After Being hit by a fast moving object a simple man gets to meet a Rob who agrees to fulfil a request or two from the simple man Let’s watch the journey of the Simple man to world Strongest Wizard. I don’t own anything other then my OCs
Minato's sister - Asa Namikaze ~ 2 years old >She's a year older then Astra< (Image here ->
~2 Year Time-skip~
~Minato POV~
"Big Brother!, Big Brother!" I hear someone shout awaking me from my slumber.
Peaking open my eyes I spot my baby sister, basically jumping onto me trying to wake me up.
"I'm awake" I tell her, a slight smile coming into my face.
"Finally, lazy big brother" My baby sister complains with a pout.
"Oh who you calling lazy" I say sitting up and picking her up and putting her on my shoulder.
"Ah!, put me down" Asa yells hitting her tiny fists into my back as I carry her on my shoulder.
"Nope" I state heading towards the kitchen.
"I'm telling mommy your being mean again" Asa tells me looking far to smug.
"*Gasp* you wouldn't" I say in false offence.
"I would" She says with a grin.
"Good, I raised you well young one" I say sagely. "Have you woke up Kashi yet?"
"Noooo" Asa draws out. "He's even lazier then you"
"Ah let's wake him up together" I say changing my path to Kashi's room.
Getting to Kashi's door, I place Asa on the ground and bust open the door.
"KASHI!" I yell, "GET UP"
I see Kashi nearly leap out of his bed and get into a fighting stance, looking around for an enemy attack.
"Hahaha, look at his face big brother" Asa cry's out dying of laughter.
I see Kashi's shoulders slump, as he figures out what's going on.
"I'm going back to bed" Kashi says making his way to his bed again.
"Nooo, mommy say you have to get up for breakfast" Asa tells him, while also giving him her mightiest glare.
"Okay, okay. I'm coming" Kashi says.
"Let's go then" I say picking Asa back up and putting her on my shoulder again.
"HEY!, put me down" she complains.
"Some days I wonder why your parents bothered to have her" Kashi complains from beside me.
"*Sigh* Me too" I agree with a light smile.
"Don't bully me" Asa says with another pout.
We make it to the kitchen to see both mom and dad already waiting for us with our breakfast already on the table.
"What are you boys doing today?" My dad asks us.
"Nothing much, we'll probably just work in our magic, To prepare for our grimoires in a few months" I tell him
"When can I use magic?" Asa asks/complains.
"When your ready" I tell her.
"When's that?" She continues.
"That's up too you" I answer.
"But I want my magic now" Asa complains.
"Now Asa don't complain, you magic will come to you when it's ready" my mom interjects before Asa can complain any more.
~Scene Change~
"Ah, that hits the spot" I groan out, after doing my stretches.
"What we doing today?" Kashi asks.
"Anything really, we can just do the normal routine" I answer him.
"Got it" Kashi reply's going off to do his physical workout.
"Big brother!" I hear Asa call out, looking towards her voice I see her running towards me as fast as her little legs can carry her.
"Yes?" I reply as she gets close to me.
She takes a moment to catch her breath before answering. "I wanna train too"
"Oh really?" I tilt my head to the side wondering if it's a good idea.
"Yes, I wanna be as stronger as big brother and brother Kashi" Asa says with fire in her eyes.
"Okay then, let's train together" I say, getting into a push up position. "Copy me"
"One" I say doing one push up, Asa copy's me even though She struggles to do one push up.
"Three" *Thud* I see Asa laying on the ground struggling to get back up.
"Three push ups that's quite impressive" I tell giving her a smile.
"Really?" Asa questions looking all excited and adorable.
"Yeah" I tell her then I lean in just. "Don't tell Kashi I told you this but he couldn't even do two when he was 10 years old" I whisper.
"Really?" Asa whispers back.
"Yeah" I whisper in return, as she lets out a few giggles.
"Come let's annoy dad" I say picking her up and resting her on my hip.
~The Next Day~
"Minato, come here for a tick" My dad calls to me.
"Yeah, what do you need?" I ask standing next to him.
"Haha" He begins rubbing the back of his neck. "Well you see your mothers sister is-
"MOM HAS A SISTER?!?" I shout in shock, "why wasn't I told she had family members?"
"HaHa, well they aren't really that close. We were pretty young when we got married and her family didn't approve" Dad tells me.
"They didn't approve of their daughter marrying into the wealthiest family alive?" I question doubting that they would jump at the chance.
"No well it's more like, they didn't enough money for her. You see they wanted it to be a trade, your mother for how every much they decide" Dad tells me in a grim tone.
"That's rather disturbing, if someone ever tried to do that to Asa or my own daughter. They'd get a [Rasengan] to the face" I reply heatedly.
"I agree and so does your mother. So we cut them out of our lives and lived happily ever after" dad say with a goofy grin.
"Anyways, I just wanted you to be prepared in case her sister or something try's anything okay?" Dad tells me.
"I got" I say giving him a big grin. "I know just what to do"
"What's that?" My dad asks confused.
"I'm gonna....Ignore the Bitch" I tell him walking off.
"Language Minato" Dad shouts after me, making me let out a bark of laughter.
~End of Chapter~