
Of Arms And Ammunition

Remember when I said "I wonder what it would be like if my life were a little more action packed?" Well, I did. But this isn't quite what I had in mind. So Revy, what say we go and show them all why we deserve to be feared, huh? It's time to show the world why Catherine "Cat" Lee is known as Double Tap. Rated NC17 because it is Black Lagoon. Several references and quotes are made to several other forms of media, and also maybe a video game or two? Which ones you may ask? Well, I guess you'll just have to read to find out. Would love to see what you think of it.

zachycards · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 1: Welcome To Roanapur

It was just a normal evening for me, as I found myself in my apartment, by myself, watching an episode of Black Lagoon.

Well, I had started watching the first few episodes of Black Lagoon, and was just finishing up watching episode 2.

"Man, that Revy really is crazy, I am sure glad I am not related to her," I said to myself out loud.

"To be honest though, my life is a little bit boring though, I kinda wish it were a little more action packed," I said to myself.

It was after episode 2 of Black Lagoon had finished, that I started feeling sleepy, so instead of going to bed, I just fell asleep on my couch.

Unfortunately, while I slept, I was soon about to embark on a journey, that would soon have me embracing emotions, that I never even knew I had.

When I woke up again, I found myself no longer on my couch, and no longer in my apartment.

As a matter of fact, I found myself in a bed, in what looked like a somewhat rundown room, with what appeared to be some workout equipment in it.

Well, when I say workout equipment, I mean that there was a set of weights in one corner of the room, and a bar at the foot of my bed that could be use for pull ups.

"This isn't my room," I said to myself out loud, and realizing immediately that the voice that came out of my mouth was not only feminine in nature, but also had quite a bit of bite to it.

It was at this point, that I looked down at myself, and was shocked by what I saw.

I was not only very fit, and had a tattoo of what I could only assume would be a saber, on each of my forearms, but I also seemed to be wearing a bra, and a skimpy one at that.

It was before I could admire my body further, that I heard a familiar sounding voice from the sheets next to me. "Sis, is it morning already?" she asked.

I immediately recognized the voice, and started to shake with immense fear, knowing full well who the voice belonged to.

And sure enough, one Rebecca "Revy" Lee, or "Two Hands" as she was nicknamed, came out from under the covers.

It was then that I realized what had happened, but my mind really didn't want to process it.

I was now stuck in the anime world of Black Lagoon, and was now the sister of Revy.

As in one of the most bat shit crazy and insane female anime characters ever.

This was going to be a very hard pill for me to swallow, and also was going to be a complete ride through hell itself.

But, seeing as how I was here, I might as well make the best of it.

I then decided to speak up.

"Yes sis, it is," I said, matter of factly.

However, before I could say anything more to Revy, a person came to the bedroom door, who I immediately recognized as Dutch.

He said that we had a job from Balalaika to go and get a disk from a cargo ship.

I knew, that from watching the first episode, that this was when we would meet Rock.

However, I had only managed to watch the first two episodes of the anime before winding up here, so anything after episode two, would be me being essentially thrown to the wolves.

However, if I had to put my money on it, seeing as how I was now Revy's sister, I would assume that like her, I also had a lot of experience handling different types of firearms and the like.

However, I wouldn't know for sure, until I got further into the events that lay ahead.

And so, as we both got dressed, and she holstered her Beretta 92FM's with their skull and crossbone grips. I then got dressed into my usual outfit, which to be honest, like the bra I was wearing in bed, and like Revy's usual outfit, was quite skimpy.

It was a low cut ocean blue tank top that showed off my midsection, way too short jean shorts, and military combat boots with a combat knife holstered into the side one of them.

I then grabbed my two modified pistols, which were modified Beretta M9's with saber grips.

And to tell you the truth, they would wind up feeling very comfortable in my hands, largely because with all the experience I had had over the years, what with me and Revy having to survive back in New York and the like.

All three of us, along with Benny, then jumped aboard the torpedo boat, and headed off towards the cargo ship.

Okay, all thoughts considered, this actually wasn't bad at all. Especially since I was slowly beginning to remember memories of me and Revy, and the gruesome past that we had shared together.

I finally understood why Revy was as bat shit crazy as she was.

And to be honest, I found myself wanting to act that way too.

So, rather then fight this feeling, like any rational person would, and seeing as how someone like Revy wasn't one to be afraid to express herself given the opportunity.

I decided to embrace the madness, as in, like sis, use all of that hidden aggression from back then and how poorly we were both treated, to use it as fuel to drive my ambition.

In order to not only hone my years of experience, but to also remind people why I had earned the nickname of "Double Tap".

And as the torpedo boat slowed, indicating that we had reached our destination, and with Dutch, me, and Revy disembarking.

I knew that this was only the beginning of what would be a literal ride through hell.

Man, talk about taking the ship huh?

Well, what do you expect when no one on board had been expecting us to simply pop in uninvited, not to mention that from what I had seen from watching the first episode, we were only there to collect the disk for Balalaika.

But, that didn't mean that I couldn't have some fun later on, as it would become apparent.

Okay, let me be straight with you, the anime really didn't do this place justice.

But, the five of us, well, four of us anyways, seemed to manage inside of the Yellow Flag just fine.

Me and Revy were busy downing rum shot after rum shot.

Rock however, was a bit more scared of his surroundings then anything else.

But, after some coaxing from Revy, and some downing of alcohol, he managed to loosen up a bit.

However, this was all suddenly interrupted, when several mercenaries decided to pop by, and start shooting up the place.

This prompted me and Revy, to do what we did best.

And after the two of us had taken out 2 of the mercenaries each, using our respective pistols, and me capping my two respective mercenaries twice each in the head, leapt behind the bar.

Which thankfully, from what I knew from watching the anime, was bulletproof.

And after we each had reloaded the magazines of our respective pistols, whilst getting an earful from Bao, the owner of the Yellow Flag. And with gunfire still pounding endlessly against the bar. Revy then leapt and jumped forward over the bar, capping two more people in the head, with me following a split second later, each of us with a crazy smile on each of our faces.

"Now sis, you need to save some of them for me, don't go hogging them all now!" I said as I smiled a crazy smile.

"Alright sis, I'll do my best, just do try to keep up!" Revy responded back with a crazy grin on her face.

And with our words exchanged, we then proceeded to pump several dozen rounds from our pistols into several of the mercenaries present in the bar.

However, despite our best efforts, we realized that their were too many of them.

And with Dutch signalling to us that it was time to leave, we both bolted out of there, into the car, and away from the Yellow Flag.

Man, talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place huh?

Anyway, bad jokes aside, it really did seem, well to everyone except Rock and I anyways, that this was the end for everyone on board the torpedo boat.

However, unbeknownst to everyone else, I knew, from watching the second episode of the show, that Rock had a plan, that would get us out of this.

But, I am getting a little ahead of myself, let's wind the clock back a little bit to before this all got to this point shall we?

Okay, so I know that Rock had done this at the end of the first episode of the show, but like Revy, that sort of all went out the window when he took one of the guns on the deck of the boat and threw it at the helicopter gunship in a desperate fit of anger.

After he had done this, both me and Revy pretty much lost it emotionally.

However, before I could do anything to Rock, in terms of taking any sort of anger out on him for taking an expensive gun and just chucking at the gunship like it was a piece of garbage, Revy decided to take the initiative first and put him in a restraining hold, whilst yelling at him that that gun wasn't cheap, and a look that could kill.

"Well, sis, it is good to see that you had the decency to tell him how I also felt about it, because to tell you the truth, I would've been far less kind about it to him then you just were," I thought to myself, with a dull expression and frown present on my face.

Well, here we are, all caught up. And to tell you the honest truth, the situation we were all in doesn't seem to be any better.

But, that was all going to change real soon.

And not having heard Rock's plan in full detail when I had watched the actual show, hearing it in full detail for real was not only awe inspiring, but it was something that actually made me respect him a little bit more as a person, though I didn't show it externally or emotionally.

Because as Benny explained, at top speed, the boat hydroplaned just enough to where we would be able to use the sunken ship as a ramp, which would enable two of the boats torpedoes to be launched at the helicopter gunship.

And thankfully, having seen the episode, as we passed by the helicopter, just as the two torpedoes hit their marks, one of them struck the pilot dead in the face.

It was a shame though that I wasn't able to see it for myself, because to tell you the honest truth, he very much deserved it.

However, before the torpedo boat came back down again, most of us, well anyone who wasn't fastened in or was standing up, was sent hurtling towards the back of the boat. And once the boat had come back down again, Revy was upside down, ass up, and against the back bulkhead wall.

I was not any better, as I was right beside her, sitting face up, having slammed my back hard against the back bulkhead wall, and yet, surprisingly, was banged up, but not terribly injured.

A little later on, at the meeting point with Balalaika and several people from Asahi Industries, Balalaika said that we had done our job well.

But, after Rock's boss, well, soon to be former boss, told him that it was time for him to return to Japan, not surprisingly to me, he decided to refuse the offer, and instead stay with us.

It was then however, that I realized, that as far as my knowledge of the series went, this was it.

Anything after this point, was completely unknown for me as far as any sort of advantages went with regards to knowledge.

But, my hope was, that as long as I stuck with Revy and everyone else, and along with my years of acquired experience, I would find a way to the end of this series, hopefully without winding up dead on the other side.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

zachycardscreators' thoughts