
Black Sun In Marvel and DC

Next welcome to our-- Hydra's holy forerunner,Thanos' chief pope The Avengers' psychologist,S.H.I.E.L.D.'s finance consultant The paper killer to Batman,The soulmate to Joker Attending physician in Arkham Asylum,Praised professor in Gotham University The holder of Order of the Red Banner,The possessor of bless from the God Iron Curtain in New York, Spring Wind in Gotham The black sun which never dies Schiller Rodriguez! —————————————————— *English is not my first language. *Character setting follows comic and plot follows movie. *System will disappear soon. *If you want to support me financially and get access to more chapters please visit patreon.com/Earth_2260

Earth_2260 · Anime und Comics
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110 Chs

Ch.51 Iron Heart (Bottom)





























Then he looks up and quickly conducts, "Hey! Listen! Don't go straight, turn left! There's a traffic jam ahead! If these big guys get through, all the cars will be turned into squashed cans!"


After finishing his words, he shoots another web that quickly adheres to the wall of a building, and then he swings back and forth between the robots until he provokes them all.


One of the robots raises its arm and fires a rocket at him. With a loud explosion, Spider-Man emerges unharmed. However, the blast blows off the door of a shop, injuring the shopkeeper with broken glass. Spider-Man has to rush in to rescue him.


"It seems like that Spider-Kid is busy as well," Stark says. "These guys are causing too much commotion, and someone has to save people."


Pepper comforts, "Rhodes must have called Steve and Schiller. Let's focus on taking care of ourselves first!"


Stark's wounds still hurt a bit, and a few day is not enough for him to fully recover. He looks up and sees a helicopter's shadow looming over the car. Rhodes is hanging onto the helicopter's door, shouting at him, "Head south! Fast!!! We can't fight them here! !It'll cost many lives!!"


Stark grits his teeth and forcefully turns the steering wheel. The car veers to the left, makes a turn, brushes against two road posts, and finally crashes violently into a street corner.


Stark opens the damaged car door, Pepper feels dizzy from the impact, and Stark protects her as they get out of the car.


Spider-Man uses his web to snap two huge street lamps, then swings one of them, causing trouble for the robots. Stark shouts, "Jarvis! Suit!"


Soon, a red and gold armored suit flies over. After Iron Man finishes equipping himself, he takes Pepper and flies onto the rooftop, placing her in a safe place. Following closely, Rhodes also dons the armor.


Here is a small factory that manufactures mechanical parts. Luckily, it is late, so most of the workers have already left. The security guards who heard the noise have also fled. When the robots arrive, Iron Man and Rhodes are waiting for them.


Spider-Man swings over, followed by Captain America. The huge robots stomp their way from the downtown area, injuring many people. Spider-Man's organizing ability is not strong enough, mainly relying on Steve to evacuate the crowd.


Although Peter's close combat skills are not strong enough, he has great strength, speed, and agility, making the tin cans dizzy and disoriented. He creates an advantageous environment for Iron Man.


Sparks from a few repulsor rays cause small explosions. Iron Man swiftly maneuvers between the giant robots. Rhodes defeats two of the robots and shouts, "This won't work! If they all self-destruct together, none of us will escape!"


"This doesn't feel right, not at all..." Stark realizes just now, "These robots are definitely not Obie's works. Even if he steals the core energy, there's no way he can produce so many robots in such a short time. It requires a complete military production line, and Stark's military production line is controlled by Pepper. There's no way he can keep it a secret from her and produce so many in one go..."


Just as he finishes speaking, one of the large robots hit by his repulsor rays charges towards him. Spider-Man shouts from the other side, "Get out !! Dangerous!!"


Iron Man maxes out the power of his armor, rapidly ascending. With a thunderous boom, a large burnt pit appears where he had been standing.


"I'm glad I upgraded the jet propulsion, otherwise I wouldn't be able to withstand such a strong impact."


Saying that, he descends again, swiftly grabbing one robot and throwing it away. This time Iron Man immediately reverses direction after throwing, and sure enough, another violent explosion follows soon after.


Stark reacts quickly, but Steve behind him isn't as luckily. He manages to block the impact with his S.H.I.E.L.D., but still gets blown away and tumbles head-first.


"Damn it! What the hell are these things?"


Iron Man hovers in mid-air, looking down at the charred debris on the ground. He says, "I know these, they're the components from the pre-modified No. 7, the version I gave to the military..."


He glances back at Rhodes, who is still in fierce combat with the robots, silently raises the armor, and then goes to deal with the next one.


A series of explosions continues, with more robots joining the battle. The area is almost turned into ruins.


It must be said that this tactic is extremely effective. The numerous explosions accompanied by strong impacts keep the heroes busy. And what is even more cunning is that once a robot attempts to escape the battle zone, the superheroes have to actively pursue and capture them, otherwise if they detonate in a residential area, it will be disastrous.


Although Iron Man gradually figures out the pattern, the interval between two attacks is too short, leaving him no time to modify his armor to counter these suicide soldiers. After two consecutive explosions, Iron Man is blasted away, and his armor emits a series of sparks.


Seeing his vulnerability, four or five robots immediately surround him. They don't try to engage Iron Man in close combat; their only goal is to use explosions to kill him.


Just as one of the robots lights up a red light on its chest, the ground trembles again. A loud rumbling sound echoes, and a massive arm grabs the robot, throwing it away instantly and causing it to crash into a wall and explode.


A steel giant, even larger than these suicide robots, appears. Iron Man gets up from the ground and flies into the air. His expression becomes complex. "Damn it, what is this again? Where did they get so many robots?!!"


The steel giant rips one suicide robot in half, extracting the bomb from its chest. Rhodes also stands dumbfounded, wondering, "What's going on? How did they start attacking each other?!"


"Don't you see it yet?! They're not on the same side!" Captain America shouts.


The situation on the battlefield becomes extremely intricate. The superheroes have to deal with the suicide robots, preventing them from escaping and detonating. Meanwhile, this steel giant seems to only want to tear apart these robots.


For a moment, Iron Man doesn't know who to attack. Spider-Man immediately lashes out everyone, using his webs to trip the suicide robots while also throwing a punch at the steel giant.


After dealing with most of the suicide robots, either by throwing them away to explode or extracting their bombs, they breathe a sigh of relief. But then, another colossal figure appears on the rooftop of a nearby building. An enlarged version of a suicide robot jumps down, similarly painted in black and gold but more than three times the size of Iron Man's armor. Its landing causes a tremendous roar.


"Oh my god, what is this again? I've never seen so many robots in my life!" Peter says, "Are they like a family or something?"


Captain America walks over, holding his S.H.I.E.L.D.. "If that's the case, just looking at their size, you'll know who the son is."


"You didn't keep our agreement!" the robot that had just jumped down speaks.


"You cheat me..." the steel giant also speaks. Obviously, these two robots are being controlled by someone.


Stark has a shocked expression. He and Rhodes almost simultaneously exclaim, "Obie!" and "General Johnson!"


But before they can figure out what is happening, the two gigantic steel robots have already engaged each other in a fierce battle.


It is evident that although these two robots are powerful, the two pilots are clearly inexperienced, using brawling methods to fight, giving and receiving punches.


Iron Man stands still in mid-air, unsure who to aid. Jarvis has just completed voice analysis and confirmed that the speaker is indeed Obadiah. But what is going on? Are these suicide robots really not made by Obie? And what about General Johnson? Were they originally planning to join forces against him and ended up in conflict with each other???


Iron Man feels like he can't help anyone at the moment, so he just floats in mid-air watching them fight.


The Iron Monster throws a punch at General Johnson's mech. With a loud bang, the cockpit panel shatters. General Johnson takes a step back and waves his arm, saying, "Howard's lackey! Now you want to come out to protect his son! How ridiculous! When he wanted to shut down Stark's weapon department, he didn't bother to ask for his good uncle's opinion!"


"He never cares about your hard work, and now you want to be his security guard? That old Arnold was right. Howard Stark's only correct decision in his life was hiring you as a watchdog!"


The Iron Monster remains silent. Then, General Johnson takes another step back and says to Rhodes on the other side, "Look at this, this is your future! You all like to follow behind Stark, always at his beck. Friends? Ridiculous. If he truly considers you a friend, he wouldn't give you outdated technology!"


"Our friend here has been Howard's lapdog his whole life! What did he gain? He doesn't even dare to resist!"


Rhodes and Stark are about to respond when Jarvis issues a loud warning, "High-energy reaction detected! Evade immediately! Evade now! 3! 2..."


Instantly, a massive mushroom cloud erupts. General Johnson's mech explodes with a tremendous force. A crater several hundred meters wide is left on the ground, destroying half of a factory.


No one expects his determination. Iron Man can't evade in time, and his suit is almost demolished from the explosion. Rhodes' suit is completely destroyed. The Iron Monster has strong defense, but even it seems unable to stand properly.


Perhaps General Johnson had prepared in advance, as he is not killed in the blast despite being near its epicenter. He stands up from a safe compartment, holding a remote control in his hand.


"You may think it's over now, but in fact, it has just begun!" General Johnson says.


Iron Man is hit so hard that he is bleeding from his head. He wipes his eyes and helps Rhodes up from the wreckage. He says, "Your boss has quite a temper."


"Otherwise, how would he have pushed me to a dead end?" Rhodes replies self-deprecatingly.


"You still haven't learned your lesson, Colonel Rhodes! Howard promised things to Obadiah, but didn't fulfill any of them. He still only cares about his son. With a single word from little Stark, he can shut down the most important military system, destroying the lifelong efforts of the previous generation. How ridiculous!"


"For him, you repeatedly rejected my requests and only gave me outdated armor technology. But what did it bring you? You're nothing more than a sidekick to Iron Man. He shines while you remain in the shadows, just like Howard and Obadiah..."


"…the futile barking of a loser," a voice comes from the Iron Monster on the ground.


"We chose old Arnold because you are too stupid. After all these years, you haven't changed at all, so I never chose you, idiot."


Obadiah's voice sounds calm and light, not at all like they are on a battlefield, which infuriates General Johnson.


Gritting his teeth, he presses a button on the remote control. Dozens of robots fly over, smaller than the suicide-bomber robots but seemingly more advanced.


"Now you have no armor, but I do," General Johnson says. "Just like old Stark did years ago. He used his new invention to defeat me, and now it's my turn!"


"Cough... After all these years, you still haven't grasped one thing," Obadiah's voice comes through. "A shell of iron is utterly useless."


Hearing this, Stark exhales and relaxes his shoulder muscles. Speaking almost to himself, he says, "...perhaps he's right, they're all right. Just having a shell of iron is indeed useless. It won't make my life any better."


Rhodes stares ahead, the towering robots making them seem even smaller without their armor. He says, "Stop lamenting. Don't you think we should come up with a plan?"


Stark looks up at the army of robots surrounding them, then turns to Rhodes and asks,"Do you think we are like them?"


"No, you are even worse than your father."


On a scorched wasteland, being blasted into charred ruins, Stark lowers his head and touches his chest. Compared to the enormous robots across from them, they appear alone and weak. But Stark isn't worried in the slightest. His tone relaxes, as if he is chatting with an old friend.


Continuing on, in the pitch-black night, only the faint glow of the robots' eyes flickers,like scattered stars. Stark turns his head and asks Rhodes:


 "Would you want a cigarette?"

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