
Bit by bit Manual for Learning the Specialty of Tantric Sex!

Sex is a fundamental piece of life, and a movement should be performed by grown-ups for their actual prosperity, however for their psychological prosperity as well. In this day and age, where we have all become used to our unquestionably rushed ways of life, even 24 hours don't appear to be adequate. Attempting to shuffle between their work and public activity, as a general rule, individuals will quite often abandon their sex lives. Sexless relationships have been developing at a disturbing rate in the new past, where the couple takes part in nearly nothing or even no sex. Sex is fundamental for having a mentally and truly sustaining relationship.

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Identify and worship the God or Goddess that is already within you The majority of people approach God through the Tantric path. Your life has been blessed in every way by God

This also applies to sexuality. Making love to your partner is the only way you can respect and experience the divinity that is contained within the human body, and doing so is the only way you will be able to connect with God and the divinity. The instructing of Tantra solidly expresses that

there lies a Divine being in each man and a Goddess in each lady. This suggests that divinity travels through your body. You will only need to let go of this shell in order to reach the significant levels of wisdom that are within your reach.

When your partner honors you and you honor them back, your self-esteem will rise. You won't be able to clearly see the divinity that lives in other people until you can see this side of yourself.

You will discover and identify your own divinity in this chapter. You will be able to identify not only your partner's but also your own body's God and Goddess. Tantric sex is essentially based on this. You can likewise

begin to turn out to be more illuminated. Information about various popular Tantric Gods and Goddesses is covered in this chapter. The use of the terms "God" and "Goddess" The teachings of Tantra state, as previously stated, that every man and woman ought to be treated as if they were God or Goddess. This is to ensure that you treat your partner with the same respect that you view yourself as a conduit for divinity. You will be able to honor and respect your partner in the manner that is expected of you. This will likewise guarantee that you can respect the

power that exists inside the universe.

In Tantric sex, the various deities that are typically worshipped are thought to be beings filled with light. Relationships and a variety of energies are represented by them. Deva and Devi, priest and priestess, and Daka and Dakini, respectively, are also common names for gods and goddesses. It is believed that these deities have wisdom and power. You can also project their power into your own body. This projection is entirely dependent on your various virtues and qualities.

In Tantra, the term "goddess" has been used numerous times. It is used to describe a woman who is aware of the feminine power that is contained in her body. This word originally typically referred to a strong and nurturing woman. Since God is regarded as a higher being in various religions, no man is referred to as God. Some religions and even some practices hold the belief that a person can transform into a god or goddess by altering a few aspects of their personality. On the other hand, the teachings of Tantric sex state that a person is born with a certain level of divinity and that nothing can alter this.

Tantric sex rules state that everyone possesses some divinity, regardless of race, religion, or even caste. You are merely honoring the feminine qualities that make a woman a lover, hunter, seductress, and nurturing individual by referring to her as a goddess. A woman will be able to honor both herself and those around her only when she accepts her characteristics and comes to terms with them. When you refer to a man as a god, you are only honoring his fundamental qualities of protector, healer, provider, and power symbol. He should acknowledge these

qualities that exist inside him and really at that time could his accomplice at any point honor him.

It's possible that you already possess these characteristics, or that you just haven't discovered them yet. Identify your roles and traits When you first start your journey toward Tantric sex, the first thing you need to do is figure out which gods or goddesses best describe you. In order to accomplish this, you will need to determine your fundamental characteristics and the various roles you play in your life. Do you think that you are beautiful? Do you know anything? Do you run your own business? Do you have power? And on and on and on. You can record all of your responses to such questions on paper. For

making things more straightforward for yourself, you can make a montage, or you can utilize mindmapping too. Start writing about all of the qualities that you believe you possess after placing a picture of yourself in the center of a sheet.

You can make a list of the names of deities with which you are personally associated once you have gathered information about the various gods and goddesses that has been provided in the final section of this chapter. For instance, if you have stated in writing that you are powerful, you might be able to connect with Shiva or even Ares. You can call yourself Aphrodite if you think you are beautiful. Look beneath the surface You've probably heard the saying, "Never judge a book by its cover."

At some point or another, this phrase is likely familiar to everyone. We frequently evaluate a person solely on the basis of their appearance, their attire, or even the position they hold. You might have stated things like "she is too short" or "she is too skinny." Before agreeing to go on a date with someone, you probably looked at their bank account.

Tantra, on the other hand, focuses on an individual's persona rather than their superficial traits. To worship the divinity within your partner, you will need to follow three fundamental steps.

Accepting that there is divinity within you would be the first step. Acknowledging and recognizing your partner's divinity is the second step. The deities' masculine and feminine energies must be in harmony with one another. The third step would be to bring these gods together within you by marrying your partner. You'll be able to achieve a higher level of ecstasy thanks to this, which will help you achieve the much-needed equilibrium between the two.