
Billionaire Love With Switched Soul

Trust may appear to be nothing more than a word, but once it has been broken, they will never be able to fix it again, no matter how hard we try. What are the consequences that would occur if the person we have placed the most trust in throughout our lives turned against us and became the reason for our downfall? During our lifetimes, would we ever be able to forgive them, and would we ever be able to trust anyone else again without hesitation? There are two distinct personalities, Maya Irons and Everly Stone, who happen to be going through the same circumstances and experiencing the same consequences at the same time, but they are doing so in two different locations. Maya is a vulnerable young lady who has a warm heart, whereas Everly is a powerful young lady who has a cold heart. When they were each other's souls in different bodies, their lives took an unexpected turn. This was the beginning of the unexpected turn that their lives took. What were the consequences that would follow when they both became aware of it? Will they accept their fate and move on or will they both fight for their own souls? He was a young and dynamic billionaire with a cold heart who worked his way up the ladders of success and eventually reached the top of the business world. His name was Zephyr Magnus. He became entangled with Maya, which ultimately resulted in their matrimonial union, in addition to amassing an adversary's pages through his business success. Asher Shadow, in order to fulfill his responsibility while on a covert mission, must execute some steps. During this time, he would be astounded by Everly Stone's transformation and fall in love with her. They both tie the knot after falling in love with each other. Nonetheless, they are forced to endure some unfavorable circumstances that expose the depths of some secrets that have been concealed for over two decades and profoundly shatter them. Along their respective paths to self-discovery, both couples experience numerous ups and downs. Will they both succeed in surmounting the challenges and immortalizing their love story, or will they be forced to diverge paths? What are the hidden secrets? Join me as I explore the journey of Billionaire Love With Switched Soul to learn more about their journey.

Anveshitha · Urban
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106 Chs

A phone call of Eviction

On the other side of the planet.

"Ring, Ring," The sound of Everly's phone ringing interrupted her sleep. At first, she tried to ignore the calls and declined them; however, the other party wasn't taking the name to stop.

She answered her call without even opening her eyes and in a cold tone, she said, "Is this the time to call? Do you even know what time it is now?"

"Ho, I don't even know that being in one such position, someone would be able to get a peaceful sleep. Anyhow, I called you to give a piece of information. It's your wish you would accept it or not," the other party laughed in such a way that Everly had to open her eyes and check the caller ID.

When the name flashed on the mobile screen, it robbed her of sleep and caused her beautiful eyes to turn red. In a split second, Everly turned enraged and curled into a fireball, which can make the whole world turn into ashes.

"How dare you call me and treat me like this? I am going to chop you into pieces and feed my dogs," Everly exclaimed in fury.

"Oh, finally, the lioness was back in form. Ok, you can chop me into pieces but I would make sure that at least before you chop my last piece, I will make sure that Kelly will entertain my men," the other party warned Everly with a wicked smile.

"You can't even touch her shadow. If you have to touch her first, you have to cross me," Everly warned in a chilling voice, which can send a shiver down the spine. For a moment, the other party who was blackmailing her even hesitated and reconsidered. However, the person beside him asked him to continue the call.

"Oh! How sad it is, as I already have her in my hands. If you want to save her, trace us in a hurry and come to save her. If you can't be ready to get the news," he passed his ultimatum. "Hmm, you would miss her if you couldn't find us in an hour. Let me be generous to you and give you something. Why don't I request that my men record a video of themselves enjoying her company and forward it to you? Isn't it a great idea?" He laughed.

"HOW DARE YOU?" Everly screamed.

"Already five minutes have gone by now. If you want to waste your time like this, then you can. I have plenty of time in my hands and I too want you to waste your time so it will help me. However, my men were also looking so excited to enjoy her. How can't they? She is such a hot figure," the man said, which infuriated Everly more.

"I am coming. Dare you lay your finger on her, I will make sure to chop you and turn you into food for my wolves," Everly said and hung up on the call.

After that, she tried to reach Kelly; however, she couldn't reach her. She called her guards but none were answering her calls. She kicked the bed out in frustration and walked out from there. She went directly to Kelly's bedroom and went inside her room. Kelly was nowhere to be found, and at the same time, her mobile received a message notification. She opened them and saw that those pictures were of Kelly. She was sleeping on the floor with her hands and legs tied. Her mouth was stuffed with cloth and her cheeks had the marks of fingerprints. The corners of her mouth have blood marks.

After looking at it, she immediately called the other person but he declined her call. So she left a voice note saying,

"One more slap on her face I don't even know what I would do. I am coming."

After that, she drew some sequences of numbers and took everyone into the conference while walking down the stairs.

"I need you to trace this number immediately and I want to get all the happenings in and around the mansion last night. Check if any new person entered the mansion or if any of my guards met unknown people outside the mansion. I'm giving you all only a few minutes." Everly ordered and she walked out of her mansion to check on her guards. She was fascinated to see all her guards on the ground, like they were unconscious. A few guards had wounds on their bodies, indicating something happened the previous night.

She snapped her fingers but there were none to come forward.

"Where are all these maids?" She thought and looked at her mobile screen. It wasn't even 4:00 a.m., and all her maids would come back to work only by 5:00 a.m. With a sigh, she looked around and grabbed a bottle of water. After that, she put that water on one guard's face and he came back to his senses. After seeing Everly's sharp gaze, he quickly stood up and made a vow in front of her.

"What are you guys doing? Sleeping peacefully?" She growled.

"No ma'am. I don't know how I felt so sleepy and how I slept also," she answered.

"Ok, pour the water on everyone's face and wake all of them up," Everly ordered, signaling to all the other guards who were unconscious.

The whole place looked messy like someone had come there and spoiled everything. Several spots indicated a significant mishap had occurred, which further confused Everly. She is a light sleeper and even a pin dropping on the floor can also wake her up. She is certain that the noise would have woken her up after looking at the surroundings. She decorated all the rooms as normal from a noise proof standpoint, so he would always have control over her premises. But something was off the previous night. When she was thinking all this, something hit her mind, which made her open her eyes wide in shock.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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