
BlackWolf Origin

Title: **BlackWolf Origin ** In the realm of Eldoria, where dreams intertwine with destiny, Synoh's journey unfolds. At the tender age of 7, he forms an unbreakable bond with a wolf named Fel, only to discover his legendary father, Fenrir. Inspired by his father's legacy as a royal guard who defied conventions for love, Synoh aspires to become a general and carve his own path. The narrative weaves through Synoh's years at the knight academy, where he encounters Lux, his best friend and rival with dreams mirroring his own. As they graduate and embark on separate paths, they become a great division rival and a talk of century. Synoh got a secret relationship with his Captain, Elara. Lux in the other hand didn't know about the relationship. When they make name of themselves and got promoted to become the captain, then their destinies converge once again in the newly made Division 13. Synoh, now a captain, leads a formidable team of knights, including the skilled Yuta, Kenny, and Nisa. As Synoh and Lux rise through the ranks, their achievements capture the hearts of villagers and earn admiration from nobles and royalty alike. Little do they know, their fates become entwined with the spirited Princess Akane. The story takes an unexpected turn as Synoh and Akane, initially perceived as adversaries, find common ground after an incident during escorts.Their connection deepens during a mission to escort Akane to the Cran Empire, leading to shared laughter and unexpected camaraderie. Meanwhile, Lux, harboring unrequited feelings for Akane, feels a sense of betrayal as he watches Synoh and Akane grow closer. Tensions rise as their intertwined destinies unfold, and the bonds beyond blades are tested in the face of love, loyalty, and the challenges that Eldoria presents. "BlackWolf: Origin" is an epic tale of friendship, love, and the pursuit of dreams against a backdrop of magic and medieval intrigue. Hi this is the author,I hope you guys likes this story and thanks.

NHI04 · Fantasie
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90 Chs

3: Shadows of Humility

Chapter 3: **Shadows of Humility**

As Synoh and Lux stepped into their respective divisions, their remarkable skills did not go unnoticed by their seasoned captains. However, instead of accolades, their captains aimed to instill a sense of humility, teaching them that the path to becoming a true knight was not just about prowess but also about character.

**Division 10 Captain(Light navy blue short hair,kind likes a tomboy with D cup):** Synoh, impressive swordplay, but arrogance has no place here. Every swing of your blade should be a reminder of the responsibility you bear.

**Division 7 Captain(A ponytail black hair):** Lux, your light magic is dazzling, but it won't shield you from the lessons you have yet to learn. Elegance in battle is earned through discipline.

Despite the initial scoldings, Synoh and Lux found themselves being mentored in ways they hadn't anticipated. Their captains were determined to strip away any hint of arrogance and instill the virtues of humility and discipline.

**Synoh:** (reflecting) I thought our skills would earn us respect.

**Lux:** (nodding) Turns out, respect is something we have to earn beyond our flashy moves.

The days were filled with grueling training sessions, with the captains pushing them to their limits not just physically but mentally. Through sweat and setbacks, Synoh and Lux began to understand the importance of humility in the journey of a knight.

**Division 10 Captain(Elara Nightshade):** Synoh, there's strength in humility. A knight is not measured solely by the flashiness of his sword but by the sincerity of his heart.

**Division 7 Captain(Alistair Grayson):** Lux, elegance in battle is not just about aesthetics. It's about respecting your opponent and understanding the weight of your actions.

As they embraced the lessons, Synoh and Lux's camaraderie deepened. They became allies not just in showcasing their skills but in learning the essence of being true knights. The shadows of humility cast by their captains shaped not only their characters but also the trajectory of their journey in Eldoria.