
Black Clover: Tenno

Through a twist of fate a 16 year old boy is reincarnated into the world he admires most, Black Clover.

0BlackRabbit0 · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

The Measurements

"Made it."

Kuro finally entered the orbiter after the whole magic going out of control ordeal.

"Alright, let's take a look around.." He began to walk deeper inside. ahead of him was the cockpit.

It showed holograms of what was in shop or the current primes just like in the game. "Did you really make it so it'll update?"

"Pretty much!" Mori said looking through Kuro's vision like always.

Kuro wiped a fake tear away and continued his journey through his new orbiter. going down the middle, the floor lowered to show the work stations and two separate halls at the end, in the middle of the halls there was a station like thing that looked as if it was meant for his warframes.

He walked past all the broken machines that would need fixing later towards and down the right hall. three closed doors were shut tight.

On the far end of the left hall he saw red lights with tentacle like things on the floor squirming around. 'Sea monkeys..'

Kuro chuckled at his own lame joke while Mori sighed hearing it. In the center of the space stood a door that was closed as well which he could only assume was the operator's power room or something like that.

Last the door closest to him was locked as well. From what he could remember from his distorted memories, was the sleeping quarters.

Kuro went back towards the crafting stations with a smile on his face. "Hey Ordis, if you don't mind then fix up the broken machines."

"Not at all Operator, this will take up all of your materials except the warframe components and materials required to craft it, do you still wish to proceed?"

"That's better than what I was expecting, but how am I going to get all those materials back.." Kuro looked towards the broken machines with a slightly grim expression on his face.

"Why not use that wish, eh? eh?"

"I refuse." Kuro said flatly.

"Wha? Why?!" Mori yelled out.

"I'm not using my wish on something like that, I'm not that desperate." Kuro sighed and continued walking around.

Kuro clearly knew the answer if he wished for something like that, how would he get the thing he wanted most that wasn't even in that world.

"If it really troubles you that much I could grant you another wish for a price?" Mori said the last words with a bit of mischievousness which didn't go unnoticed but Kuro.

"*Sigh* What would this price be my dear death goddess?"

Mori smiled seeing that she caught his attention. "How about using that wish to go into warframe? Instead of going the easy route..you wish for some way to send you there for a limited time?"

Kuro remembered getting devoured by infested. It shook him down to his core, but risk wouldn't go without reward. "Before I decide would I get anything other than Materials? I really don't need to build myself warframes considering my grimoire unlocks them just by absorbing magic.."

Mori nodded her head understanding that he didn't need to make warframes, he could just absorb magic to get them but that didn't mean she would give up on the idea. "Alright, let's think things through. How about partners?"

"Now it just sounds like you're trying to tempt me Mori."

Mori started coughing heavily and making over exaggerated sounds as if she's been offended. "I would never! Kuro think of one time I made you do something you didn't!"

"Made me join the bulls, bother with the royalty girl, and oh don't forget trying to tempt me earlier." Kuro deadpanned at Mori, he heard sounds of glass breaking each time he recounted the times.

Her tone then changed into a semi desperate one. "Kuro please, it's so damn boring on this side!"

Kuro sighed, he knew she wasn't going to give up. Last he heard, she was bored on the other side and craved action. "Fine ask my grimoire, maybe it'll do something magical for you and answer your questions."

"Kuro, it's a book." Mori said.

"A magical book my goddess."

The goddess sighed before giving out a useless attempt. "Oh wise and powerful grimoire, please grant this goddess the wish of none boredom!"

Nothing happened at first but after a minute or so Kuro's grimoire appeared and opened itself, it begun to shine brightly. When the light went away Kuro saw a new spell.

"What the fuck, what the actual fuck?" He looked at his grimoire listlessly.

"HAHAHA!" the goddess began to laugh 'evilly' at her victory.

Kuro sighed for the umpteenth time today and stared at the new spell. "So I can go to 'that place' now. Still it has a time limit of 3 days and time flows faster there."

"Yet, how am I supposed to make it so others can operate them.."

Mori furrowed her eyebrows. "Mana you idiot, they may not be tenno but you could go off of that, maybe.."

"You're going off of a thought..whatever, Ordis proceed with fixing the machines, I'll be back in a bit. Contact me when the machines are repaired."

"Of course, Operator." Not long after the sound of tools working resounded through the Orbiter.

Mori started celebrating her victory which earned herself a Kuro rolling his eyes.

"Right. Mori bring out Hydroid's blueprints and materials, That's the warframe I'm choosing."

"As you wish oh lord Usagi!"


Finishing everything in the orbiter, Kuro walked back into the Black Bulls hideout. He had promised a certain Silva he'd try his best to help her with the magic power not being under control problem.

"Noelle, you here?" Kuro started to walk around the building until he saw her on the couch next to a drunk Vanessa.

"Noelle, give me your measurements."

Hearing those words Noelle looked at Kuro with a red face. "Pervert, why do you need them?!"

"I told you I'd help with your magic power situation, so give me your measurements." Kuro spoke, blankly staring at her.

"How does this have anything to do with magic power?" Noelle kept giving him a dirty look while Vanessa watched with an amused look on her face.

"Do you want the help or not? whether you like it or not I need them. I'll take them by force if I have to." A dark smile formed on his face towards the end as he pulled out measuring tape out of nowhere, making it seem as if he's been waiting for this moment all along.

"N-No, I'll find another way!" Noelle yelled and crossed her arms over her chest, she wasn't confident in those words but there was no way she was going to give him her measurements or let him take them.

"Looks like we're doing this the hard way." Kuro's eyes shined a bit before he turned towards Vanessa who only nodded her head.

[Thread Magic: Binding]

Vanessa used her thread magic to tie Noelle's arms and legs to one another. "How can you betray me like this?!"

Kuro walked steadily towards Noelle while Vanessa continued to watch in the background.

"N-No! I am r-royalty stop right there! No, no, KYAA-"


Noelle was now sitting across the room staring at Kuro and Vanessa with a dirty look. 'I will have my day!'

The two culprits ignored her and continued to look at Noelle's measurements. Kuro slightly whistled looking at them, Noelle only made some inaudible sounds in response.

Vanessa decided to ask a question. "So what did you really need them for?"

"Like I said before, I needed them to help her control her magic, but she had to make things difficult." Kuro said those words looking at Noelle for a few seconds before going back to what he was doing.

"*Hic* So that wasn't a lie, how do you plan to do that?" Vanessa got closer to Kuro, ending up with her pushing his arm between her breast.

"Don't know yet, I only have an idea of what I want but it'll take some time. If I'm lucky then at most it'll be done within three days, if not then within or a week or more" Kuro said trying to ignore the situation his arm was in.

Vanessa nodded her while Noelle decided to come over and join the party. "Will this really help me?"

"I'm confident it will, anyways where are the others?" Kuro asked after noticing he had everything he needed.

"Magna and Yami went to play a card game in some village while the others are out doing things"

Kuro nodded his head before standing up and headed for the door. "I'll see you two later, thanks for the cooperating with me Noelle"

Kuro quickly left hearing a yell from Noelle, now that he got what he needed from the silver haired girl he can get back work.


-Back Inside the orbiter-

"Ordis, I need you to start the process of building Hydroid but give it a female build with these measurements." Kuro started calling them out towards his helpful Cephalon, and a minute later he could hear the crafting station starting the process.

Once he made sure there was nothing else on the list of things to do, he walked towards the radio and turned it on and proceeded to search the market for anything new. Soon a smooth feminine voice began coming out of the radio making Kuro let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"It's about that time dreamers.."

It's been a while since I've worked on this!

I wanted to release a chapter for this fanfic after reading a couple chapters, not gonna lie I'm quite proud of it so I'll be working on it from time to time when I can't think of anything for the demon slayer story.

Check it out, it's called Wisteria.

0BlackRabbit0creators' thoughts