
Eyes filled with Love

Now that I think about it I don't have a place to stay well it won't be a problem since I'm basically the richest person on earth well that's in gold Well time to get a mansion

~Time Skip~

"Hello miss are you the agent that I need to see to get the mansion"

"Yes sir... handsome"

"Are you okay you look sick?" I asked even though I knew she was really blushing

"Yes 'Cough Cough' you would like to buy the mansion it is pretty expensive and if I can may I ask what you will be doing with the mansion"

Excuse me does she think I'm going to create some 'Cultured Content'

"I'm okay with the price and what I'm going to do with it is that I just moved here and I'm going to go to school so I thought I needed a place to stay"

"Ok... I just need the money and the place is all yours" She looked a little disappointed that I was in high school

"Yes here is the money"

"Here are the keys I hope you enjoy the place," She said that and left

I could clearly tell she was interested in me but while she was pretty she was below my standards and I don't know why my standards are so high

Maybe because of my Gilgamesh instincts because it would shame him to sleep with a woman that isn't incredibly beautiful doesn't even show up in his sights

Or maybe its because I have access to the most beautiful women ever through the system and can you blame me the first girl I sleep with within DxD is someone that doesn't even show up in the anime or manga it would shame my title as the Anti protagonist




"System how long until the Rating games with Riser"

["Currently two days"]

Damn God didn't even want me to be able to prepare I've been here like one day and at least Rias will probably show up tomorrow or when I go to school to ask for forgiveness or to apologize so I will help her

While I will help her because I have no choice because God might have made it to where Rias and Issei would lose and if not Issei will take the spotlight and that will get rid of the slight disgust that insulting me brought

Also god would probably label Rias getting married to Riser a failure

"Oh yeah system what would cause me to fail the challenge"

["There are two ways to fail the first is that you get one of the females in Rias's peerage to hate you or too many women fall in love with Issei"]

"So there is no time limit"

Man that gets rid of my worries

"System will I be stuck here until I complete the challenge"

["Until you finish the rating games you are stuck here"]

"So after the Rating Games, I can go to another anime"

["Yes but there are limitations you can only choose one anime and the longer you stay there the longer you have to wait in order to go back"]


Well since its night I think I'm going to go to sleep

~Next Morning~

My sleep was interpreted by the sound of someone hitting the door

"Who the fuck interested my sleep"

I was angry after dying once I felt like I could use some sleep because I could feel some restless nights

"Who is there"

As I opened the door I saw someone I expected it was a Crimson Haired beauty with huge breasts and she just walked in like she owned the place

"Nice place how did you get the money to buy this place"

"I used gold from my Sacred Gear but why do you think you can just walk in like you own the place"

"Because you are in my peerage thus meaning what's yours is mine as well so this house belongs to me as well"

"Fine what did you come here for" I would have done something bad that my Gilgamesh instincts were telling me to do and that was beat the shit out of her but I couldn't because I would fail because she would probably hate me

"I came here to apologize and that's all," she said as she looked at me coldly

"If you are here to apologize then you know what happened also guessing you have done some research about me and you should know how easy it would be for me to kill you so why are you not scared"

"Because you would have hundreds of devils after you and I know you are scared of that"

Hearing this I couldn't help but burst out in laughter and say "Hahahaha you think I would be scared when I have a weapon with the ability to destroy existence itself and I have an Anti divine weapon do you still think I would be scared"

"What you have an anti divine weapon," Rias said with a shocked face

"Oh you didn't know that's why the fallen angels came after me and killed my family"

"Never mind that I believe that if you truly have both of those weapons you can't use them," Rias said confidently

Hearing this I put my face close to Rias's and said "Wrong but I do like confident women"

Hearing this and feeling my breath on her face she blushed but quickly pushed me away and said "Get away I love someone else"

"Do you really love someone or are you just fooling yourself"

"What do you mean" Asked Rias with anger in her voice

"I'm talking about Issei"

Rias looked shocked and said "How did you know"

"Because I could see it in your expression not right now but before when I was going to fight Issei you showed concern and yes you could say that you did show concern because he was in your peerage but I could feel a different feeling while it may not be obvious to the others but I could see it clearly"

At this point, Rias felt as if my red eyes could see all her emotions and her feelings as if it was spelled out

"Ok but what did you mean I was just fooling myself"

"I meant that you were being foolish in thinking he would ever love you back all he sees in you is your body and you know it have you ever seen a look that wasn't filled with lust let alone one like this" After I said that Rias could see my eyes were filled with nothing but love no lust just love

The look in my eyes made her feel like she was the most important person in the world and she loved that feeling

"Anyway I'm here to bring you to school" Despite changing the topic I could see she was slightly happy

As her love for Issei was fading a new love was slowly making its way into her heart

I hope you liked this chapter because I'm puking because of all the cringy stuff I just wrote and I know I will have to write more stuff like this

SevenHeavenlySinscreators' thoughts