
Annoying Person

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Redakteur: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Walter was stunned as he raised his head to look at Charles, an inexplicable fear suddenly rising in his heart!

The furious voice of the director of the HR department came from the other end of the phone.

"Walter, you have to be honest with me. Tell me, did you offend anyone?"

Walter said with some grievance, "No... No! Is there a mistake?"

"You still have the face to ask me? The vice president called me and scolded me just now! He said that if I don't handle this matter well, I'll have to pack up and get lost too!"

The director of the HR department roared again, and Walter felt that his eardrums were about to break.

At the same time, a few security guards came in front of Walter.

"Are you the former vice-director of the biomedical business department?"

Walter nodded.

The head of the security guards said, "We've received a notice that you're fired. Please take your things and leave."

Then, he threw a box at Walter's feet.

Walter instantly knew that these were all things from his desk. Anger rushed into his head, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

What was going on?

He should not be fired without any proper reason or notice, right?

He couldn't accept this reality and roared, "You're joking with me! You're joking with me!"

"I want to see the vice president! I want to know what's going on!"

The greatest tragedy in life was a great fall after achieving success.

Yesterday, Walter was immersed in the joy of being promoted to vice-director. The new department was a wonderful job.

Yet, he was fired today!

"Vice president?" The security captain said coldly. This is an order from President Smith himself!"

Walter felt as if he was struck by lightning.

It was actually President Smith's order!

However, he had only met President Smith a few times. How could he have offended him?

Suddenly, Walter jerked his head up, searching for Charles's figure.

Could it really be him?

Walter's heart filled with regret.

If Walter had looked for another parking lot and avoided Charles's little electric bike, he might not have encountered such a terrible thing.

The security guards chased Walter and Grace out of Oceanus Group.

Then, Charles went straight to John's office.

"Thank you, John." Charles cupped his hands in thanks.

"It's just a small matter, and it's my fault," John replied respectfully, "After I asked the Human Resources Department to chase Grace out yesterday, I didn't further investigate her. I didn't expect her is dating Walter now."

"It's fine." Charles waved his hand." As the president of Oceanus Group, you can't do every minor thing yourself."

John awkwardly nodded his head. He felt that Charles was weird.

"Do you want me to issue a banning order to the entire city so that all companies related to our company can't hire Walter and Grace?" John suddenly said.

"No need. They're just flies. Don't waste our effort." Charles replied without even lifting his head.

John heaved a sigh of relief.

"Oh, that's right. How many letters of intent do we receive? Is there one from the Soloman family?" Charles asked.

John took out a form and looked at it carefully.

"We've received letters of intent from six families in Southampton, but none from the Soloman family..."

"No one from the Soloman family?" Charles asked.

Logically speaking, Old Madam Soloman was eager to have a relationship with Oceanus Group, but there had been no news from them until now.

John looked at the stack of papers and said slowly, "There's indeed no letter of intent from the Soloman family."

"But I did find something interesting." John took out a letter of intent. "In the letter of intent from the Hamilton family, other than introducing their products, they also introduced the Soloman family's products."

Charles was stunned and widened his eyes. "It seems like that old hag is playing some tricks again." He muttered.

"John, I'll take a leave today." Charles raised his head.

After that, he left John's office.

John didn't know whether to laugh or cry. How could a boss ask his employees for leave?


Coincidentally, Charles received Nina's text message when he stepped out of Oceanus Group's building.

"Come to Soloman Villa as soon as possible."

Charles kept his phone and headed straight for the Soloman Villa.

As soon as he entered, he found that more than a dozen people from the Soloman family were present.

Old Madam Soloman was sitting in the middle of the sofa. Her face was red, and she was in a good mood.

When Trevor saw Charles, he said sarcastically, "Oh, Charles here. The only employee of Oceanus Group in our family!"

Charles ignored them and walked to the side of Nina's family.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Charles had already guessed a part of it, but he still wanted to confirm it.

"Shut up," Jennifer said annoyingly, "Do you even have the right to speak here?"

Trevor added, "That's right, this is the Soloman family's meeting. Do you think you have the right to speak? Your last name must be Soloman!"

Trevor even deliberately emphasized the words 'your last name must be Soloman' to oppress his useless brother-in-law!

Charles looked at the soles of his feet.

"Strange, did I step on sh*t today? Why are the dogs barking?"


Nina couldn't help but laugh.

It made Trevor instantly flustered and exasperated. "You prick! You dare to call me a dog?"

"Enough!" Old Madam Soloman knocked on the table. "Trevor, today is such a happy day. Don't lower yourself to the same level as trash."

Mary Wheeler, Trevor's mother and the wife of Benjamin Soloman, also added, "That's right, Trevor. Today is a big day, and you are the main character. Don't be angry with trash."

Trevor finally stopped.

However, Charles didn't want to let them off.

Under normal circumstances, Charles would've swallowed the humiliation, but his status was different from the past.

Whoever dared to humiliate him and Nina, he would make them face the consequences!

"Grandma, I'm avenging you. You've misunderstood me!"

Old Madam Soloman suddenly had a look of disbelief on her face. "What did you just say?"

Everyone from the Soloman family looked at Charles in disbelief.

Nina also pulled on Charles's clothes.

Charles faced Old Madam's anger. "Grandma, I'm sure you've heard it just now. The disgraceful Trevor said that only those with the last name Soloman to attend the family meeting! Grandma, your last name is not Soloman either!"

He mimicked Trevor and emphasized the words 'must have last name Soloman'

Hearing this, Old Madam was even more furious.

"You brat! What did you say?"

Trevor was also in disbelief. He didn't think that Charles would use his words against himself!

"Grandma, I didn't mean it that way!"

Nina's face turned cold. She knew that Charles's true intention was not to humiliate Trevor but to anger Old Madam.

"Charles, what are you doing?" Nina said in a low voice.

"Shut up!" Old Madam slapped the table hard. Her chest was heaving up and down. "Charles, you've grown up, huh? You dare to talk back to your big brother?"

Suddenly, Old Madam sneered. "That's right. After all, you're working for Oceanus Group now. You're no longer the useless man who lives off a woman!"

Seeing that Charles was silent, she said disdainfully, "Don't be so proud. You're just a little employee. You're still useless as usual!"

Trevor also understood the hidden meaning behind Old Madam's words and joined in the mockery. "Trash will always be trash. You're acting arrogantly because your status has raised a little!"

"That's right. This kind of thinking is a typical citizen's way of thinking!"

"To put it bluntly, he's still a piece of trash. It won't be long before he's fired by Oceanus Group!"

Some of the Soloman family members also joined to mock Trevor.

Charles had become the target of public criticism.

Nina pursed her lips and then said, "Everyone, stop talking. Charles isn't that kind of person!"

"Don't say anymore. Don't you find it embarrassing?" Jennifer turned her head away, her face burning with pain.

"Enough!" Suddenly, Old Madam shouted, "stop wasting your breath on that trash."

"I want to show him to see the height that he would never achieve in his lifetime."

Everyone turned to look at Old Madam with anticipation.

Old Madam beckoned for Trevor to sit beside her.

"All of you know Oceanus Group has spent 150 million dollars to recruit partners from the medical industry."

Old Madam raised her voice and said proudly, "I can see the opportunity for our family to be promoted to a first-grade family. Can you guess what Trevor did to make me so happy?"

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at each other.

"Isn't it just a cooperation with the Hamilton family? What's there to be so mysterious about?" Charles spoke coldly in the corner, and a sharp look flashed in his eyes. Old Madam and the others had taken one step into his trap.

"Young Master Hamilton, you should come out now."