
Birth of The Devil's Son

Kyle_Cottingham · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter One: The Hot Spot

It is a rainy Summer's night. Through the window of the door, I see her. Then I hear the baby cry.

"It's a boy," the doctor exclaims to the mother of my son.

My heart skips a beat. Then a smile creeps upon my face.

"By his birth right, he is going to be exactly like me."

Flames surround me as I am pulled downward into a pitch black pit. I cackle as I slow and place my feet upon the floor made of flesh, darkness, and bone. I walk to the throne and take my seat upon the throne to the Realm of Hell.

"Your orders, sir?"

"Bring Lilith to my Chambers and start training the army. She and I have matters to discuss."

I walk to the center of the room and instantly am transported to my private quarters.

"So it has begun," I hear a voice from behind me saying.

"Azarual, I am in no mood of prophecy or future magic. If you have something to say to me, Out with it."

Azarual lifts his finger and points to my heart.

"Because of you, our end will be decided. Not by you, but by your offspring."

I clench my teeth together and hiss at him, "You dare tell me what you mean by that remark."

"Lord of hell, I curse your seed. He will be the oldest, no doubt, but because of his human mother, he will be cursed with the power hidden inside of you. Your next spawn shall become a general in the army of hell, and smite it's brother upon turning eighteen and seize his birth right and replace you upon the throne."

My eyes aglow, I hold my hand in front of me. I feel the electricity shoot forth from me and Azarual lifts off of the ground as he is hit with the electricity and sent flying into an opposite wall. Coughing, he stands up and lowers his head.

"Heed my warning Master Mayham, Your daughter will kill you, just as you have done to me," as he leaves his reptilian skin is still aglow from the bio-electricity I shot him with.

A few minutes later, Lilith enters in a wind unnatural to the human world.

"You summoned me, my Lord?"

"Lilith, come lay by my side as I need to be held by your true form so that I may feed and feel the thirst of my humanity slip away into you."

"Yes, Master."

She walks towards me and her black leathery wings shift from her back and her nails become talons. She cuts herself down the arm as I place my tree trunk sized arms around her and lift her into the air. I lay her down across my mat and begin to feed on the blood dripping from her arm. She wraps her arms and legs around me and seal us together in her wings, locking them together in a massive black cocoon as a purple liquid fills in the air around me. The mating dance of the ages begins and I can feel myself inside of her. We stay this way for four human days and two demonic days. I know Lilith doesn't love me, but she is destined to be the mother of a pure demon child of mine.