
Chapter Four – Rose starts to bloom

- how did you even pull this off – Alice was walking around in harvards presidents room .

- A little persuasion spell did the trick. Although you are asking a right question , after your insane driving, im not sure how I’m not throwing up everywhere here.

- Oh come on, I’m not that bad.

- But you sure are quick.

- Okay , next time teleport us to our destination , that’d be easier alright?

- Tel… I can’t do that!

- Then hush your mouth , and tighten your seatbelt next time, and bring a pack for nausea!

- And I thought I was the mean one.

Alice tilted her head as a gesture of victory, the door to the room opened, a young slim, average height man with suit and tie walked in , he had black hair , his eyes were grey , he wore black nailpolish on which there were symbols in white drawn.

- Wheel of the year and ankh I see, this may be easier than we thought. – Archil looked at Alice – He’s a rebel.

- With those symbols you assume he’s a rebel? – Alice looked at Archil

- No , but his style whole makes me think that.

- He’s just a kid with free , and I must add very interesting style, that doesn’t tell you anything.

- Guys, I’m here… Stop talking to me as if you were seeing my post on social media. – Xelo jumped in conversation with an awkward voice.

- Oh right, sorry ,Hello xelo, I’m Alice , This Is archil , we’ve met five years after .

- Not we, She has , I apparently was murdered.

- murdered? – Alice looked at Archil.

- Never you mind.

- GUYS! – xelo raised his voice.

- Okay okay, look whatever we’re gonna say , is going to sound insane , but I want you to listen.

- First off, I’m not a rebel – Xelo got back at Archil – and this nail art , is just an appreciation of the history.

- So , I believe Xelo , you were already informed that, your university, gave you A+ in every class, for first and second semester, so you have a free year , just so you won’t waste time here and be more encouraged to follow us.

- Follow you? Waste time? Im a future historian – Xelo looked at Alice – And I want to learn – then looked back at Archil. – So no I’m not “wasting” time on you two . – Xelo turned around and started walking towards door.

- We’re witches – Archil said spontaneously and instantly regretted it.

Xelo stopped looked back , then turned his head again and took few steps forward to the door.

- is this some kind of drama club invitation?

- Drama… - Alice was insulted – Drama club? We drove all the way from New York to here, to get to you and that’s all you could say?

- If you’re here , that must mean you already know who, and what I am, no witch would come to my kind for help.

- Your kind?

- Your people , were accused of being in contact with us , one of many reasons they were burnt, so scatter now.

- You’re a Demon?

- Born in human flesh – Xelo looked at Archil .

- We have no time , nor reason to hold prejudice against any race or type of life form, so worry not.

-wait wait, He’s a Demon and you’re not scared? – Alices face changed in fear

- You see? – Xelo smiled

- Way to go Alice – Archil was disappointed.- She doesn’t know anything about demons.

- Even worse – Xelo smiled.

- Last time I checked you were 18, so I really wanna know , who gave you this big idea of yourself, young lad.

- You really do not know how to negotiate, do you? – Archil looked at Alice.

- ugh, and my class is over, thanks for making me miss out…

- so that means you have time to listen to us, even better.

- Well I’m not sure I want to use my break time on you two .

Archil leaned towards Alice

- We must think of something real quick.- archil whispered

Alice nodded , she had an idea

- Well , sure, but you can use that break time, for a pizza? With us two. – Alice smiled

- What are you doing – archil whispered again

- Offering him something that young people love – alice whispered back.

- I mean I could go for a double pepperoni.


- They started the preparations , they’re gathering people… - Morgaus was standing in his room looking out the window, through witch , dark city was showing , the building stood on mountain , cliff going down to the city was rough and pointy – I can feel it , Can feel it in my bones.

- What are you feeling Morgaus? – Darina entered the room.

- Are you eavesdropping on me now , witch?

- I was thinking , I could ask you to show me my brother?

- And why on earth would you do that?

- Because, as you know, he was born in early 19th century , and I keep wondering, how come you kept him alive for centuries?

- And how are you alive for centuries?

- Which raises another question, if im that meaningless why am I still alive.

- Perhaps you’re right my girl, maybe I shouldn’t be – Morgaus turned around his eyes became dark red.- Maybe I Should kill you right where you stand.

- Y..your majesty – Darina looked down, her eyes filled up with fear once more.

- He’s alive, and in cells, where I shall keep him , as a guarantee of your stay – Morgaus smiled

- But that’s torture – Darina went closer to Morgaus dropping on her knees – Let him go, and I forever shall do your bidding, just give him freedom.

- Ofcourse you will- morgaus smiled – but im afraid there’s no release for the prisoner, he is a threat to us , he may expose us.

- I… I’ll cast a spell on him , wipe his memory of this place.

Morgaus looked at darina.

- Do you think of me as a fool ? and if he’s not here, what keeps you from running.

- The thirst for power? The promise you made?

- What?

- That you’d marry me , and …

- I’m afraid , your recent behavior , postponed that even further …

- No , no – Darina stood up , hugging Morgaus, he pushed her away, Darina with her hands touched Morgauses face – But you promised me.

- And you promised me loyalty. Now get off my face – he pushed her once more – Go I said! – Morgaus pointed at the door, Darina started walking towards the exit.

As soon as she left the room , she was greeted by Amphis

- Told you you still love him.

- you don’t underwtand amphis…

- Understand what, that you’re falling for a man , who imprisoned both you and your brother?

- For two centuries amphis, after jade left, I had shelter here, he’s all I know , and have.

- And where did that get you. You do realise , He’s not gonna marry you ever?

- Silence - She answered in rage, her eyes bloody , angered face became more and more red.

- Look at you, you’re slowly becoming him, his rage has wiped off on you.

- Oh, Amphis.. - Darina took a step back, touching her face, covering her mouth , she had lost herself , and she felt it, the madness that Morgaus caused in her.


- So you’re telling me – Xelo was chewing on pizza – That she – he pointed at Alice – Has destroyed the world , and now is trying to save it?

-Pretty much so, yeah – Alice nodded in confidence.

- Sweet, So she’s trying to unlock an alternative ending…

- Unlock what? – Archil was confused.

- He’s talking in game terms… - Alice looked at Archil.

- And why do you need me? – Xelo was confused.

- Well for starters, you’re a demon , second I have no clue, there’s this 8 person I have to find , and one of them is you. Really didn’t get to ask any questions , up and ended the world away, hah – Alice took a sip of Cola, instantly stopping – And by the way, Hephaestion is one of people I have to find other than that 8.

Xelo started choking on pizza slice.

- Who?

- Hephaestion? Alexanders 2nd In command?

- I know who he was. I am just making sure you know what you’re talking about.

- Why wouldn’t I , we literally told you everything up until this point , why lie about this.

- Because Hephaestion Died in 324, a year before Alexander did.

- What I can tell you , is he’s still alive , so if you want to know the answer, you will need to get it straight from the source.

- im sure this is a trick to get me interested in your gig , so save it, I’m already interested with or without your fairy tales of how much would it be? – Xelo looked up – 24-25 centuries old man?

- Well I’m Glad you’re with us , and no , this is not a trick I promise

Xelo leaned back on the chair, crossing his hands looking out the glass wall.

- So be it then – He said in excited voice


Darina was sitting in her room , looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes filled with guild and shame , by her face you could tell ,how ill she felt of herself , hatred of what she has become was covering the love that she once had for herself.

- Come in Morgaus – Darina straightened up wiping her face with a towel.

- How did you know…

- I feel evil when I encounter one – Darina answered

- I’ve been thinking, Since you’re so keen on proving me your loyalty , and this new bouquet of roses is on the rise, Why don’t you be a good little girl and fetch me their heads.

- Fetch you? Do you think of me a dog? – Darina stood up in anger.

- And yet, you growl like one… - Morgauses face changed, pure evil expression would leave even fearless shaking in fright. – Sit!

Darina sat down , humiliated once more.

- Why don’t you send your vedzma after them. – Darina asked with soft , low voice.

- I wouldn’t bother her on such pathetic matter.

- Pathetic? – She held back her rage , knowing the answer she’d get wouldn’t be in her favor.

- Yes, Exactly – Morgaus grins , even further humiliating Darina

- At once, your majesty – She bowed her head , as she saw the morgauses shadow leaving the room , she exhaled deeply , her eyes tearing up again , she started to cry, her eyes bleeding the pain and the sorrow of her soul , she wanted to scream but she couldn’t, screeching she fell down on her knees – Un-beliavable – She said.

- Look at you – Amphis added fuel to the fire – You were the greatest mage back in the days, and yet, here you are, humiliated day by day , crying like a cheerleader who was kicked out of a team.

Darina looked dead in the eyes of Amphis, with her bloody , eyes, that showed her pain , her soul aching.

Amphis turned into a cat, slowly walking towards darina , sitting in her lap

- One day mother, we will get out of here… One day.

Darina Smiled , without a glimmer of hope

- One can only dream – She looked back into the mirror, seeing herself in that state, her face, changed into a grin , a pitty smile, an irony that was hilariously demeaning.


- You know… if you actually mentioned that , there were two people back in New York, maybe , we could’ve gotten to them first. – Archil was complaining like a child from the backseat

- This is so cool, I’ve never driven a car before – Xelo said in excitement.

- You… You’ve never what? – Alice grabbed her seatbelt , looking at Xelo in disbelief.

- Oh , damn – Archil buckled both of the seatbelts on and started chanting.

- Oh come on guys… - Xelo was holding back the laughter.

- Archil , I would answer you , that squeezing five people on the way back woud’ve been hard, but you’re right, perhaps we should’ve gotten to hollie and em first. – Alice was speaking with shaky voice.

- Seriously? Now you regret taking me? – Xelo looked at alice and then back to Archil

- Eyes on the road! We already have high chance of not making it alive !

- Yeah ,I was right about the drama club …

As soon as xelo finished the sentence , he saw a police car following them with the lights on , he looked at Alice , with the eyes of mischief

- Don’t you dare… - Alice already knew what that mischievous devil eyes meant

- You really want me to pull over? I mean I don’t have a license, are you sure? – Xelos face didn’t change

- Can you be serious? We’re about to get fined, and god knows what else.

- Why did we agree to this? – Archil jumped in the conversation

- Because I would refuse to come other way? – Xelo started slapping his hands on the wheel

“Red Corola , Pull over” – sound came from the police car

- You gotta do , what you gotta do , you know? – Xelo turned on the hazard lights, and pulled over to the side of Highway.

Police car slowed down , and parked right behind them , a man stepped out of it, slowly walking towards alices car, removing his hat.

- hell, what do we do… - Xelo was still not loosing the sarcastic tone.

- Archil , Do that persuasion spell , right now.

- Seriously?- Archil was offended – You’re the one giving orders now?

- What else do you have in mind? – Alice answered in anger – We’re literally five steps away from a ticket!

- Okay , Okay – Archil answered, he locked his fingers together, and started chanting. –

“Daimon of sleep , god of mind, I call you hypnos, hear voice of mine lend me your powers ,and let my voice shine”

A white circle , went around the outline of the eyes of Archil, instantly dissapearing , he inhaled a deep breath , exhaling it , hes breath sounded like the winds of winter , his eyes had not changed the color , but yet it looked different.

Police came knocking on the window , Xelo lowered it.

- Inspector, Markley… - he introduced himself showing the badge- Do you know why I pulled you over mister.

- I have no clue Sir – Xelo answered with calm but irony in his voice.- I’m Sure I wasn’t speeding?

- No … -he looked at Xelo – how do I call you mister?

- Xelo’s my name – Xelo answered in confidence.

- I couldn’t help but notice the way you were driving, not to miss the fact that you were not concentrated on the road, and your passengers faces, were , somewhat of concerning , are you two sure you’re alright – Markley looked at Alice and archil , Alice nodded awkwardly , Archil on the other hand, was looking at the officer in cold face.

- I’m sorry Sir, but without a good cause, you’re not to pull me over, if you wanted to just chat, you could’ve said so – Xelo answered with Irony again.

- Don’t get smart with me kid.

- You said it yourself, A kid, do you think someone like me could hold this two adults against their wills in my car?

- I told you not to get smart, License and registration please. – Markley turned on the Body camera on.

- You don’t need our license – Archil spoke , with his voice being doubled – You’re gonna let us go , you feel light headed, you may want to call in the office and take the day off, turn the camera off , wipe the memory, and forget this ever happened – Archil gave the cop another cold look , his eyes fixated on him, a stare so sharp , it could pierce through very essence of the soul .

- What ? – Markley got confused.

- Here you go. – Xelo pulled out a drivers license from his pocket – The car’s not mine , we took turns at riding because we’ve been traveling for long, but she can present the documents aswell , am I right? – Xelo looked at alice.

- But … you said… - Alice was confused.

Xelo started laughing.

- You little devil – Alice continued, in disbelief.

- What is this – Markley was confused.

Alices eyes, that just went calm , lit up in fear again.

- I’m sorry gentlemen – Markley looked at Alice – And Milady

Alice became even further confused

- I… I’m feeling a little light headed, I… I’m sorry I pulled you over – Markley turned off his camera, removing the memory card.- I.. I should go – he turned around , and as he was disappearing from the view , he was talking to himself “Man, I should really get a break”

Xelo shook his head in disbelief , looking back at Archil

- how did you.

- You , on the other hand, are feeling tired, so you’re gonna switch with Alice , and let her drive for the rest of the road.

Xelo realized what was going on and tried to oppose.

- no no, don’t you dare! – as soon as he finished his words, his eyes did the same thing as Archils did – I’m Feeling tired – then he looked at alice – Can you switch with me and continue the road?

Alice nodded , she was impressed, her eyes still moving back and forth in confusion.

As soon as Alice switched with Xelo , she adjusted the mirror , looking in there, she saw Archil , twitching in fear.

- is everything alright Arch? – Alice turned around worried – Don’t tell me that the spell has side effects.

- Side effects? It’s not a vaccine Alice.

- Great, we have an Antivaxxer in our car. – Xelo didn’t drop the attitude

- in My car , first of all – Alice looked at Xelo , then looked back at Archil.

- It’s just, the thing that I saw, alice… ever since that day, I’m having the flashbacks of that woman.

- The one that mur…

-Yeah - Archil didn’t let alice finish her words he turned his head aside, looking at the road through the window.

Alice looked down , she knew she couldn’t do anything to comfort Archil , she turned around and started the engine.

- And I’m not an Antivaxxer – Archil , still keeping his eyes on the road, answered in an upset child voice.

Alice and Xelo both stifled a laugh .


- And just so, they came one step closer to their mission – Reader still looking at the wall behind, spoke

– You know … - he spoke with laughter sneaking in his voice -When the nurses come in, they ask themselves, Who is he talking to? They think im crazy! They think im crazy , because I can see through everything, I know everything. – He laughed

-I read, that’s why I call myself reader, sadly, they respect my choice of name, but not me. And so , concluded is this chapter – He stood up , turning around facing the wall fully

– but what shameful it is , that our soon to be queen, will never get the throne , poor thing – His face was changing time by time , ironic sad face , face of a mad man , mocking an emotion of sadness

– She fell in love ha ha – He laughed again – She went there, to save her brother - reader got angry, pointing his finger on the ground , shaking it – And she fell in love, with the man who stole his little brother. – he paused, swallowing the anger, taking a deep breath , closing his eyes

– But… was it the man she fell in love with? Or the power he would bring? – he paused every so often , swallowing the ball of emotion , his eyes were holding back tears

– why am I sad… she deserves the pain – he looked away – but, what about her little brother , what about him, yes she remembers him , but is he a reason that she’s staying there? Or just an excuse, to cease the power? We don’t know, and she doesn’t even know if he is alive. – he turned around , wobbling his hand

– I mean ofcourse I know , I know everything – he turned around again , lifting his one finger, looking at the wall again, looking directly at one point of the wall, swinging his finger – But… The… Point… Is… - he made pause after every single word

– SHE… DOESN’T… - He wiped everything off of the table throwing it around, in the room , collapsing on his knees

- She does not… she does not… she does not… - he repeatedly said , grabbing his hair and pulling on them – SHE DOES NOT KNOW!

as he shouted, door opened and nurses came rushing in , grabbing him by his arms , a male came behind him.

- Poor Lunatic… - He said , mask covering his face ,the eyes were shining red – You too, deserve a peace – he said , squeezing the air out of the needle he held, he struck it on readers neck , releasing sedatives into his bloodstream.

Reader , slowly collapsed , dropping on his face, on the ground as soft as pillows.

- What… a… Cliché… - he said with his last moments of consciousness until he was given to sleep