
Bioshock: A sunken city’s rebirth

Rapture…. Oh Rapture.. the city lost to the ocean. Most people believe it doesn’t exist or think it’s a mith But not me, I will find it My mother was obsessed with it to the point that she spent years of her life to find it With her research I tracked it to the North Atlantic Ocean As i land down at the bottom of the ocean I see a light in the distance. The light is followed by a low raspy grow… ———————————————————————— This will be my third book, hopefully it will be good. It’s based off what happened to the city of rapture after the events of bioshock 2 Now I must give you a warning Try not to drown~

TheZombie115 · Videospiele
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13 Chs

Chapter 12, have you had your Cherry popped?~

[] sounds or if I need to explain something

{}other characters thinking or reading

() mc thinking

"" talking out loud



(you'd think that flying through a window would hurt imagine being thrown through a window after being shot with a spear, news flash, NOT FUN)

(Now only if that was the only problem!!)

[We look at Garrett curling up in a ball on floor surround by broken glass, he's grabbing his arm that has a blue glow to it. the blue light slowly is consuming his Veins, traveling towards his body. As it reaches his shoulder it goes up his neck and goes into his eye.]

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" With that scream he passes out

[We watch as his arm continues to glow until it finally fazes out leaving what seems like electric scares along his arm]

Time passes, nothing happens as the sunken city sinks a little deeper…

Eventually Garrett seems to start to wake up, slowly he starts getting up. As he is getting up he sees the man he shot, the body is so deformed that he's not sure if it was even human.

He curls over and vomits.

Gerrett has never killed another man before and he couldn't handle it. He crawls away from the body behind a shelf.

(God I killed him, holy shit. Holy hell. He stabbed me! With a needle!?)

Gerrett grabs the needle in his arm and pulls it out. as he pulls it out the wound in his arm starts shocking, violently. Slowly the wound starts closing until it's fully healed.

"What the fuck?" He looks the wound over and there's not even a scar.

"Wait a minute!" Gerrett looks at his shoulder with the spear wound. It looks a lot cleaner than it should. He grabs the bandages on his shoulder and rips it off.

The wound below is completely gone. Gerrett looks at the area in complete, shock. He feels the area with his open hand, smooth and clean. No scars or anything, it's like it never happened.

"What the fuck…" looks at his hand to check the scars on his hand and they are still there.

"So I still have old wounds but it seems new ones just disappear…. What was in that needle?"

Gerrett stands up, it only takes him a second to realize the new surge of energy chorusing through his body, he kicks his leg out and it feels like it's brand new, he keeps checking his body over to find that his entire body has literally never felt better.

"Why do I feel better then ever? I feel like I could punch god and win. What ever was in that needle was some serious shit. This feeling of energy in my body feels like I can throw it out and power this entire place!"

Gerrett suddenly remembers the story's his mother would tell him about people who could blow fire from their hands or lift stuff with their minds. Slowly he puts his left hand out in front of himself and puts stress into his hand.

Electricity suddenly pulses between his fingers as his veins glow blue.

"I guess I have powers now"