

Once there was a baby lumberjack named Billy. He was eleven ounces and seven inches; he was really small but strong. When he was three he entered a wood chopping contest and won it against twelve year olds! He lived in the Redwood Forest in California with his mom Lori.

"Your two inch piece of flapjack is ready," said Lori. "OK, mom," said Billy.

Billy is five now and two pounds ten inches tall. Billy goes to Redwood Elementary School. At recess, Billy and his friends like to play hide and go seek, they could never find him, Billy would hide under a leaf, or climb up a Redwood Tree.

It is Billy's sixth birthday. Billy got a five inch axe, a pet bird from his best friend Bob, so he can fly around. Billy is now eleven and a half inches tall and weighs three pounds. Billy wants to be a lumberjack when he grows up; he built his own little tiny tree house. Billy liked to build stuff in his tiny tree house. Billy and his friend Bob went on a field trip to see the largest Redwood Tree ever. "You can look around but don't go far," said Mrs. Lumber. Bob and Billy went far, they climbed up a huge mountain larger than Billy. Bob walked around the huge Redwood Tree; he found Mrs.Lumber and told her that Billy was stuck on a mountain. The whole class walked up the mountain that was really only a nine foot tall lump of dirt. They got Billy and went back home. The next day Billy got a saddle for his pet bird, Jerry. Billy was happy to get a saddle for Jerry.

Billy is seven years old. "Mom I want a five inch flapjack cake for my birthday," said Billy.

"OK,"said Mom.

Billy is super excited for his birthday. "Let's play a log chopping contest,"said Billy.

"Yeah," said Bob.

"Let's do it," said Jack.

"Three, two, one, go," said Mom. They all started chopping away, and Billy won the log chopping contest.

"I'm the best lumberjack ever," said Billy.

"You're really good at chopping logs," said Bob.

"Yeah," said Jack.

Billy joined the youth Redwood Lumberjacks; it is for seven, eight, nine and ten year olds. They compete against youth lumberjack teams from around the country, Billy is happy that he is on the lumberjack team.

"Your first lumberjack contest is tomorrow," said Mom.

"OK, Mom," said Billy.

"Get your suspenders on," said Mom.

"OK," said Billy.

Billy got first place in every contest except one, and he got moved up to eleven, twelve and thirteen year old lumberjack team. He won several contests. Billy made it to the Lumberjack Championship; it was against Wisconsin, the best team in the league. Billy was nervous for the big contest. The first contest you have to chop a log of a Redwood in half; Billy got second. The next contest you have to climb the tree the fastest; Billy got first. The next contest Billy got third, second, then first, and finally he got first again. Wisconsin had won by one contest. Billy was sad because his team didn't win the championship. "It is OK. You were going against thirteen year olds," said Mom. "Be happy that you got to the championship."

"Yeah, I guess so," said Billy.

Billy was one foot three and a half pounds, and he will be eight pretty soon. He had wanted a splitting maul, an axe, saw and red suspenders and for his birthday; he also had a sleepover and they built a fort. The day after his birthday at school, Billy was playing and he saw a big spider. The spider tried to hurt him but he tackled it and threw it in the river, so Billy decided to sign up for westling. The next day is his birthday. He got what he wanted. They played around and slept over. They built a fort and slept there.

The next day at school the lumberjack team went on a two night field trip, where the grown up lumberjacks worked. The best lumberjacks were the prime lumberjacks; they travel around the world. Billy and his team learned a lot from then. They learned how to chop a log right, how to saw logs and how to climb a tree fast, they all got to try it. He and his friends had a lot of fun on the field trip, they stayed up late and built things.

The next day, Billy and his friends went swimming. They found an underwater cave, and swam in it and found a prime gold axe! They donated it to the Museum, and the Museum gave them five thousand dollars! They bought a workshop to build lots of things to sell and make money. The next day was Christmas. Billy and his mom love Christmas and going to church. The next day Billy got toys for Christmas his favorite one was a red and green axe.

It is five years later and Billy is now thirteen. He is two feet tall and weighs two pounds. He now competes against grown up lumberjacks. Billy won four lumberjack championships and five MVPs, he also won three wrestling contests. Billy is the strongest thirteen year old in Redwood Middle School. He won many trophies, and he built a statue of himself and put it up in his yard. He also loved fishing for Brook trout.

He caught five fifteen inch Brook trout. He was one of the best fisherman in the Redwood Forest. He fished in Wisconsin, Florida, Alaska and many other places. He is popular in his hometown and known all over, because he owns his own company that sells axes and many other things, and he built a huge workshop for Redwood Middle School.

Six years later, Billy is trying out to be a Redwood Prime Lumberjack. He is nervous to try out for the Redwood Prime Lumberjacks. Billy was nineteen now, and his first test to become a RedWood Prime Lumberjack was to climb a Redwood tree in thirty seconds; he made it up in twenty-six seconds. The next task was to chop through a Redwood tree in ten minutes; Billy made it in eight minutes and nine seconds. The next test was to saw a Redwood tree down in eight minutes, Billy completed it in seven minutes and thirty-four seconds. Billy was tired. The last and final test was to do one hundred push-ups in one minute and twenty seconds, Billy did it in one minute and five seconds. Billy made it in! Billy was now a Redwood Prime Lumberjack!

"Good job!" said Mom.

"You did great!" said Bob.

"Good job!" said Jack.

"You did better than most Redwood Prime Lumberjacks," said the Master Lumberjack.

Billy traveled around the world and cut down different trees and won many contests; everyone was talking about Billy, the Prime Lumberjack. Billy was twenty now and he is three and a half feet tall. He weighs thirty-five pounds. He won three prime lumberjack MVPs and four championships.

Billy was twenty-four years old now. The town decided to buy chainsaws so they could take trees down faster. Billy and many other lumberjacks did not like the idea.

"I don't want chainsaws," said Billy.

"I think we should," said the Mayor of the Redwood Forest .

"I bet I could chop a Redwood Tree down faster than a chainsaw," said Billy. "If I can beat that chainsaw we're not using them, but if I lose then I won't say anything more ."

"OK," said the Mayor of the Redwood Forest.

The next day Billy was up against the chainsaw and a lot of people were cheering for Billy.

"You can do it!" said Mom.

The crowd was cheering and all the lumberjacks were there.

"Three, two, one go!" said the Announcer.

The chainsaw was ahead, Billy caught up, It was a close race. Billy was sweating, exhaustion came over him, but determination filled his eyes. Billy started chopping faster than the chainsaw; his hands were phasing. He beat the chainsaw, everyone cheered! They painted murals of Billy and they put a statue of Billy in the middle of the town. Billy was the best lumberjack who ever lived, even better than his cousin, Paul Bunyan.