its blade chipped and battered. He stood there, surveying the unfamiliar terrain with a mixture of confusion and determination.

The wind whispered secrets of an otherworldly journey, and the protagonist realized he had been transported to a realm beyond his understanding. As he took tentative steps, the ground beneath him felt foreign, almost as if it resisted his presence.

His gaze lingered on a distant mountain range, shrouded in mist, and a sense of foreboding washed over him. Before he could ponder his situation further, a metallic voice echoed through the emptiness.

"Welcome, Level F Swordsman, to the Abyssal Rebirth. Your journey begins here."

The voice belonged to an enigmatic figure, clad in dark robes, standing atop a looming pedestal. The newcomer's eyes glowed with an otherworldly intensity, and a sense of authority emanated from every word.

Questions swirled in the reincarnated soul's mind, but before he could voice them, the robed figure continued, "In this realm, strength is not inherited but earned. Your past life matters not; here, you start anew. The F-Ranks are the crucible where the weak falter, and the strong rise."

With a wave of the figure's hand, the surroundings shifted, transforming the desolation into a sprawling training ground. Wooden dummies stood as silent witnesses to countless battles fought and yet to come. The protagonist felt the weight of his rusty sword, a constant reminder of his humble beginnings.

The voice spoke again, guiding him through the basics of combat and the intricacies of the strange energy that flowed within him. As the Level F Swordsman sparred with imaginary foes, he felt a connection to the sword, an unspoken pact forming between them.

Days turned into nights, and the protagonist honed his skills in the ever-changing landscape of the Abyssal Rebirth. With each passing challenge, he felt a surge of power awakening within him, transcending the limitations of his F-Rank status.

As the first chapter of his new life unfolded, the reincarnated soul embraced the trials of the Abyss, determined to carve a path from the depths of the F-Ranks to the pinnacle of strength. Little did he know that this journey was not just a test of skill but a destiny entwined with the fate of the entire realm.