Kaiser x Ness find happiness in normal day to day activities and maybe something more
The train was more packed than it usually was. Of course, Ness didn't really mind. His thoughts were far too occupied with his excitement for the game he was getting to go watch with Kaiser. Actually, he was certain that he was more excited just to be able to spend time with him. He loved to watch soccer, especially if it was Yoichi Isagi playing. The truth was that he had begun to enjoy just being near him more and more.
Ness had been spending a lot more time with him, actually. hey were currently on a break from playing soccer. It was a much needed break, and if anything it was nice to be able to live a bit outside of the sport. However both Kaiser and he himself came to realize after a bit that it was by no means truly over for them. They had things they wanted to do still in soccer, games that they wanted to play.. and most of all they wanted to find a way to outshine Yoichi Isagi.
It had been a bit of a slow transition for Ness. At first, his only motivation in playing the game was to allow Kaiser to shine. As long as Kaiser rose to the top, nothing else had really mattered. Until at least, Kaiser hit rock bottom. After that, he had to really think about why he was playing this sport. It had been difficult, but slowly he came to realize that he wanted to make the impossible happen too. Even if it wasn't with Kaiser.
Yet they didn't leave each other. If anything, Ness had noticed that their bond had actually gotten stronger. It made him stupidly happy, so naturally it was understandable why he was so thrilled to have been invited out to watch a game with him. Especially if it was a game where Yoichi was playing.
Ness stared down at his phone, ignoring the bumps from the train coming to a stop. He only had a few more stops to go before he reached his destination, and it was only a few more stops until he got to see Kaiser again. He felt that giddy happiness swell up inside of him again. It was almost like a magic spell that Kaiser had put on him, not that he particularly minded.
Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed that he had arrived at his destination. Ness quickly and rather quietly slid out of the train car, past the passes of people who were climbing in. Once he was properly on the platform he looked around, trying to see if Kaiser was already here or not. It didn't seem like it was, so he sent a message on his phone and sat himself on one of the benches by the exit. It seemed like the most likely spot that Kaiser would be able to see him from. He then proceeded to pass the time by playing a mobile game on his phone. It seemed like the best use of time for him, and he wasn't going to deny himself that. It was better than just thinking about him after all.
After only a few minuets, someone had grabbed Ness's phone right from his hands. He looked upward with those puppy like eyes, only for a smile to form on his face. Kaiser looked down at him, holding the phone with an rather nonchalant cool expression.
Kaiser was dressed in a loose button down with baggy black pants. He had done his makeup, the signature red eyeshadow accenting his eyes perfectly as always. Ness had always admired how good he looked, no matter what he wore. Any aesthetic he was in, he always just looked so cool. It was hard not to admire someone like that, even if he did have his faults.
"You ready?" He asked, handing back the phone rather nonchalantly.
"Yes sir!" Ness replied back rather enthusiastically. Kaiser just nodded and they began to walk together.
"Do you want to get something to eat or drink before we go in? The damned stadium food is always so expensive." Kaiser asked him, glancing down from behind his sunglasses once they emerged from the station. It was a surprisingly cool day for summer, which was rather nice. The sun was out but there was a consistent breeze that made it feel cooler than it actually was. It had been raining so much lately; it was nice to have a break from that.
"Yes, that sounds nice. Do you have some place in mind?" Ness asked, his hands behind his back as he walked.
"There's this new coffee shop I wanted to check out." Kaiser was being much more polite than usual it seemed. Although that wasn't a bad thing by any means. He was actually rather happy that he seemed to be in a such a good mood.
"Sounds good to me." Ness hummed, although he knew that he wasn't really being asked if it was okay with him or not. So the two of them walked together to go to this new coffee shop. It was a Japanese styled coffee shop, and it had some really cute pastries and candies on display. It was pretty small, but packed with people. Kaiser made a face, clearly debating whether or not it would be work the wait. In the end he got in line with Ness. It took less time than Ness had thought it would to get to the front of the line. Kaiser got some fancy whipped coffee drink, and Ness just got a fruit tea. They moved off to the side together to wait.
While waiting, it seemed that the crow became even thicker. Soon Ness was pushed right up against Kaiser. Ness was about to apologize, however he stopped himself. It was only then that he had noticed that Kaiser had put his hand on his shoulder and moved him closer to avoid getting bumped into more. His face grew hot, but he didn't say anything and merely stood quietly by him, afraid for this moment to end. He was almost devastated when their names were called to collect their orders.
Once back outside, Kaiser removed his hand and they continued to walk together. The stadium was only about two blocks away, thankfully. They got there without much trouble. Kaiser pulled up the tickets for their seats for them, and soon the two were up and seated. They had gotten a private box, more or less because Kaiser most definitely would refuse to sit amongst everyone else. It was probably better that way too, the box had shade that the regular stadium seats did not have.
Ness wished that he paid more attention to the game. Yet every time his eyes laid onto the green field, his thoughts seemed to wander. He couldn't just watch Yoichi out there, but rather envisioned himself down there, playing alongside of Kaiser. He thought of how he would assist Kaiser if he would be down there, how they could take advantage of the other team so easily. Naturally, Yoichi played savagely. He always did. It was weird seeing your own team play without you, to see what they were capable of even with their star players. Kaiser didn't make a sound as he watched, his eyes focused ever so intensely on Yoichi Isagi.
It made Ness jealous.
Not that he had any real right to be jealous, of course. Kaiser viewed Yoichi as a rival, as someone in his way. Even if they played on the same team, there was a competition between them that Ness could only vaguely understand. Regardless, seeing Kaiser's thoughts so occupied with another.. it hurt a little bit. Even if he had no right to feel so sad over it.
In a blink of an eye, intermission came. Kaiser leaned back in his seat, sighing deeply as if he had been holding his breath the whole time. Ness stood up, a smile on his face as always.
"Kaiser sir would you like me to go get you something to drink or eat?" He asked, realizing he came off a bit formal there. Kaiser turned towards Ness and shook his head no, his gaze going back towards the field.
"Ness..." He began, Kaiser's voice surprisingly calm despite everything. It took Ness by surprise. "I want to be back on that field with you again."
Ness paused, however that warm happiness seemed to flutter up in his stomach again. Kaiser looked at him, and Ness looked back at him with a warm smile.
"I miss it too. We will be back there soon." Ness reassured. Kaiser paused, looking him over before he suddenly waved him over. Ness walked closer, feeling almost intimidated by how intense Kaiser looked suddenly.
"You better mean that. Sit here for the rest of the match. Watch carefully and take notes." Kaiser pushed Ness down so he was sitting right next to him, shoving pen and paper into his hands. Ness nodded and looked forward, back towards the field. He couldn't help but keep noticing the warmth next to him. Eventually, once the game started again, his heart rate steadied once more and he could focus.
The game was nothing too remarkable to watch. Yoichi played well, and the other team, though they fought hard, had little chance against Bastard Muchen as they were now. Even without Kaiser and Ness there... Of course, this wasn't much of a true game anyways. It was a practice match anyways, just one that was set up to seem like a real match. After the game, Kaiser sat back and thought for a long time. Ness sat along side of him, looking through his notes.
"Lets go home." Kaiser announced after he had clearly finished thinking. He stood up and offered a hand to Ness, who gladly took it. "You can come stay at my place tonight. It's not as far."
"Okay. Thank you." Ness said with a smile on his face. Suddenly, Kaiser turned around. It felt like it all happened in slow motion, but Kaiser wrapped his arms around Ness tightly, holding him there, inside the quiet little box of theirs. "Kaiser?" Ness asked, feeling himself grow flustered.
"Sorry.. I just, want to stay like this for a minute." He breathed, his face burying into the crook of Ness's neck. The midfielder sighed and smiled, reaching up and wrapping his arms around the blonde striker.
"Okay. You stay as long as you would like." Ness mused, his voice soft and calm. "Don't worry... we will be back on the field together soon. I won't leave you, Kaiser. Don' worry."
Tee hee Kainess gives me brain rot always. I think it would be interesting to see what it would be like if they were not playing. Recently I saw the Haikyu Movie, and I love how we get to see other characters watch the games and anaylize them from the side lines, so I wanted to play around with that this time! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Please comment, leave a review, or anything if you have enjoyed this!