
38. Forced (Rap3) +

"What do you want?" asked Ravi looking at the figure of Adrian who stood towering in front of him.

In the abandoned building, it was impossible for someone to come and this must have made Adrian tell him to come here.

After Ravi bought breakfast earlier, Ravi heard someone whispering in his ear while checking there was no one. However, then Ravi realized that it was Adrian and now here Ravi was, alone.

Adrian's white wings spread half-open, in contrast to his eyes that stared intently at Ravi as if he was considering what bad thing he would do to Ravi.

The man brushed his hair back with the tips of his fingers, then grinned at Ravi. "What do you think I will do?"

Ravi snorted "I shouldn't have come up with all this bullshit you're doing."

"Don't you want to get well?" asked Adrian, the grin still there and making Ravi want to punch him in the face.