
Chapter 2:Him


I stared straight at him shock crossing over my feautures and I am sure it is written all over my face.

Emotions,different wide emotions start raging in me and the most prominent being anger, Anger at the man who broke my heart and left it into pieces.

Anger at myself for still being affected by his mere presence.

I look into his eyes only to see his eyes coldly scan the room before they land on me and if possible it turns colder and a flash of an unknown emotion passes through his eyes before he shields it and an arrogant look crosses over his face.

Clad in a black three pieces Armani suit that hugs his body to perfection,showing just how much muscle he has underneat it and it shows off his tall impressive height.

His face still the same yet different,the grey eyes that used to look at me with love now seemed void just like that day and his words start running through my head.

His perfectly chiseled jaw is covered with a two day old stubble that makes him appear rugged with a diamond black stone that sits on his left ear,high bridge nose, high cheekbones and a pair of plump pink lips,his black hair is gelled back to perfection.

I glare at him annoyed at the man and the need to bolt out of this room or hit him straight in the face becomes so strong I clench my fists at my side to remain strong and be the bigger person.

He takes powerful strides into the room walking like he owned us all with his head held high and his eyes cold,he places his left wrist which is adorned by a diamond encrusted rolex into his pocket and I let out a snort which makes everyone present to look at me with widened eyes probably in fear of offending the man standing before them.

''Damien king''My father calls out and walks towards the man to share a hug patting his back firmly and the man returns the gesture.

''Del russo''He calls out to my father his voice deep and husky.

''Please sit''Father tells the man who wastes no time and sits directly opposite me.

I dont' say anything and just stare at the painting behind his head choosing to ignore his mere presence.

My brother Lorenzo walks towards me and after placing a small kiss on my forehead walks to a chair to sit down.

''Let's start please I have important things to do'' Damien says his voice booming and bouncing off the wall.

I hiss and roll my eyes at his arrogance.we all have something to do and yet we are here instead.

''Well I suggest you get out Mr King''I spit at him coldly and the man turns to glare at me his eyes cold.

''I'd advice you teach your daughter some manners Mr del russo''Damien says and I let out a snort at his words.

''Look who is talking about manners''I say my voice mocking and his face turns colder while the older shareholders start shaking in fear of the stupid man's wrath.

It's not like he can do anything.

''Please gentlemen don't mind these very matured people''My father says the sarcasm obvious in his tone and my brother chuckles to which I glare at him.

''Now for the announcement''My father says and pauses for a while and looks round the table''I am here to announce that my daughter Roseangelica will be getting married to Damien king''Father finishes and my ears start ringing at the bomb thrown.

Looking round the table I can see that they are also shocked by my father's words and I turn to look at Damien only to see him smirking at me.

''I don't want to marry this beast father''I say standing up from my chair ready to leave this room if needed.

I felt suffocated,my chest tight and emotions a mess.

''I don't want to marry you either bitch''Damien spits with a sneer and I'll be lying if I say that didn't hurt but I put on a cold facade.

Father says something in spanish and I instantly sit down only to bend down and bring out the knife to throw at the man opposite me.

As expected he dodges but his face turns livid'' Are you insane''He yells while glaring at me and I smile sweetly at him.

After talking to everyone with me not listening to a word being exchanged father gets up to leave the room along with the others and that is when I notice I am in the room alone with the cocky bastard.

Standing up from my chair I am about to go out when I am suddenly pinned to the wall harshly.

''Try that again baby and I'll have you punished. remember I also don't want this''he whispers and my body trembles not in fear but in desire to which he notices and smirks before walking off.