
15. Who am I?

Ravi closed the door hard behind him and instead he found Adrian hovering in the window with his wings flapping, his arms folded in front of his chest with a look of satisfaction there. He more than knew that it was the creature that had wreaked havoc on Ravi earlier. Ravi immediately darted to the side of the window with his fists clenched, a glare had already drifted over to him with a distaste for being there. He opened the window with a loud noise. "You're the problem here. What's your problem?"

The man just smirked still in the same pose and Ravi wanted to swing his hand right away at Adrian who had made such harsh words that he had never done to anyone else. He didn't know how Adrian did this to Ravi, but the fact that this man with white wings wasn't human and that it should have happened. Ravi heard a loud knocking sound from outside his room and for a while Ravi himself ignored it.