
smash potatoes


name: michael

race: virus

bloodline: blacklight virus EX rank


walking bio disaster

1. can infect other creatures

2. when other people realize what you are -20 favorality

(upgrade conditions ????)

top predator

1. when hunting 2x all stats

2. all being in your stage great fear towards you


4. x3 for ambush damage

(upgrade conditions hunt)

little boss

1. x2 hp

2. x2 def

3. aura of intimidation make others submissive towards you

4: x2 in all stats

(upgrade conditions show your worth rookie)



hp: 1.000

mp: 50

atk: 400


str: 20

spd: 10

vit: 50

eng: 5

int: 5

luck: 100 ( what can i say it is the mc)

chr: 10


passive skills:

stone skin: +20 def

biomass body: your body is walking biomass so you have no weak points +40 vit ( depends in the quality of of your genes) and reduce 50% damage taken

micro control: you can control your body in any way you like making you the perfect fighter and making your learning speed in anything related to the body faster

hunger: you're a monster that's never satisfied you can devour lesser oponentes to regain you hp those 1 stage below you cannot resist

evolution: devouring any beings improve your genes thus you gains stats and even skills but only 1 improvement per species unless there is drastic differences between them so be it strength, mutations, etc ( so no farming till the top)

predator instinct: let you feel when your hunter or the prey

active skills:

slice and mutilate

evolution: you can actually control the direction of your evolution and upgrade your body with genes you absorb or with the energy within them( gp)

devour: you can eat the opponent when less than 10% health in the same stage 5% 1 stage higher and 1 % 2 stages higher

mimicry: you can become what you eat be it appearance or species

( upgrade stage conditions: 1000 gp in reserve and devour 100 different species)


looking at his stats michael was really excited for his choice in the wish because maybe he was no as broken as the fenrir cub but there was no denying that his future was bright as the sun and stars a true apex predator just waiting for his chance to go to the top but before that michael tough of a problem maybe he can get stats from other but with his talent is a waste no to take advantage so: system show me the best body training manual that i can buy right now with the 1000 sp i have.

calculating ..... see for yourself host


1. wannabe hero training manual(complete): 100 push-ups, 100 squats, 100 sit-ups and run 10km (may you can become the strongest maybe just waste your time who knows but you will definitely will be bald when this is over). 1000 sp

2. hell true body manual( 1 stage): you will get great body that is no less than anyone but you will pay the price for it including you will need to get tortured in many ways like: burned, sliced, freezed,raped both ways, lonely, greedy, prideful, lustful, slothful, gluttonous and many more but you get what you pay for and this is one the best. 700 sp

3. fission furnace true body manual( 1 stage): you will transform your body in a fission furnace making you always temper your body and constantly generating energy making you unstoppable in the process you will need a lot of body energy based, control over your body and constant pain until your body adapts all in all is great but only for the geniuses out there are you?. 1000 sp

immediately michael said: number 3 go for number no way i'm getting bald or raped by who knows what and i have great compatibility with number 3.


purchase complete host can find it in the inventory

michael: great now system show me what's my mission in this world.


mission: smash potatoes

there is one crazy purple potato on the field you live in go kill it and do yourself a favor

reward: 10.000.000 sp + 1 random world ticket.

As Michael was looking at the interface, a shadow was rapidly approaching behind him and when he finally realized that he was being attacked he had already been cut off by a claw, immediately he turn around and use his katana skill on the target cutting off its head when he finally saw what it was a velociraptor and before its cell loses its life michael devour the body losing his first time eating that way and ganning +3 str + 5 spd + 1 int in stats and the active skill deadly claws: x2 damage.

realizing where he was again he finally said:

let the hunt begin.

well there goes all my day making 2 chapters but hey at least i enjoy it but pls guys if you dont tell me anything at all makes me kind of depresed so at least say something whatever it is so

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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