
black magic king with level 0

king killer

julianalilydemine · Fantasie
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21 Chs

new chapter

it's first day of school and everything look normal. velliam and novsitle enter in their class

students looking at their charm girl start think who are they hotie guys and boy also stunned

novsitle:- bro everyone looking at us

velliam:- your childish behavior doesn't suits your face act normal and talk like other students

novsitle:- hello I am new student novsitle I hope we become good friends

velliam:- I am velliam and I am glad I get chance to study with you guys

then some random student approach them

hi I am eddy and this is my friend Mike I hope you want to be our friend

velliam:- yes of course

eddy:- you are noble I didn't hear about you

velliam:- we are adopted son of formal general of this nation

mike:- eddy you don't talk about it. I hear formal general died in market and everything disappeared even whole market

eddy:- sorry

velliam:- don't worry

mike:- let go to our sit anyone can sit any where

then they along well and 1 period start

I am your teacher and I want to tell you that my name is Marcus and I will be your home room teacher

starting today you will going to live here and as we all know you will stay In one room with your one friend with same gender that mean sharing and by magic I will decide what is your room number

(then teacher give then their room key)

I think I give you all your room key and don't make mistake in this school if your family know you may get in trouble and remember your family reputation. careful girl and boy don't become Romeo or juliet you are here for study not relationship

now class today I will teach you ruling system of this continent. we have 5 continent and every continent have 10 nation and different type of species live here as you can see there are 80 % human and 20% other species. I hope you help each other even you are not from same nation and species. political system is. every family can become noble if they defeat ruling family in election. there is no gender you can rule as queen and king and if you win you have to do ritual of magic dragon then your magic level increase upto 25. once you win you can rule 10 years without any worry

(class start at 10:00 am and end at 3:00 am when they have to studies theory and now timing is 1:00 pm lunch time )

novsitle:- brother we have go for lunch come on

velliam:- I am coming wait

eddy:- this is cafeteria let's go friend

(then they talking about level)

eddy:- I am prince and 2 son in my family our nation name is tanline

mike:- I am 1 son and our nation name is julria

novsitle:- you are noble what is your level

eddy:- mine is 19 and mike have 20 and he is also good at studying

mike:- what is your level

novsitle:- I have 22 and velliam have zero

eddy:- how it's possible you are noble and you can't use magic

novsitle:- he have

velliam:- let me explain bro I have zero magic and I can use sword and knife so good

mike:- that not so bad but your hand are not rough

eddy:- stop it friends I finish my lunch let's go outside and take some fresh air

(then they go outside but things mess up)

novsitle:- look guys what happening

mike:- let's go and see

(when they reached their they saw a male student fighting with girl because she showing her friend tradition thing and male student start saying bad word about it and princess of this nation who is president of class trying to handle matter)

princess name is juliana

juliana:- stop it you can't make fun of traditional clothes

male student :- shut up don't you dare tell me what to do. do you know who I am

(he push juliana)

velliam:- he don't you know how to respect women and other culture. what kind of thing you learn form your parents how low level

male student:- you son of a

(then he hit velliam but he stop him and wishper something)

male student:- sorry I am sorry miss your traditional clothes is so bueatifull and sorry princess and velliam for hurting you

velliam:- no its nothing and I am glad you understand your mistake and my name is Jamie bro

(then they end their class and go to their room)