
Biography of a Dead Man

It is currently the Year 2185 in Summer Earth Time. Humanity came a long way now and they could be said to have finished colonizing three planets now; namely Mars, Mercury and Venus. In a library on Earth, a young man can be seen to be browsing through the books. "I need to find a book to make my history report about. This is the only place I found that has books from the 21st Century as most of them has been lost since the Universal Knowledge Transfer event 124 years ago." As the young man looked around he saw many books with interesting titles. "'Mountain of Madness'? It doesn't look like a historically accurate book." "'Pandemic Isolation'? Hmm... Maybe I would have taken this if others hadn't thought of this already, making historical reports about the global pandemic of 2020 is a common thing. I wanna be unique." "Hmmm? Wait... What's this?" He caught a glimpse of a book and saw an interesting title. It was a simple title but it seemed to scream out that it contains more than what meets the eye. "'Biography of a Dead Man'? About someone who died? I haven't heard of this book..." There's nothing on the cover page except the title and the eerie blurry image of a woman drenched in rain in front of a tombstone. The book cover was handmade along with the book itself. It seemed like someone personally wrote this book, which is rare and odd as few people wrote using pen and paper during those times. He then opened the book and saw the title written with the author's name below. "Johannes Kingfisher? Haven't heard of him." Then he went to the next page and saw that there's something written there, but it was torn and some of the texts are incomplete. "'This book contains my experiences and whether you believe or not is up to you'? What's up with this? Is this a fantasy novel or what?" He became curious and read the Prologue of the book. =============================== A/N: Goofy cover, I know. Because I made it xD. I have no money to commission for a book cover and definitely don't want an AI generated book cover, so here is the book cover I made xD. Anyways I hope you have a good read.

VerzVerx · sci-fi
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Game On

The three went to Irish's house and entered the f1ront gate. As soon as they entered, they saw two young men sitting across each other with something on the table.

The two were seemingly engrossed in playing some sort of card2 game, but in the eyes of Irish and Chris it's just the same as Poker.

Contrary to their views, Drix knew the game they were playing. As he was a player of that very game for years and one them sitting there was his sensei... the one who taught him so much things in life. This made him want to j3oin their game.

Chris4 then couldn't hold in his curiosity and asked Irish about what they were playing.

"What is that game that they're playing Irish?"

"They're playing some game called Yu-Gi-Oh. Thonel-nii has many of such cards it can fill an entire closet... I don't know how to play it though."

Drix glanced at the two of them who were playing Y7u-gi-oh. His sensei is using Ghostrick while Thonel was using Inzector. The scene of the board made him chuckle as all of Thonel's cards were face down.

His sensei, Jason, seemed to have noticed his laugh and looked at him with a smile as he asked him a question.

"Why are you laughing kid?"

"Oi, Drix! Come here!"

"You're crushing him. I bet that last facedown card is Mirror Force or Magic Cylinder. As long as that Damsel stays face-down he can't do anything."

After saying that, I followed the two and went inside to get some food in the kitchen. Meanwhile, Jason bellowed in laughter as soon as he heard what he said before he turned to look at Thonel who had an annoyed look on his face.

"See? Even a kid can see that you're already losing, why don't you surrender and change decks to Six Sam. At least then you'll have a chance."

"As if. I just need a dark hole and the field will be cleaned later."

"Sure sure, take your time."

Jason just laughed at his friend and they resumed their duel, with him waiting for his friend to think about a way out of his predicament.

Inside the kitchen, the trio went and took some bread then spread some Jam and Peanut Butter on them. Drix also opened the fridge and took a mango out before slicing it into three and gave the other two to Irish and Chris.

After they ate the mango, they went out with sandwiches on their hands that they ate as they walked out of the backdoor. They went and went out at the back side of the house as it was faster here to go to where their friends are. Or more specifically, Irish and Chris's friends.

Soon they arrived at the empty lot where they always play. There were already four kids there; which are Michael, Kai, Beem and Eugene.

Chris then called out to Regan and shouted.

"Hey Regan! What're we gonna play today?"

Eugene's nickname is Regan (pronounced as Raygun) as his name is quite similar to the protagonist of Ghost Fighter.

"Oh Chris! You three are here! We're waiting for the others, we're fighting those guys on Capture the Base."

"With who? Who are we fighting?"

"Joriel and the others."

As soon as Drix heard this, his brows scrunched up and frowned. He knows what will happen today and it's not the least bit pleasant. But he won't let that happen again.

Irish looked at Regan and said, "Aren't we at disadvantage here? Except from Joriel, aren't his friends all 13 or 14. They're about 3-4 years older than us."

"Are you scared then? If so then you don't need to play."

I looked at the one edgy ass who spoke, it was Mike. This guy was the one who kicked me with a smile off the bridge just to please Joriel's brother.

As soon as I heard his words, I inadvertently smiled and replied to him with a faint smirk on my face.

"It's not that he's scared, Mike. He's just worried we'll crush those worms and they'll go crying to their brothers."

When he heard my reply he bursted into a laugh along with Regan and Chris. But as I looked at Irish, he wasn't even smiling and was even quite the opposite. He looked as if he saw a ghost. Mike noticed this and asked him.

"What's it Irish? You scared of those shits?"

Meanwhile, I knew why he's like that. I turned to look behind us and I saw Joriel with his friends with that punchable smirk on his face. Oh how I can't wait to scrub his face off the asphalt road full of dogshit.

"He's scared alright, who wouldn't when you suddenly see pigs walking on two feet."

As soon as Joriel heard my words, his and his friend's faces went dark immediately. While Regan and Chris just looked at them a bit surprised before laughing at my words. This Mike is not a bad guy, he's just a cowardly guy who only fights those weaker than him.

"Don't cry off to your dad after I feed you dog shit later, you hear me?"

I almost couldn't help but break into laughter at his words. This was the same words he used on me back then. I was the fastest short distance runner amongst the kids here so they can't beat us with me on their team. This is why he decided to call his brother when we won the bet.

"Stop the small talk guys. Are we still playing?"

Regan wiped the tears in his eyes from laughing as he talked. Joriel just clicked his tongue and said.

"Same rules as usual. But bet is the losing team will pay fifty... per person."

"Yes to dangle?"

"No, if you wanna redeem the captured people you must tag them all individually."

Mike then smiled and punched his palm as he licked his lips. I bet he's imagining himself winning fifty today.

Meanwhile, I just smiled to myself knowing the outcome of this game already. They're fighting a losing battle. What I care about is what would happen after they lose.

My smile grew even wider as I thought about that bastard. He will pay along with Joriel for that. I'm thrilled thinking about their beat up faces, hehehehe.


A/N: aHR0cHM6Ly9wcm9qZWN0cmVkYWN0ZWRsbS53ZWJzaXRlMy5tZQ==

You might wanna go backwards

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