
Path to nowhere is here

Stand name positive and negative.

Stand user is Luvia Ray. 

Stand description is a stand that changes form based on the personality in control one is a gentle android. Maid and the other is a terrifying she beast from cyberpunk. Which colour scheme is a magnet and it reverses on it self when switch happens.

Stand abilities are the positive version can heal and raise the power of allies and can repel thing whilst the violent side can attract and can do a lot of damage's. 

Stand stats are the same as yellow temperance but potential is way higher. 

Stand name is bad reputation.

The stand user is Zoya 

Stand description is a female is full metal and overall skull design with a ton of spikes and there in the form of devil horns.

Stand abilities are when it's horns puncture something or someone they can leave behind a negative/painful feeling which becomes the real manifestation of it.

Is comparable to C-Moon by stats.

Stand user is Oliver. 

Stand name is master of puppets.

Stand design is that of "Kawai." Stuffed toy mixed with a spinning needle. Also has two long protruding metallic claws.

Stand abilities are the stings are biologically the same to a. Male human nerv system and anything which is attacked by the. Razor sharp stings becomes the user puppet and we how dubbed this as "parasite sting."

The stand stats are the same Kiss.