
Bit by bit Manual for Learning the Specialty of Tantric Sex!

Sex is a fundamental piece of life, and a movement should be performed by grown-ups for their actual prosperity, however for their psychological prosperity as well. In this day and age, where we have all become used to our unquestionably rushed ways of life, even 24 hours don't appear to be adequate. Attempting to shuffle between their work and public activity, as a general rule, individuals will quite often abandon their sex lives. Sexless relationships have been developing at a disturbing rate in the new past, where the couple takes part in nearly nothing or even no sex. Sex is fundamental for having a mentally and truly sustaining relationship.

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Prepare Your Body

According to the teachings of Tantric sex, your body is a temple of love, so it is very important to keep it in good health. You will need to maintain your fitness if you want to experience higher levels of ecstasy. You will discover a variety of helpful hints for maintaining a fit and healthy body in this chapter.

If you want to make it easier for your body's energy to move, you can use certain yoga positions. You can channel sexual energy in your body and keep it under control with the help of the practices described in this chapter.

We frequently have a tendency to disregard our bodies. We don't think about it, and we don't realize that the body is the link between you and bliss. If you want to reach a higher level of bliss, you will need to worship your body and treat it with the care and love it deserves. Through the looking glass, you can learn to love your body more. One of the most important things you need to do to get ready for Tantric sex is to let go of all the bad things you think about your body. In order to determine whether or not your genitals are in good health, you will need to examine every part of your body. Simply tell yourself that you are curvy if you think you are overweight. If you want to let go of any negative feelings you may have about your body and instead enjoy yourself and have fun while having sex, you need to do this on a regular basis.

When was the most recent time you saw yourself completely naked? Try exposing yourself in front of a mirror that is full length. If you'd like, you can do this after taking a shower. Examine every inch of your body closely. Start with your feet and work your way up to your head. If you notice that you are praising yourself instead of criticizing yourself, you should immediately stop. Make a positive thought out of every negative thought. Think that you have a luscious figure even if you think that your thighs or ass are fat. You shouldn't be concerned about how you look. Change every negative emotion into something positive.

Next, examine your genitalia. You should pay close attention to the colors, shape, and amount of moisture in particular areas of your genitals. If you want to feel good about your body, you need to do this.

Your first chakra, the base chakra at the end of your spine, and the anal region can all be seen. You need to take some time to observe this chakra in the same way that you observe your genitals because it gives you the impression of security. If necessary, utilize two mirrors. The connection between tantric sex and yoga Yoga is probably one of the best ways to get your body ready for Tantric sex. Tantric sex and yoga share many similarities. As a result, it should not come as a surprise that the majority of Tantric masters are also skilled in yoga. Gaining control over their bodies will be made easier by learning yoga.

You will also be able to control your mind and body with the help of yoga. Additionally, it will assist you in controlling your movements. You will be able to control your ejaculation and experience multiple orgasms if you take control of your body. Both your sexual life and your health will benefit from this. Simple yoga moves This section will teach you a few basic yoga poses that you can do to boost your endurance and overall health. You will learn about the various tantric exercises that you and your partner can perform together in the following section. Your level of intimacy and familiarity with one another will rise as a result of this.

The Head Lift: Before you do this, make sure you stand up straight. Then, tilt your head so that it looks like a string coming from the sky is pulling it up. You will need to inhale through your nose with your mouth closed. Make sure to move your shoulder blades backward when you inhale to give the impression that they are attempting to touch each other. Your feet should feel like they are firmly planted on the ground. Repeat this procedure after you have relaxed your stance.

The cobra pose can be performed on a yoga mat or the floor. Now stretch out your body so that your stomach touches the floor. After that, position your hands underneath your shoulders so that your elbows are pointing backward. Lift your chest off the ground and tilt your head in a curved position. Make sure your gaze is directed upward. The pose should resemble that of a cobra about to attack. Repeat this procedure after you have relaxed your stance.

The Cat pose: After completing the Cobra pose, you will need to slowly rise from your knees and gently lower your head. Stretch your spine in the opposite direction that you did in Cobra pose so that it looks like you are crouching.

The resting pose Following completion of the Cat pose, you must assume the Cobra pose.

Arms should be extended outward. Inhale deeply and openly. Make sure your chest is touching your knees and your forehead is on the ground. Tantric exercises You can begin practicing a few exercises and breathing techniques that will assist you in making your sexual experience even better if you want to add some leverage to your practice of Tantric sex. These exercises and breathing techniques are best done with someone else, but you can also do them on your own. In this section, we've talked about these breathing exercises.

Shoulder stand While shoulder stands make it easier for women to perform the various Tantric poses, men can also practice them. The person will need to lie flat on a mat or even the floor with their legs straight and their hands by their sides in order to do a simple shoulder pose. After that, the person will have to lift their legs at an angle of 90 degrees so that their upper torso stays firmly attached to the ground. For support, their hands should be placed on their backs and their legs should be lifted a little higher than their lower back. Putting this strategy into practice will help you develop the flexibility you need to take on a variety of Tantric sex positions.

Boat pose: This pose is helpful for women once more. The person doing this pose should sit with their legs outstretched and their back straight. After that, the individual will need to raise their legs at an angle of 45 degrees and then stretch their hands outward so that their fingers point toward their feet. Try to hold this pose for three minutes before relaxing. Five times, do this pose.

The hamstring muscles can be stretched in this three-legged dog pose, which is frequently used in Tantric sex. The person must lie on their stomach on a mat with their hands on their sides to perform this pose. Place your palms next to your chest and use your toes to support your feet.

Lift your body so that your toes are supporting your weight. Your body should appear to be forming a triangle in this position, with the floor serving as the base. After that, the right leg needs to be slowly raised up. Lift one leg as high as your body will allow. Then, using the other leg, return to the neutral position. Bridge pose is a pose that works for both men and women. You will need to lie on your back and bend your legs so that your knees are pointing upwards in order to perform this technique. Place your feet close to your stomach. You should raise your lower torso and place your hands on either side of your body for support. Five times, do this.

Kegels The pelvic muscles of women will be strengthened by this pose. This helps make the pelvic muscles grip tighter and makes the vaginal passage look tighter, making the experience for both parties much more exciting. The woman will need to focus on the vaginal muscles and pull them in and out while performing this exercise. After as much time as possible, the suction can be released. This exercise can be performed anytime, anywhere. It also greatly aids muscle control.

Kapalbhatti is a simple breathing exercise that the man can perform prior to his orgasm. For better results, you can also do this every morning. You will only need to take several short, sharp breaths to use this technique. The best way to do this is to sit up straight and cross your legs. This exercise focuses more on exhalation than on inhalation of air. When exhaling, the mouth should be closed, and the exhalation should make a loud sound. Do this in three sets.

Pranayama is another Tantric sex exercise that can be done by both sexes and helps you control and assist your breathing. The person can perform this technique by sitting upright in the lotus position, placing their right thumb on their right nostril, and pointing a finger in the middle of your forehead. Take a deep breath in through your left nostril, hold it there for a few seconds, and then exhale through your right. The left nostril should be raised while the right nostril should be released. Five times, do this.

This can help the energy levels to increase and also helps awareness.