
Billionaire Contract Bride (The Bet)

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What is Billionaire Contract Bride (The Bet)

Lesen Sie den Roman Billionaire Contract Bride (The Bet) des Autors Dalene_Austeen, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.“So I would get married through a contract? I… I thought marriage was love”“No Dad it is for your own selfish gain, not for me” I screamed “She's rich don't worry my dear” For Katie Humphrey, everyt...


“So I would get married through a contract? I… I thought marriage was love” “No Dad it is for your own selfish gain, not for me” I screamed “She's rich don't worry my dear” For Katie Humphrey, everything is perfect. That is, until Lenexa Alexander enters the picture. Lenexa is an enigmatic, ruthless, possessive, cold-blooded billionaire who is always working and has no friends, yet for some reason, Lenexa can't help but think about Katie. Even a billionaire like Lenexa draws attention to Katie, which she isn't used to. As Lenexa becomes more and more protective of her, she becomes scared and unsure of herself. These two young women's emotions intensified until they both approached their breaking points. At that point, they must decide what they can and cannot live without as they try to come to grips with their feelings. Find out …

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