
billionaire secret enemy

billionaire Andrew is a cold and ruthless politician and businessman. At a certain point, his business was collapsing and he wanted a boost so he decided to frame Jack, Mike’s father, arresting him for stealing a necklace that he didn't have. Mike’s father was persecuted, with the help of Officer Reynold as a witness and later on, Mike’s father died in prison. Mike thought of his revenge every day, and that incident made him an orphan. Years later, he found that billionaire Andrew was auctioning the necklace, he accused his father of stealing and he executed his revenge by exposing Andrew's evil deeds. Will he be successful in his conquest? Check out “Billionaire's Secret Enemy” a story based on revenge, trust, friendship, and betrayal

Ebenezer_Promise · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter Five: First Love.

Chapter five: the first love.

"Wait! Play it back I think I know who that is" Jane said in a shock voice tone.

"Are you sure?" Officer Joe asked, as he, police commissioner Reynold, and Jane's father, billionaire Andrew turned to look at her for useful information.

"Jane, are you sure you know who that is?" Billionaire Andrew asked as he faced his daughter and looked her in the eye.

"Yeah, I think so, I saw him during the event," Jane said.

"Madam please, who is he?" Commissioner Reynold asked Jane.

"Umm… it's… can I see the footage one more time?" Jane asked for confirmation.

Officer Joe stepped out of the way, to allow Jane to view the footage on the security monitor while her father, billionaire Andrew, and police commissioner Reynold waited patiently for answers, with hopes that it would solve their problems.

Jane viewed the security footage and played it back one more time, as he watched it again, her eyes widening in surprise.

Noticing her facial expression, billionaire Andrew asked "So… who is it?"

Jane turned and said "Sorry I don't know, It was a mistaken identity, it was not who I thought it was"

"But, you said.."

"It was a mistaken identity," Jane said, cutting Commissioner Reynold short.

"Jane you are now saying you don't know who is that on the screen?" Billionaire Andrew, Jane's father asked, expressing his confusion.

"Yes Father, it was a mistaken identity, I thought it was one of those homeless men on the street, near the event center," Jane said

"But the way you talked at first, it sounds as if you were sure, I mean very sure," police commissioner Reynold said

"No.. no.. look have a stressful day and I think I should leave you guys to do your job, so see you later," Jane said, as he hugged her father and walked out of the security room.

Billionaire Andrew stood there confused about what his daughter said.

"Umm…. Sir, I don't know how this will sound but I think your daughter knows something" police Commissioner Reynold said, looking at billionaire Andrew.

"You think?" Billionaire Andrew said, looking at Commissioner Reynold skeptically, while Officer Joe

"Yes sir I think so" Commissioner Reynold replied.

"Why? Or trying to say my daughter, Jane, is involved?" Billionaire Andrew said in a slightly angry voice.

"No.. no… it's not like that" Commissioner Reynold said.

"So what are you trying to say?" In the same slightly angry voice.

"Look what I am trying to say is…..(paused and turned to Officer Joe who was staring at them discussing) get back to work! (Officer Joe, snaps and goes back to reviewing the footage and he turns back to billionaire Andrew) that she knows something, I don't know what it is but she knows something" police commissioner Reynold said.

"Hope you are sure? Okay, what are we going to do?" Billionaire Andrew asked in a calm curious tone.

"Sir, listen, I suggest that we should place surveillance on her, in case she makes contact with the suspect," Commissioner Reynold said.

"Like a police spy team?" Billionaire Andrew asked.

"Yes, exactly!" Commissioner Reynold said.

"Alright, I hope this plan of yours will work?" Billionaire Andrew asked.

"Yes it will," Commissioner Reynold said.

"Okay, carry on but don't use force or harm my daughter," billionaire Andrew said.

"Yes sir," Commissioner Reynold said, saluting him.

Billionaire Andrew nodded and walked out of the security room with reassurance that his necklace would be found.

The following day, Miss Jane drove out of the mansion and went to work, but on her way to work she diverted and went to the park.

Miss Jane walked swiftly to a corner and sat down under a tree. Miss Jane opened her bag and started searching for something.

"It's here, I know it's here," Jane said as she scattered her bag.

"I found it!" Miss Jane proclaimed, bringing out an old, a bit Dusty, phone book.

She opened it and went through the phone numbers and names alphabetically with her finger moving on the papers.

Miss Jane's finger stopped moving on the paper upon sighting a contact, Miss Jane quickly brought out her phone and dialed the number.

Jane listened as the phone rang, looking left and right with anxiety all over her face.

"Hello! Hello!" Jane said as the call receiver picked up the call,

"I am speaking with Mike?" Jane said, with a low voice, still looking around.

"Yes you are but who am I speaking with" the call recipient replied identifying himself as Mike via the phone call.

"Thank goodness, Mike listen… It's Jane, remember?" Jane asked.

"Yes, I do, gosh! It has been ages since we heard from each other" Mike said via the phone call

"Yeah, just listen…"

"Last time, we met, you were about twenty-eight years old and that was about two years ago, right? And surprisingly we meet again at your father's auction party" Mike said, after interrupting Jane.

"Mike. Mike. Listen, you are aware that the diamond necklace at the auction was stolen right?" Jane asked.

"Yeah, I'm" Mike answered.

Jane looked around, "on the security footage, I saw you and I recognized you but the policemen didn't and you have tagged a suspect," Jane said.

"Yes I am a suspect but not the criminal you are looking for," Mike said over the phone, leaving Jane perplexed.

"What do you mean by that?" Jane asked.

"Let me say we will talk better when we see," Mike said.

"How are we going to see each other? And… and Mike did you steal the necklace? I am just asking because you are a suspect" Jane said.

"Don't worry I will find you and yes I stole the necklace and why didn't you report it to the police?"

"Because….. Because… I still like you and don't want any bad thing to happen to you" Jane said, confessing her feelings she had for Mike right from when they were young adults in high school.

"Yeah I know, me too but I am married now and if you truly like me do the right thing," Mike said.

"I don't understand. Do the right thing? As in how? Please explain" Jane said.

"Okay, I will send you an address so we can meet," Mike said

"Okay thanks," Jane said and hung up the phone.

Jane left the park that day but unknowingly she was been followed by one of the undercover officers.

The undercover officer reported to the station, delivering the information acquired.

"Good job, Officer Ruby" Commissioner Reynold said, revealing the identity of the undercover officer as Ruby.

"So we are going to wait until she makes contact with the suspect?" Officer Joe asked.

"Yes we are, and we are going to arrest him on sight and send him to jail," Commissioner Reynold said, expressing the will of billionaire Andrew

"But we are going to do real police work right?" Officer Joe asked, sensing another motive.

"Yes you are," Commissioner Reynold said, avoiding eye contact.

"So let's get prepared then," Officer Ruby said.

Days went by and Jane unknown to her, was kept under watch. On a fateful day, Jane got a text message and it was from Mike.

Jane left the house and went to meet Mike at the address he sent, but unknowingly, she was followed by undercover officers to apprehend the suspect.