
Togo's first adventure

Sensei Ureka : I know that it's a shame

having a worthless kid

no power to my


looking forward to see

good. results from


Togo. : "Yes sir I promise I won't

Let ur hopes down I will;

Fight for the renoult..."

Sensei Ureka : huhh better not ruin my

0 status "otherwise!!!!"..

Togo. : Understood !!,,,,(I better

Work hard in aiming be-

-fore it is too late)...

Sensei Ureka. : I heard that the Kurenai

assigned a mission to

extinct the troublesome

Zombies in the suburb.

Togo. : talking to himself he said

( Zombies I can't believe

I'm fighting zombies on

My first mission).

Sensei Ureka. : got scared anyways let's

first introduce u to your


Togo. : "Sure, please"!!!!!!!!.

Sensei Ureka. : u are so loud "shut the f*


Heading to the squad K basement.Sensei introduced Togo to rukyia his first patrients on this mission an air type Junchuruki she is 15 too, a girl born in the village of the fog 🌫️.

The Second was lukki a boy born in the volcano 🌋 village a fire type guy but is only at the bottom of his power limits.

Rukyia. : sad to even collide with you

That too we are on the same

"It sucks 😪"

Togo. : huhhh huhhh huhh,,,,funny

Indeed well that is the

Reason why your mother is

So slow that it took her 9

Months to give birth to a


Other squad. : "Damn!!!!!!"😨😨😨

Sensei Ureka. : Heyyyyy behav' !!

Everyone was ordered to rest for their next mission upcoming skip to the next page to see how the kids that dispised each other stood for the world against Zombies.
