
Chapter 19

“Hey, is that really you?!” I am almost crying; I push him. I felt I was finally someone to lean on and won’t be against me no matter what.

“I’m your husband.” He answered as a matter of fact.

I distance a little bit. I am not comfortable with my attorney's stares. Kiki is taking my breath; He is holding me gently too.

“How did you know those about cultures, differences, country, society? Why do you know a lot of things?”

I wiped my tears.

“Simple, many women in the firm are drowning in so-called social media. I notice that women are being conservative about how they should look and wear, and it's because of social media. There’s nothing wrong with making yourself beautiful and confident; it’s good. Just don’t let social media dictate you.” He stated deeply.

Unfollow that influencer now. If you know what I mean.

“What are you fighting for?” I furrowed.