
Chapter 42

"Chandria, aren’t you getting tired?” He asked me tiredly.

“Because of me.” He pointed at himself.

“I am already to what you are doing! I am tired of hiding from you,” he burst out, “and don’t you have any shame? You keep chasing me; you are the woman, for Pete's sake!”

Why would I feel embarrassed? I am proud of him and won’t feel sorry as long as it is about him. He is not yet my boyfriend; I am already proud of him.

“I won’t get tired o them,” I murmured; I promised myself that I won’t ever get tired of him and won’t give up until he didn’t love me back.

He closes his eyes deeply, and when he opens his eyes, his emotions change. I can’t read what’s in his eyes.

He looks at me from head to toe, and I am uncomfortable with how he stares at me.

"Haven't you wondered why I haven't had a girlfriend?" my hair rose in his voice.

Why is he not having a girlfriend? He is not gay, or maybe he is picky? Or he's waiting for the right woman?