

Chapter - 4


" Lily "

Samantha called for her when she was coming out of her class which just finished. Liliana was surprised to find her friend waiting for her in front of her classroom, something she never does. She raised her brows at her, walking ahead to meet her friend who had already started hopping down the corridors as usual.

" What are you doing here you never wait for me or… "

" Or what? "

Samantha raised her eyebrows in a questioning way like asking her friend to continue. Liliana smirked mischievously at her and said lowly in her ears.

" Or you finally realized that you love me and cannot live without me my dear Sam. "

Liliana teased her friend with a flirting tone and a French accent. They had these light moments between them which Liliana cherished very much. Both the girls laughed and without realising Liliana had started to head towards the central administrations wing of the university following her friend who kept talking to her about the latest gossips of the university. For Liliana, Samantha was the live news person. She could the entire current affairs of the university from her friend. In her words, the news were " Tried and Tested " if Samantha was one to deliver to her.

Liliana almost forgot about the meeting, or you can say pretended to forget about the meeting to avoid the particular person whose even name was enough to get her body to react in a way, you would see like when a person sees a ghost. She wanted to avoid the meeting by the excuse of forgetting about it, but her best friend being whipped for that brown-eyed demon remembered and that's how she ended up in the current situation.

Both the girls were now standing in the front of the managing directors office where Jason Blake and Mr. Jones were in a meeting with the managing director of the University.

They were filled with hesitation, one because she would be meeting her, while the other one was hesitating for another reason. Her heart was beating loudly, such that she could hear it in her ears.

She was scared of him so much that her body was freezing cold, and shivers of nervousness were running down her spine while the dangerous smirk he passed her in the morning did nothing good to her but only increased her anxiety levels.

'Calm down Lilly he won't do anything.'

She was trying to calm herself down, but nothing was helping her.

" Hey Lilly, come on, they are calling us. And don't be nervous.”

Samantha said when she saw the pale and nervous figure of her friend, standing like an ice sculpture at the entrance with the reception was located.

" Yes, I am coming. “

‘Sigh' calm down and keep your cool. Don't let him intimidate you. ‘

' Not this time, not now at least. ‘

" Come in, Miss Rosi and Miss Green. “

Mr. Jones welcomed the two ladies with a smile. He frowned seeing the tensed face of his favorite student who always kept her calm no matter what situation she faced.

He pats the shoulders of Lilliana and passes her an assuring smile. She smiled at the gesture of her teacher. Lillianna respected and liked Mr. Jones a lot and saw him always as an inspirational figure in her life. When she crossed a difficulty or was in a tough situation, he was like the guide which magically appeared everywhere whenever she felt lost.

" What happened Lilly, are you fine? "

" Yes, Mr. Jones, I am fine. "

" You were a little pale in the morning too and were limping. Did you get into some sort of accident or accidentally injured yourself? Are you sick, if so, you shouldn't have to come to college and taken a day off? You should take care of yourself, child. "

He was ranting like a worried parent whose child was sick and injured. She was looking at him with admiration in her eyes. He was really like a father figure for her which she craved for years. Not like she didn't have a father but,

He was more like her father than her own biological father.

They both were talking like they were the only ones in the room without any care of the world. The father daughter pair were so busy within themselves that they didn't even notice people looking at them with fondness, well staring at them with fondness and surprise. Fond because of their understanding of each other and surprised because the duo didn't even notice them.

Samantha already knew the special bond they share, so she kept quiet and just stood there watching them. Blake was surprised at the scene unfolding in front of him and was in his own deep thoughts while looking at them.

The Managing director, Mr. Scott in whose cabin this father and daughter reunion was going on was watching them with a pleasant smile. He knew how much Mr Jones cared for Lilliana and vice versa but never saw it with his own eyes. He thought maybe it was only a care of a teacher for his favorite student but now he understands how much Mr Jones really cared for Lilliana. Seeing them he was reminded of his even daughter who was out of his own daughter who was out of town at the moment, and he started to miss her.

The scene would have continued for long but was stopped by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Everyone's eyes diverted towards the figure with chocolate. eyes clad in a black colored business suit and a white shirt, underneath which gave him a charming dark aura.

His eyes were dark and showing the darkness of hell. His eyes roamed over her figure who was also looking at him with her downcast eyes to make sure not to be caught, not by him nor by anyone else. It was her first time in the entire day that she saw him entirely; she was looking at his foot or focusing on someone else. She also didn't dare to make eye contact for more than a few seconds. She wasn't able to withstand the intensity with which he was staring at her with all the darkness that played in his eyes.

Whenever she looked at him, she was reminded of the day before yesterday and her face went red before yesterday and her face went red with anger, shyness, embarrassment and most importantly fear. She didn't even want to remember and recall anything and was already frightened by the thought of thinking about her future.

After all that she had paid for, she couldn't let it get ruined.

Not now, nor in future.

" Sorry for disturbing your special moment, but I have an important business to attend to later in the evening. I need to leave within 30 minutes. So, can we start going through the important points that we discussed and assign the new tasks? "

Blake said in his usual cold voice laced with a hint of sarcasm and urgency like they were wasting his precious time, which was really precious for a multimillionaire like him. He was staring into her eyes when he was saying the last two lines, almost as if he was talking to her, which was true to some extent. He was satisfied to get the desired reaction out of her making him pleased to the core, not that he would show it.