
Birth of a World: The ascendancy games

"What is a world? And what is its purpose?" The grand halls of heaven were filled with an innumerable count of newly ascended deities going through their first lessons of godhood. "To put it simply," The instructor continued. "A world is a platform, purpose built, for the improvement and eventual ascendancy of the beings placed upon it. Also please take note that as they grow...so will you."

Billy_Bunn_5040 · sci-fi
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17 Chs

The 7 Paragons (part 2)

Just that one word spoke volumes. It was abundantly clear due to Icarus's behavior and language exactly how he felt about Veron. Within his mind there was literally nothing he would not do if his 'Father' asked it of him.

He knew his purpose and was dedicated to it with all of his newly born soul. But he also knew that this was just the beginning, and he wanted to see the birth of his siblings. Veron had zero problems with this of course as there was literally nothing for Icarus to do yet. The world was still within the generator, it would have to be permanently placed in a new domain for it to truly begin to function.

"Come stand by me son, and wait patiently while I finish your brothers and sisters."

"Yes, Father." The reply was instant and forceful. Within Icarus was nothing but a zealous desire to fulfill the commands of his Father, and he would give his all to comply with even the simplest of tasks.

Once Icarus had moved Veron returned his attention to the remaining cotenants. 

"Icarus takes care of the Angels, now lets move on to the Reapers."

In Veron's mortal world it was typically thought that Devils were the antithesis of Angels. And while that may have been true their, he didn't want to introduce such a thing into his world. He recognized the need for death and opposition to exist in his world. Nothing would ever be able to grow if those opposites didn't exist. The issue was he didn't want to create something that was specifically purposed to be hated.

He solved this issue with the Reaper. It would embody the laws of death, pain, suffering, loss, etc. But would be filled with the same kind of purpose as Icarus. They would be the two halves of the same coin. One dark and one light, working together to allow the world to thrive.

As such he performed the same operation that he did for Icarus, only swapped the elements used for darkness. Black Iron, death roses, and pit clay were some of the dark aligned materials used in the fashioning of his new son whom he called Thanatos. At this point he realized he was taking names from his worlds so called Greek mythology, but he didn't really see a problem with that. 

Thanatos looked nearly identical to Icarus in form, but his colors were the opposite. Instead of a blinding white, Thanatos radiated an all consuming black. To gaze at his form was akin to gazing into the void, his very person seemed to want to pull the soul from your body and drag it to its eternal rest. The strange thing was that there was no violence felt in this phenomenon, no it simply felt as though you were weary and could finally find rest.

The same procedure was followed to the letter to form Thanatos, and he too uttered the word Father once he was brought to full life. He also bowed and recognized his brother.

"Greetings Icarus, although you are the first born please understand that your words will always come second to our fathers. I am sure that we will get along just fine as long as we stick to our purpose." The deep rumbling voice that came forth from Thanatos was hypnotic and soft. It felt as though a gentle friend was coaxing you to sleep. 

"You need not worry brother." Came Icarus's swift reply. His smooth baritone echoing through the hall. "My entire existence is focused on bringing to pass our father's will. I look forward to your help in this endeavor." 

Veron was extremely pleased with how these two were interacting. Just as he hoped they were functioning as two sides of the same coin. Now that he had performed the procedure twice already he knew exactly what to do for the rest of his Paragons. 

"Stand by me son, I will finish your siblings all at once now that I know what I am doing."

Thanatos limited himself to nod and stood on Veron's left while Icarus was on the right. Neither of them spoke as they bore silent witness to the birth of the rest of their family.

Veron gathered all kinds of different materials for the remaining basic laws existing in his world. Fire, Earth, Wind, Water, and Thunder. He fashioned a body for each of them after a different race. A Vampire for Fire, a Werewolf for the Earth. An Elf for wind, a Human for Water, and finally a Dwarf for Thunder.

The Vampire, Werewolf, Elf and Human were all female. The Dwarf was the last male so the ratio stood 3/4. Veron did this because he found that a woman's touch was needed to help steer things in the right direction. He also wanted to make things a bit differently than on his previous world, the mythologies of these races had a vast amount of weaknesses involved with them. He chose each of these specific elements for them to try and mitigate that as much as possible.

Once they were all brought to full life by the birth of their souls, they each of them bowed to their father and expressed their willingness to do as commanded.

The vampires name was Isobel, her form was beautiful beyond measure. With locks of flaming red hair and bright crimson eyes, it was safe to say that she could and would capture the attention of any healthy male in existence. Veron had sculpted all of his paragons to physical perfection but he took a bit of extra time with Isobel. He had a thing for redheads, and Isobel was only too happy to have received this extra attention.

The werewolf's name was Loriann, she too was exceedingly beautiful with thick wavy locks of black hair framing an oval face. Her eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue set above a proud angled nose and full lips.

The Elf's name was Elanor, the Human was Ruth, and the Dwarf was Ardis. Each of these paragons embodied the laws of his world and were responsible for their functioning. They would each act in concert with each other to bring his creation to prosperity, and stave off the mad hordes of vile creatures who would one day come to claim what was his.

Each of these immensely powerful beings would fashion mortal races after their own likeness, and would do all they could to grow them into their full potential. Veron had no idea exactly how long it would take for evil to come knocking on his door, but he was determined to be prepared for it whenever it came.

It was at this time after Veron had finished creating his Paragons that the system chimed in one more time.

"All divinity points have been spent, laws have been made, creations are finished. The World core and your creations will now be placed in a personal separate dimension for transport. You will be directed to your new domain where you will prepare the area for your world core, after which it will be planted in the space and become a true world. Once that has been completed the system will go offline until the grace period ends, where I will then return to give you instructions on your first invasion defense."

After the system was done speaking the paragons and the world suddenly disappeared. Veron could sense that they were still with him but were currently occupying a different space. He couldn't remove them from this space and had basically zero access to them. But they were safe so he didn't worry too much.

He removed his hands and looked towards Xeron for further instructions. He was slightly taken aback by the beaming smile gracing Xeron's face. He seemed to be extremely excited about the creation Veron just made, the only problem was Veron had no idea why.

"Are you alright?" Veron didn't really know what else to say, the look on Xeron's face had thoroughly confused him.

"I am more than alright brother!" Xeron's voice echoed with his excitement, so infectious was his energy that those gathered could feel themselves growing more excited along with him. "I know you don't know a lot about all of this," Xeron continued talking excitedly. "But your creation is already leagues above what we normally see, and is arguably one of the best I have ever seen. Even some rank 2 gods would be hard pressed to make something as good, and I can only hope that it truly lives up to its potential."

Veron smiled at the genuine praise, he had truly poured his all into his creation and was looking forward to what came of it.

After calming himself down Xeron regained control and gave Veron the directions he needed.

"Your domain is located in a brand new star cluster, all you will need to do is use the transporter located on the far side of the room and you will be taken directly to it."

"Thank you for all your help brother, I look forward to meeting you again." 

Both Xeron and Veron smiled warmly at one another before Veron quickly made his way to the transporter. The anticipation was killing him and he could think of nothing else but getting the ball rolling on his new world. Once he reached it he heaved a big sigh before stepping onto the large circular platform. As the energy required for his transport gathered around him and seeped slowly into the device, only one coherent thought could be heard rattling around in his brain.

"And so it begins."