
Birth of the Supreme Monster

Daniel finds himself dead and in something that is a secret chamber. A voice claims to fulfill his dream of becoming a ruler. He reincarnates in a different world which is mysteriously called Earth just like his previous world. He finds loyal friends and make his dream come true. Join him on this adventure of hardwork , adventure and solving mysteries. Sorry for trouble or slow upload as I am uploading from phone

Unknown_Diablo · Fantasie
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20 Chs

The Journey Of Being Worthy.

The Orge carried the exhausted William towards the dragon's den in his back. The Orge was using his skill: instant move which let him cover a few 400-800 metres instantly.

He first walked towards one of the many circular grounds which were less densely populated by trees.

These grounds are inhabited by few different types of species that were threatened by humans and Gedes had provided them with this island as a home and dragons as their protectors.

They lived happily for few years but soon they knew about other species living here and they began wars for the superiority over the island.

The Orge was one of those species. He was the son of the leader of the Orge village, a prince to be precise. His village in the central continent was attacked by the army of Empire so Gedes took the remnants of them over to this island.

He is known as The Hell Flame Prince, as he can manipulate and use the black fire. He was personally trained by Gedes with five others from different species.

The Orge ran as fast as he could and he could now see the one storey buildings layed around from where other Orges saw him coming and bowed to him unison.

He never wanted respect from his tribe as they were interested only to take over this island. But he wanted to be feared by people around the world and lead an army to defeat the Empire under his master.

He always wanted to have a master whom he can follow till his death and get orders that he wanted to follow. He would die if his master told him to do so.

He thought of looking for such a perfect master. And now he finally found his true master after a lot of effort. Someone Worthy To Give Up His Life  To.

As he desperately ran towards one of the two- storey buildings in the central village he rushed inside and told an old man to cure his master.

The old man was walking with a stick with his face almost completely covered by his hair and beard. He was the Doctor of the Orge village.

As soon as the Prince entered the old man bowed and asked.

"Wha-what brings you here, Your Majesty?"

"Its not the time for greetings, you have to heal him now."

"And, who might this boy be?"


"Y-y-yes, your majesty. I will heal him right now."

The pressure that the prince released scared the old man.

(Who might this young man be?) thought the old man.

After few hours or so,  the young man with blue eyes and black hair opened his eyes.

"Ow, ow, ow. Huh?. Where am I? Ow,ow, what happened?"

The man named William was in a great pain. He pushed his body to its limits and it put much more pressure on it than it could handle.

"M-masteeer? You are awake. I am glad you are okay."

The Orge said and kneeled down. The villager Orges were shocked and they also kneeled down.

In this world if you are superior in all terms you are followed by many beings. The followers that choose you never betrays you and can die for you . Especially species accept humans will never betray their masters. Most Loyal subjects.

Seeing everyone kneel down Infront of him made him anxious but then he remembered what happened. Gedes died and he went berserk.


William released his presence and everyone was shocked to feel this presence, as this was a lot stronger than their late master the Flame Lord.


The buildings began cracking and the Orge forced his body to move to calm his master.

"Master, please calm down. The Flame Lord has died and we escaped the continent and are in the homeland of Master Gedes. He wouldn't be happy to see his friend like this."

As soon as he said that, William bursted in tears. The pressure was released and he cried and cried and just cried.


Shouted William. The whole island was crying after finding out that their master died. The Dragons descended from the volcano and were waiting for the guy to come out.

After crying for an hour William fell asleep and woke up after a whole day.

He woke up and ate his food. Then he went out, to his surprise everyone in the village has chosen him as their master. He saw that everyone including the dragons were bowing and crying.

He went towards the red dragon standing in front and said.

"You must be Gedes's son! Am I correct?"

"Yes, I am his son."

"Well, declare this to the whole island. Their New Master has arrived."

"Yes master. We shall follow you to death."

"Call every representative from every village. I will hold a meeting."

Now all of you(readers) must be surprised to see him so confident. It is because he shared his dream with Gedes and  Gedes told him that his dream is nothing to be worried of.

Gedes said.

"You are stronger than me. You can come over to my island and all of the species living there will be your loyal subjects including me. I acknowledged you my master the day we met but you considered me a friend. So, for the first time... someone.... thought of me as a friend. But I will follow your order even if it meant death."

He cried after remembering the crying face of Gedes while saying these words. Truly painful words.

"I will be worthy enough so that you will not regret choosing me as your Master. Today I pledge to protect you all and make a peaceful and perfect place for all of you to live. So, I want your support and LOYALTY."

He declared to the island and