

In the aftermath of war, the struggle for survival begins. From the ruins, a warrior will rise.

Jujumaster · Fantasie
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16 Chs


Milner looked at Evelyn. She was shivering in fright.

"Please don't kill me" – said Evelyn.

"I gave you my word that I won't kill you. Get over it." – replied Milner.

"As a repentant, I expect you to make amends of your wicked ways" – said Milner.

"What do you want me to do?" – asked Evelyn.

"Do you have people you can trust to clean this mess we made here without leaking word of what they will see here?" – asked Milner.

"Yes. The security officials in this compound are highly patriotic and loyal to our country. I'm sure they can be trusted and won't say a word." – replied Evelyn.

Milner was glad to hear that from her. He let her go. She organized the security officials in the compound. She revealed to the security officials that the dead ministers betrayed the country and that's why they were dead. The security officials agreed not to say a word outside of what happened in the ministers' meeting room. Some security officials came into the room and cleared the mess and the corpses.

Milner followed Evelyn to her house. He was still in his knight armor. He explained to Evelyn that he had to follow her home to assure her safety because he didn't fully trust the security officials at the Supreme government building.

It was 00:20 AM, Milner was seated on a couch in Evelyn's sitting room. Evelyn joined him on the seat.

"Hope you don't mind. I'm always alone in this house, you are the only company I have had here in a long while." – said Evelyn to Milner.

"Don't sweat it." – replied Milner.

"We weren't the only ones supporting the Unds. It was a network of high level supporters from corners of this planet. There is still a strong supporter here, in this country." – revealed Evelyn.

"Who is that and what does the person do?" – asked Milner.

"His name is Mhilov and he is the leader of the Tohhzmbe grand Mafia. Every other mafia in Tohhzmbe answers to him. His mafia stole weapons and supplied it to the Unds for their operations." – said Evelyn.

"The Mafia must be taken down." – said Milner.

"How?" – asked Evelyn

"I will use you as bait today." – replied Milner.

Evelyn swallowed hard; she knew she had a tough day ahead.

"Do you know what happened to the survivors at Ohz?" – asked Milner.

"Intel told us that they became zombies and killed themselves. They accidently caused a gas explosion. Coming to think of it, I didn't ask who you are." – said Evelyn.

"It doesn't matter. Who was your intel?" – said Milner.

"A small intelligence crew that we the ministers assembled. They were just simple soldiers operating spy drones over Ohz. We disbanded them when we they reported that the zombies were all dead." – replied Evelyn.

Milner trusted that she was telling the truth. Evelyn spoke the truth.

Before coming to Evelyn's house, Evelyn and Milner planned on letting the public know what the ministers of the Supreme government had done. They scheduled for a live nationwide broadcast with Evelyn on video confessing of what her and her fellow ministers had done.

Evelyn was asleep in her bedroom. Milner was in the bedroom with her. He stayed awake to make sure she didn't runaway or commit suicide. Milner made sure she was really sleeping. Then, he began to meditate.

Milner awoke on the moonlike planet. Black_Riot76 was sitting on a sand mound.

"Don't you get tired of sitting there?" – asked Milner.

Black_Riot76 shook his head saying No.

"You didn't tell me real your name and your warrior name." – said Milner.

"I guess where you come from, they don't teach about the legends of the Black_Riot warriors." – said Black_Riot76.

"My name is Robert George. I'm from Planet Lanoth. I used to be a Black_Riot warrior but I'm dead now but then when I was alive, I was called Black_Riot76." – said Black_Riot76.

"Good to know. My name is Milner Black. I'm the current wielder of Riot Blade a.k.a Excalibur."

"We call these wielders Black_Riot and you are seventy seventh wielder. So, you are Black_Riot77." – said Black_Riot76.

"I came to seek advice from you. I almost died on my first mission but it was a success. One of ministers said that you were an exceptional being. I want to know what made you exceptional."

"I am a human being like you. I used my thinking and trusting in the power of Riot Blade to make myself exceptional. The power in that sword is great. It made your armor and it can make your armor attack resistant if you could always keep your mind synced with the sword." – said Black_Riot76.

"Alright. Thanks." – said Milner

"Remember, use your intelligence. You should also be careful in your dealings with people. Do you understand?" - said Black_Riot76.

Milner nodded. Milner drifted back to reality. It was 5:00am and Evelyn was still sleeping. Milner had to make sure Evelyn was at the TV station by 7:00am because the broadcast was scheduled to start by 7:05am.

Evelyn and Milner were at the TV station before 7:00am. Evelyn was soon put on live broadcast. She revealed to the public how she and her fellow ministers had betrayed the country.

Mhilov was in his fifties. He was five feet tall and had a fat frame with a pot belly. Mhilov was watching Evelyn's live broadcast. He was angered. He didn't think before he called his right hand henchman. The henchman came to Mhilov. The henchman's name was Ritchie. Ritchie was a dark in complexion, tall and muscular. He ordered Ritchie to make sure Evelyn was dead. Ritchie left to carry out his boss's order.

Evelyn was done with the broadcast. She sat as if waiting for someone in the TV station's Lobby.

A car stopped outside the lobby. There were two men and a woman in the car. They were the killers Ritchie sent to kill Evelyn. A man came down from the car wearing a trench coat. He walked up to Evelyn.

"Good day minister." – greeted the man as he attempted to inject her with poison.

Milner using his gifted speed swooped in and bundled the man away in a twinkle of an eye. The other killers in the car were surprised to see their colleague disappear. The two in the car came down. Evelyn wasn't looking their way; she didn't know they were there. She was in caught in anxiety and was still wondering what the man Milner took away wanted to do to her. The two killers pulled their guns and tried to aim at Evelyn but were interrupted by Milner who bundled them away using his super speed.

Milner came to Evelyn.

"What happened?" – asked Evelyn.

"Nothing much but you have to get to somewhere safe." – said Milner.

"I can't go anywhere, I am a wanted person now. I betrayed my country" – replied Evelyn.

"People think I'm Black_Riot76. I discovered that Black_Riot76 has a degree of power that is legally recognized in this country. I will flexed that power to keep the law of you. I want you to get to somewhere safe. You are still useful to me." – said Black_Riot76.

A security convoy arrived outside the lobby waiting for Evelyn.

"Thanks for everything" – said Evelyn.

"Before you go, report that vehicle" – said Milner as he pointed to the vehicle belonging to the killers. "The owners are under my custody." – continued Milner.

Evelyn boarded one of the cars in the convoy. The convoy left. Milner left the lobby in a heartbeat.

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