
Billionaire James Legend

Billionaire James Legend is a smut novel that tells the story of a young ruffian from Beijing, China, who goes to college in the United States. After graduation, he is incredibly lucky and wins the lottery in California. He then bribes the general manager of a multinational investment company and is given the opportunity to be sent back to Beijing as the manager of the investment department. As he interacts with various beautiful women, he encounters many crises, but he always manages to overcome them with his connections and luck, gradually becoming a legendary story of a business tycoon.

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4 Chs

Chapter 003 "Hero" "Rescue" Beauty

Jame H and Blade Li finished their meal after 12:00. Hunter Chen drove back to his home near Nanlishi Road. Although the company arranged a large suite for him at the Tianlun Dynasty Hotel because he was sent back to China on official business, he still preferred the feeling of being at home with his parents.

On the way back from the south, not far from his home, there was a river where old shanties were being demolished as it was the route for the city's sightseeing boats. It was not a major road, and the road conditions were even worse now. He wasn't driving very fast when passing through that area. "Ha..."

Jame H yawned, feeling a bit tired. He just closed his eyes for a moment, and when he opened them again, he was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat.

Suddenly, a girl ran straight ahead in the middle of the road, with group of hooligans whistling and chasing after her from behind. Despite his desperate braking, the girl fell down with a scream. Jame H was instantly alert and quickly got out of the car to check on the girl's injuries.

The girl was not actually hit, just scared, sitting on the ground looking bewildered. But the sight in front of Jame H still caught his attention. The girl was incredibly pure and beautiful, with big watery eyes that sparked desire at first sight. Her slender waist had no excess fat, yet exuded the roundness of a grown woman. Her full breasts stood proudly on her chest, her delicate shoulders trembling lightly. Tears filled her eyes, as if she had suffered a great deal of bullying. The young beauty appeared to be no more than fifteen or sixteen years old, and Jame H, who was captivated by her innocent beauty, felt drawn to her.

"Miss, are you okay? What happened?"

Upon hearing the man's gentle voice and seeing his caring face, the girl burst into tears, knelt in front of Jame H, and clung to his leg, pleading, "Boss, please save me, please... I beg you..."

The girl was sobbing uncontrollably by now. "Let's talk about it later, come with me."

Jame H helped the girl up, held her delicate arm, and noticed her cute little bottom wrapped in cotton panties. He't help but feel a bit distracted.

At that moment, eight seventeen or eighteen-year-old ruffians ran up from behind and stood in front them. Jame H understood the situation almost immediately. Most likely, boys intended to the girl. Just as they were about to catch up to her Jame H's disrupted their plan.

"Hey buddy, this is none of your business. Leave the girl and go, we won't bother you. Just leave."

One of them, with a rat-like appearance and dyed yellow hair, spoke to Jame H, noting that he seemed to be driving a luxury car and decided not to be too arrogant. There was no need to provoke a wealthy person, especially with a beauty present, they didn't want any more trouble.

Jame H immediately recognized the yellow-haired guy as Hunter Chen. Four years ago, when he went to the United States, Hunter Chen was just a little kid following Titan around. Jame H couldn't believe that after a few years, he had the audacity to attempt to assault a teenage girl.

The girl held Jame H's arm tightly and pleaded, "Boss, please don't leave me, I beg you."

Her voice trembled with tears. "Don't worry, I won't leave you with them."

Jame H smiled slightly at her, but he knew he had to say it even though he was alone now. Despite having many friends and connections, facing multiple opponents alone was difficult. If he fought back, he would also have to protect the girl. With his BENZ nearby, he couldn't afford to risk any harm coming to it.

Upon hearing his words, the girl suddenly felt a sense of security and even returned a smile to him. She looked cute, like a flower blooming suddenly. Jame H was determined not to let these troublemakers harm her. "What's your name? How old are you?"

Jame H took off his suit and draped it over her. "Savannah Zheng, sixteen..."

The girl blushed and lowered her head.

The people across from Jame H not only ignored them but also started chatting with the girl. Hunter Chen couldn't stand it any longer. "Hey, are you bored? Get lost, don't you mess around here. Boss is still in charge here. Don't mess with us."

Hunter Chen's words made Jame H feel uncomfortable. "Boss is still in charge? Who's the boss? Do you not recognize me? When I was hanging out here, you were still a little kid."

At this point, Jame H had to stand his ground. He couldn't lose face in front of the beautiful girl. Even though his phone was in the car and he could easily call the police, if they arrived, he would be in trouble. In this critical moment, he was also thinking about how to get the girl behind him.

Hunter Chen was clearly the of these ruffians, and the others were waiting for his command. He leaned in towards Jame H and carefully examined his face. "You are... hmm, you are Jame H."

"Alright, since you recognize me, I won't waste words. I'm taking this girl with me."

He was about to pull Savannah Zheng into the car. "Wait!"

Hunter Chen had already decided to take action. If he let Jame H leave in front of his gang, it would be humiliating. It was late at night, and no one would come by. He could easily dispose of Jame H and have his way with the girl. This was the arrogance of youth, not considering the consequences of their actions.

"What do you want?"

Jame H didn't know Hunter Chen's intentions and thought he had intimidated him. "Don't give me that crap. Your time has passed. This is my territory now. Even if Titan Liu came, I wouldn't show him any respect. If you keep meddling, you won't leave today. Let's beat him up first, then have some fun."

As a few guys approached Jame H, he didn't expect the little kid who used to respectfully call him "Tao Boss" to now dare to act tough. He was unsure how to handle the situation and realized he had to take a risk.

Just as the situation was about to escalate, "Who's so damn arrogant? Not even giving me face?"

Titan and two others emerged from behind a broken wall. Jame H recognized them as well-known troublemakers in the area. Titan and his friends had just finished drinking at a bar near West Gate and happened to pass by when they heard someone loudly mentioning his name and disrespecting him.

"Fourth Boss, what are you doing here?"

Titan immediately noticed Jame H. "Take a look for yourself."

", a hero saving the beauty."

It was clear what was going on When Titan approached Hunter Chen, he nodded and bowed, "Boss, why are you here?"

Titan looked at him sideways, "Don't call me 'boss,' I can't handle it. You didn't give me face, did you?"

"How could that be, Boss Titan, I was just joking, don't take it seriously."

It seemed Hunter Chen was indeed afraid of Titan.

At that moment, Jame H had a plan. He raised his right hand, pointed his chest with his index finger, then raised his middle finger in a " you" gesture, and finally pointed his thumb backward. Everyone saw it except for Savannah Zheng, who was shielded by him. Titan, being his brother for almost twenty years, immediately understood his intention. He nodded slightly and led Hunter Chen to a corner to have a quiet conversation. "What are they up to?"

Savannah Zheng timidly asked from behind Jame H, "Maybe they are discussing the conditions for letting you go. Don't worry, with me here, no one will dare to harm you."

Now he truly had the confidence to say that, with more people on his side, the newcomers wouldn't dare to cause trouble.

"Fourth Boss, I think you should stay out of this. What he's saying makes sense."

"What... what did you say?"

Jame H pretended to be surprised. "Alright, tell my fourth boss."

Titan raised his head towards Hunter Chen. "Tao Boss, why are you saving this little girl?'s just a young prostitute If we don't have fun with her today, someone else will tomorrow. We're all in together, need to turn each other over slut. Give her to us, let us have some fun, and we can all meet again in the future, don't you think? She's not your girlfriend, and if she were, we wouldn't touch her."

Jame H chuckled inwardly impressed Titan's persuasive. He turned his head, looking hesitant as he glanced at Savannah ZhengThe girl was terrified, tears welling up in her eyes as she trembled and pleaded, "Please, H, I... I'm really not a bad girl."

Jame H clenched his teeth, took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind. " is my girlfriend can we now?"

"Damn, Jame H,'re in the wrong here. We saw it, you didn't even know her name earlier. You're clearly us, aren you?"

"Can't fall in love at first sight?"

"Sure, you can say whatever you want. But just falling in love won't work, at most it's a one-sided crush. The girl doesn't like you, she just wants to be roughed up by us."

Upon hearing, Savannah Zheng said, "I I also like him"What, what? You also like him? So, you're saying he's your boyfriend?"


"Then give him a kiss, let us see."


"Forget it, words are not enough. If you're not willing to kiss him, don't claim he's your boyfriend. One try will expose the truth."

Hunter Chen moved to grab Savannah Zheng.

this, Savannah Zheng, disregarding hery, kissed Jame H the cheek "Forget it, even my mom kisses me more affectionately than this. Boyfriend? Who are you trying to fool?"

Hunter Chen, "I'll give you one more. Jame H, if you kiss her and she doesn't resist, I'll believe you."

Jame H turned to Savannah Zheng, her pretty face with big watery eyes, though teary, still captivating. "Is it okay?"


Her voice was as soft as a mosquito, barely audible.

Jame H gently embraced Savannah's slender waist, the girl tiptoed, her arms stiffly wrapped around the man's neck, eyes closed, lips slightly parted. Jame H's mouth followed suit and kissed her. He used his tongue to open her tightly closed teeth, teasing out the girl's fragrant tongue, gently sucking on it. His hand slid down her back, slipping into the waistband of her panties, using two fingers to caress the top of her buttocks.

He tasted her tender tongue, smelled her faint body scent, and felt the warmth of her body close to his, causing Jame H to pitch a tent. The girl awkwardly responded, feeling conflicted about losing her first kiss in this situation. Suddenly, she felt his body change, a hard object pressing against her abdomen. She knew what it was but didn't push the man away, partly because of Hunter Chen's earlier words and partly due to the pleasure of intimate kissing with a man, feeling a warm sensation flowing through her body.

While the two were passionately kissing, Titan walked over to a boy, whispered a few words with him and Hunter Chen. Savannah Zheng was oblivious to everything, lost in the slight dizziness caused by lack of oxygen. After a while, their lips parted, and Jame H pecked her like a chick pecking at rice. Savannah Zheng breathed heavily, burying her face in his chest, gently rubbing against him. "Is it enough? What more proof do you need?"

"Damn, I have nothing else to say. We won't touch Jame H's girlfriend, you can go."

Hunter Chen feigned helplessness.

"Wait, wait!"

The boy who had whispered with Titan suddenly exclaimed, "This girl is all wet. If she wasn't a slut, how could she get wet from just a kiss? Kissing a slut like her means nothing. She definitely doesn't really like Jame H, we can't just let her go like this."

All eyes of the group quickly focused on the intersection of Savannah Zheng's legs, and the girl let out a soft "Ah," tightly covering her panties with her hands.

"Hunter Chen, take your hands off, stop pretending to be a lady. You've probably been screwed so many times, why the hell are you shy now?"

The guy rushed over and pulled Savannah's hands away. Under the headlights, the pale yellow panties wrapped around the slightly protruding part of her private area indeed had a small wet spot. "No... I... didn't know... it's not..."

Savannah was so embarrassed that she couldn't speak coherently, tears streaming down her face. Jame H stepped forward, pushed the guy away, and embraced Savannah, kissing her forehead and comforting her softly.

"Hunter Chen, my brother makes sense. What do you think we should do?"

Hunter Chen took charge again. "What do you think? What else do you want her to do?"

Jame H looked indignant. "Don't be angry, we agreed on this. If she can't prove she really considers you her boyfriend, tonight we'll all be her boyfriend. How about this, I can see you're uncomfortable, let this girl give you a blow, and then we won't say anything more."

"What... what do you mean by a blow?"

Savannah asked softly. "Stop pretending to be innocent, stop acting dumb. 'Blow' means using your slutty mouth to suck a man's dick until he ejaculates."

"You guys... you're too much!"

Savannah shouted. "Shut your damn mouth, it's not your turn to speak. What's so excessive? Jame H is so uncomfortable because of you, this little slut. If you really consider him your boyfriend, what's wrong with helping him with your mouth?"

"No... no... I don't want to..."

The girl cried and screamed, her voice echoing in the silent night.

"Jame H, you see, it's not that I won't let her go, she's just not interested in you at all. Let me have her for some training."

Hunter Chen said with a lewd smile. Jame H took Savannah's hand and said, "Stop crying, I'll take you out. No one can force you to do something you don't want to do."

The beautiful girl lifted her head, looked into his eyes, although a hint of disappointment was visible in the man's eyes, her expression was firm, as if she could break free from any situation, even if faced with a thousand troops. Savannah's gratitude towards the man in front of her was beyond words, even developing a sense of admiration.


Hunter Chen sneered, "Walk out? Jame H, you're exaggerating. With Boss Long here, you can walk out as boldly as you want, I won't stop you. But you need to think carefully. In our line of work, trust is everything. If you just leave like this, your reputation will be worth nothing. Besides, Boss Long can't be with you every day, and can't be with this little bitch every day either. I've made myself clear, there's nothing more to say, it's up to you."

"Kid, are you threatening me? Fine! I don't care about my reputation, if you want revenge, come find me, I want to see what you're capable of."

Jame H seemed to have made up his mind, he grabbed Savannah and tried to leave. Unexpectedly, the girl broke free from him, tears falling like broken pearls from her eyes, biting her lower lip.

Jame H looked at her strangely, "What? Do you want to stay?"

Savannah didn't speak, then as if she had made a decision, suddenly knelt in front of him, unzipped his pants, and with trembling hands pulled out Jame H's semi-erect penis. "What are you doing?"

Although this was all part of his plan, Jame H wasn't mentally prepared for how smoothly it was going. "Jame H, you're a good person, I can't let you risk yourself to save me. I really like you."

Savannah's voice became calm, she stopped crying, perhaps because she had resolved her actions.

She opened her red lips, took Jame H's half erect member into her mouth, then supported his hips with her hands, looking dazed and not moving. Jame H was so moved he almost cried, being both a "hero" and winning the heart of a beauty, how lucky can one person be? "Stupid, can't even give a blowjob, so damn dumb, move your head. Jame H, you should teach her, are we going to stand here forever?"

Hunter Chen made sarcastic remarks on the side. Although the girl didn't move, Jame H could still feel the warmth and wetness in her mouth. Seeing her innocent expression with closed eyes, his previously softened member revived.

Savannah also felt the thing in her mouth getting bigger, willingly taking the man's member in her mouth. This was something she had never dared to think about before, but now she was doing it voluntarily, feeling not disgust but happiness that she could make the man she loved feel comfortable.

Jame.H gently pressed Savannah's head with his right hand, caressed her face with his left hand, and slowly started moving in her mouth. Savannah opened her eyes, glanced at him, and saw him smiling at her with affection. The beautiful girl seemed greatly encouraged and began moving back and forth on her own using her wet lips to rub against the man's prominent member.

"Look, the little bitch is starting to get horny, knew she was a slut."

Hunter Chen was still shouting on the side, spitting as he spoke. "Alright, you can leave, this is none of your business."

Titan Liu walked over, gave him a kick, and whispered.

Savannah was still diligently serving the man. Although Jame.H's member wasn't exceptionally large, for a sixteen-year-old girl with a small mouth, it was still too thick and long. She could only take in a little more than half. Every time the round and large glans touched the mucous membrane at the back of her throat, the kneeling beauty felt like she was going to vomit, but she persisted in taking in the hard shaft. Each thrust of the half-erect member was covered in the girl's saliva, glistening obscenely under the car headlights. Excess saliva that she couldn't swallow in time was pushed out by the penis, covering her body.

The inexperienced girl's oral sex lacked any skill, just simple sucking in and spitting out. Jame.H estimated he was the first man to have his member in the girl's mouth, and he relied on this conquest feeling to maintain his hardness. However, this stimulation alone wasn't enough to make him ejaculate. Although he could hold the girl's head and aggressively thrust like in a rape scenario to quickly reach climax, that would make the woman's heart fly away. After weighing the pros and cons, he to it slow.

Titan Liu walked over and said in his ear, "Boss, enjoy yourself, we're leaving first. Don't forget the card game at Boss Three's house on Sunday."

Jame.H nodded, watched them disappear behind the broken wall, and then helped Savannah, who had become disoriented and embarrassed due to being half-naked in front of a group of strange men and engaging in such lewd acts.

"They're all gone."

Mr. Jame gently supported Savannah's shoulders. The beautiful girl, still in a daze, suddenly came to her senses and cried out, then buried her head in Jame.H's arms, as if that was the safest place in the world. Jame.H stroked her black hair gently and comforted her, "Savannah, don't cry, everything is fine now. Come on, I'll take you home."

Saying that, he led her to the car. Jame.H pulled her in front of him, and the two kissed again. After a while, their lips parted, a transparent thread of saliva still connecting them, as if they were reluctant to part...

The open-top BENZ drove onto Chang'an Street. The clock on the Telegraph Building already pointed to 1:30. Despite the hot August night in Beijing, the fast speed of the car and the air conditioning blowing cold air outside made it bearable, giving a feeling of a cool breeze on the face.

"Where do you live?"

"I... I don't want to go home."

"Why not?"


Without a response, Jame.H turned to look at the girl beside him, reached out his right hand, gently held her hand back, and said, "Is there something you can't tell me? Any difficulties, I will share with you. We are no longer strangers, right?"

This statement, if said to a mature woman with rich social experience, would be nonsense. But for a young girl who still holds infinite longing for love, it was like a declaration of love, a passionate declaration.

Savannah's small hand turned over, tightly holding the man's strong hand, "I ran away from home. My dad died before I was born, and for sixteen years, my mom raised me alone. She runs her own business and makes a good income. We've been living well together. But a few months ago, my mom dating a man, and now they're planning to get married I argued with her times about this. Last night, that man came to see my mom again, I got angry thinking it, so I ran out. I didn't know where to go, so wandered around. When I reached the riverbank, I ran into a few thugs. They were about to assault me when you arrived."

"Ah, I see. Why don't you stay at my place for the night, and I'll take you back in the morning. Take some time to think things over. Your mom isn't really in the wrong. If you still can't understand in the morning, we can talk it out."

As they spoke, the car arrived at Tianlun Dynasty. The two of them approached the check-in counter in the lobby, "Mr. Jame, you're back so late, here's your key."

The respectful attitude of the counter attendant filled Savannah with a sweet feeling. Everyone has a sense of vanity, and which woman doesn't want her boyfriend to have status and position? A luxury car, a luxurious hotel, being caring and risking his own safety to save her, compared to the teenage boys she sees every day, he is not just a hero but a prince charming. All these combined, Savannah had long given her heart to this man. Jame.H came over, held her hand, and walked towards the elevator. She could clearly feel the envy in the eyes of the front desk attendant, which made her indescribably proud, "Are you envious? He is my boyfriend."

In the suite, Jame.H took out a bathrobe from the bathroom for Savannah, "I'll take a shower first. When I go in, you can change your clothes. You can shower when I'm done, I'll be quick."

After saying that, he walked into the bathroom.

It's a gentlemanly gesture to let the girl shower first, he knew that, but looking at the clock, it was almost 2:00, and time was running out. When Jame.H finished showering and came out, Savannah had changed her clothes, "You go shower, you'll sleep in my bed tonight, I'll sleep on the sofa in the living room." "But... but how..."

"There's nothing wrong with that. The sofa is big enough. Stop talking, go shower and get some rest."

Without waiting for Savannah to say anything else, Jame.H picked up her clothes and walked out, closing the bedroom door behind him.

In the living room, Jame.H found the girl's panties, still bearing the traces of the love fluid she had secreted earlier. He sniffed it, a unique scent of teenage body fragrance mixed with a faint musk wafted over, indescribable whether it was pleasant or foul, but it definitely stimulated a man's senses, this was the taste of desire.

The hotel staff took away the clothes, and Jame.H took off his shirt and pants, lying on the sofa, only wearing briefs. He looked uncomfortable as he covered himself with the blanket, this wasn't an act, he was six feet tall, and the sofa was only five and a half feet long, made of real leather, very soft, and he sank into it.

Feeling a bit impatient.

At that moment, the bedroom door silently opened, and the girl with wet hair leaned against the door frame, half of her body peeking out. It seemed she had just finished showering, and women take a lot of effort to shower. "Jame.H, why don't you come in and sleep, you look so uncomfortable on the sofa."

A timid voice spoke up. "Finally."

Jame.H felt a burst of joy in his heart, but he pretended to be indifferent on the surface. "No need, I'm fine here. I can't let you sleep on the sofa."

"The bed inside is so big, enough for the two of us to sleep."

"That's not a good idea..."

Although he said that, in his heart he thought, "Hold on one more time, baby, just hold on a little longer, I'll come in and comfort you."

Unexpectedly, Savannah slowly squatted down, softly sobbing. Jame.H quickly helped her up, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I know... I know why you don't... sob... don't want to come in and..."

"You know? [That's troublesome.]" "You... you don't want... sob... don't want to sleep in the same bed with me... you think I'm a promiscuous woman..."

"Huh? How could that be?"

Jame.H was a bit puzzled. "When I was being chased by them... sob... they said a lot of nasty things to me... sob... you must think I'm a very promiscuous woman like those thugs said... sob sob..."

As Savannah spoke, she became sadder and sadder, turning into a crying mess.

This was completely unexpected for Jame.H, he didn't expect this young girl to have such heavy burdens on her mind. Looking at her tear-streaked face, her eyes filled with tears and confusion, it made him both pity and love her, wanting to hold her in his arms forever and never let anyone bully her again. Looking down, the slightly oversized bathrobe, due to the pulling when she squatted earlier, the belt had loosened by itself, the front opening to the sides, revealing her white, perky breasts, the two small nipples slightly erect from being exposed to the cool air from the air conditioning. At the end of her straight legs, there was a dark shadow. Savannah, in her excited state, didn't even notice.

To achieve the goal of making this little beauty follow him wholeheartedly, Jame.H really had a hard time, as he resisted the urge to forcefully pin her down on the ground. He held the beautiful face with both hands, slightly lowered his head, and extended his tongue from her jawline, licking upwards. Savannah obediently closed her eyes, letting him kiss back and forth on her eyelids, swallowing her tears.

"Savannah, how could I? I believe you are pure. Even if they couldn't do anything to you, even if you were really... in my heart, you are still pure. Some things are beyond your control, but you know what's in your heart. I don't want to sleep in the same bed with you because I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself. You don't know how beautiful you are? No matter what, I'm a man, and sharing a bed with a beauty like you, I'm afraid I won't be able to restrain myself and hurt you. In that case, what's the difference between me and those bad people?"

Jame.H said as he embraced the deceived and stunned beauty in his arms.

Savannah was so moved that she couldn't speak, her arms tightly wrapped around the man's waist, bringing their bodies close together. She rested her face on his solid chest muscles, hearing the strong and powerful heartbeat of the man in her ears, filling her heart with peace and joy. Jame.H took the opportunity to slide his hands into the bathrobe, gently caressing the girl's snow-white back and hips. The girl's sensitive nipples pressed against the man's hot skin, quickly becoming erect and hard, a slight pleasure arising from the nipples. It was only then that she realized her bathrobe had opened wide, exposing her naked body.

Savannah's shy nature made her feel like she should adjust her bathrobe, but she couldn't bear to leave Jame.H's body. Being close to a beloved man's skin is what any woman in love desires, whether she is a white-haired old woman in her sixties or a slender teenage girl. Jame.H noticed the girl's hesitant yet welcoming demeanor and thought to himself, "It's time for you to take the initiative."

He thought of Ruby Wang's mature and sexy appearance, and Brock Wang's cute buttocks, causing his penis to continuously enlarge until his briefs couldn't fully contain it. The black-red glans squeezed out from the waistband of his pants, pressing directly on the girl's navel, as if he casually swayed his body to let the beautiful flesh in front of him feel its extraordinary hardness.

"Jame, are you... are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour passed, without a sound, "Damn, did my plan fail? Did I misjudge her? Ungrateful girl, if you don't come out, I'll barge in and rape you."

Savannah Zheng truly placed the comfort of her beloved man above her own sense of shame, and felt proud that her body could make her lover so excited. Jame.H quickly said awkwardly, "I... you should go into the room and sleep, I'll be there in a moment, lock the door behind you."

He even made a gesture to push her back into the bedroom.

This time, without anyone commanding or threatening, Savannah voluntarily squatted down, pulling down Jame.H's briefs. The hard and erect penis broke free from the fabric's constraints, springing forward and hitting the girl's pretty face. "Ah," the girl lightly exclaimed, but without any hesitation, she took the large round glans into her mouth, moistening it with saliva. "I know you're a good girl, I really like you, but if you just do this out of gratitude, you will regret it in the future."

"No, I won't."

Savannah released the glans, looking at Jame.H with affectionate eyes, "I'm not doing this out of gratitude, I truly love you. As long as you don't despise me, my body will always belong to you alone, I want to be your woman."

Her tone was so firm, as if nothing and no one could change her determination. After speaking, she took half of the shaft into her mouth again, awkwardly sucking on it.

Having a shaft can possess a woman's body, but the satisfaction of both body and mind is not something everyone can enjoy. Jame.H lifted the girl who was still doing futile efforts, removed her now useless bathrobe from her shoulders, held her petite waist, lifted her feet off the ground, and leaned her back against the door frame. Their foreheads touched, "Savannah, I will love you well, trust me."

"Jame.H, I trust you, please... please make love to me."

Savannah was completely moved, her trembling red lips pressed against Jame.H's mouth, exchanging their fluids.

The girl instinctively lifted her legs, wrapping them around the man's waist, her soft pubic hair rubbing against Jame.H's lower abdomen, tickling. A girl deeply in love, a lustful man with heightened desires, continuously kissing each other's cheeks and lips.

Jame.H kneaded Savannah's still slightly inexperienced breasts with one hand, pinching the hard nipples with two fingers, while the other hand followed her buttock groove from behind to find the meat crevice protected by sparse pubic hair. His index and middle fingers carefully separated the slightly moist labia, with the middle finger gently inserting into the tight little hole, moving back and forth, widening the diameter of the entrance.

"Ah, Jame.H, I... I... feel so strange... itchy... ah..."

More and more love juices secreted from Savannah's vagina, her eyes tightly closed, head tilted back against the door frame, buttocks twisting up and down. Jame.H licked her exposed snow-white neck, his right hand that had been lingering on her breast meat now grasping one side of her soft buttocks, pulling it outward, while his left hand held his own shaft, squeezing the glans into the slightly parted vaginal opening.

"Savannah, I'm going in, it might hurt a bit, bear with me."

In the pleasure of the glans being tightly squeezed by the vaginal flesh, Jame.H issued the final ultimatum to the girl in his arms. "Jame.H, I'm yours, take me, I can bear it."

The lovely girl tilted her head on his shoulder, hiding her face in his neck. The suppressed desire of the night burst out, and the hard shaft penetrated into the already quite wet tender hole in one go, leaving only a short section outside the extremely stretched labia due to the position.


The girl's body suddenly bounced up, holding the man's head tightly, pressing his face against her chest, her legs clamping even tighter. The expected pain did not occur, although there was an overwhelming sensation beyond imagination, it was still completely bearable. Savannah let out a long sigh, relieved that the immense pain of losing her virginity, as her friends had said, did not happen, making her very happy and grateful to her beloved man.

On the contrary, Jame.H was extremely displeased. His penis went in without any resistance, clearly indicating that this little girl's hymen was long gone. After all the effort, he ended up with a broken shoe. If he had known this earlier, he would have just gone all out from the beginning. The feeling of cherishing fragrant jade immediately disappeared, and he grabbed Savannah's two bent legs with his hands, pressing forward until her two small feet were almost parallel to her head.

The stormy and rapid pounding followed swiftly, each time leaving only the glans inside the vagina, then thrusting in full force, fiercely hitting the tender uterus. The delicate labia flipped in and out with the man's thrusts, ample lewd water continuously splashing out, making the intertwined pubic hair of the two wet.

Savannah's innocent body could not withstand such ravaging. Her eyes rolled back, saliva flowing, and her hands gripping Jame.H's shoulders tightly. Although waves of pleasure surged from her lower body to her whole being, the sudden change from gentle to violent in front of her lover made her faintly scared. "Ah... ah... ah... Jame.H... gentle... ah... gentle... I'm... it's my first time... ah... sob..."

She cried before finishing her sentence.

The girl's tears and candid words made Jame.H slightly calmer. He remembered that vigorous movements could also cause a girl's hymen to break prematurely, resulting in no bloodshed or pain on the first night. In ancient times, many women were mistakenly labeled as promiscuous for this reason. Would he also make the same foolish mistake today? From Savannah's behavior, she was indeed a pure virgin.

With this realization, Jame.H quickly slowed down the thrusting speed, released the girl's legs, supported her firm buttocks with one hand, and gently caressed her still damp short hair. "I'm sorry, Savannah, don't blame me. You're just too adorable, and you make me feel so comfortable. I couldn't help myself and didn't consider your feelings. Can you forgive me?"

While softly comforting her, he lightly kissed the girl's sweet lips. "Mm."

Savannah Zheng was not really angry with Jame.H, and since her beloved had already apologized, she had nothing more to say. "Did I make you uncomfortable just now?"

Jame.H continued to speak while his manhood moved in and out of her mound. "Ah... not really... ah... it's so beautiful... Jame.H... so comfortable... it's just that your previous... ah... demeanor was a bit scary..."

With her doubts dispelled, the girl began to wholeheartedly immerse herself in the pleasure of intercourse, intensifying the sensations even more.

Jame.H hadn't even asked the question he really wanted to know yet, "Little darling, do you usually exercise a lot?"

"I... ah... I'm on the school... ah... Jame.H... gymnastics team... ah... ah... it's strange... Jame.H... Jame.H... faster... I... feel sad..."

Completely lost in the lovemaking, the girl had no thoughts about why he asked that question.

Having received a satisfactory answer and explaining the girl's surprisingly good flexibility, Jame.H could tell she was nearing climax As the thrusts continued, Savannah suddenly hugged Jame.H tightly like a madwoman, her buttocks thrusting forward sharply, pressing against the man's pubic bone, followed by intense spasms. "Ah... Jame.H... I... I... I'm flying..."

The girl's original fluid sprayed onto the sensitive glans.

"Savannah, when was your last period? Tell me quickly."

Jame.H didn't want to hold back any longer, after holding it in all night, it was time to release. "Ah... it just ended three days ago..."

"Before seven after eight, no problem."

With this thought in mind, the engorged manhood began to pulsate and powerful semen shot out like bullets, hitting the source of life.

"Oh my God!"

Before the first climax had fully passed, the uterus was heated by the hot semen, and the second climax closely, making girl who had just tasted flesh cry with joy. Everything returned to calm, with only the heavy breathing of the man and woman echoing in the luxurious suite...

On the spacious soft bed, two naked bodies embraced each other. "Savannah, are you comfortable?"

Jame.H squeezed Savannah's buttocks. "Mm."

After the passion, the girl returned to her original shyness, her red face pressed against the man's chest. "You're not a little girl anymore, you can't be willful in the future, okay? You should learn from your mother, as long as that man truly treats her well and makes her happy, right?"

"Mm, boss, I'll listen to everything you say."

These words were not to her, she had never listened before, but coming from her lover's mouth, it was as effective as an imperial decree.

Jame.H gently placed his hand on Savannah's mound, and the girl's legs squeezed together. The warm palm pressing on the slightly swollen vagina made the girl close her eyes comfortably and drift off to a sweet sleep...

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