
In His Arms

Chapter - 18

In His Arms

"Sir, I have an important detail to share regarding young master."

"Regarding Jason? Tell me."

"Sir, he had the last finalizing meeting about the dream project cancelled due to unknown reasons suddenly, and…"

"What? Why so suddenly? He had never done anything like this before. And? You were saying something else?"

"It seems that it may have something to do with the new personal assistant he hired, who was also reported to may have been sick, because a doctor was immediately called to the company."

"Is the new personal assistant male or female?"

"According to the information I received, It's a girl."

"Hmm, Jason has never done anything like this before. So, let's wait and see what he will do. Because I know, he will never do anything recklessly and that too without a reason. He will surely tell me if there is something I should care about himself. I know him very well."

The conversation was going on in the study of Williams Residency between none other than Old Mr Williams and his Assistant Charles. Although even after being retired from the business world, Reynold Williams still knew about each and very leaf of the entire co-operation, and the news of Jason cancelling his meeting for no reason, that too so suddenly had also reached his ears.

While the old man was surprised to find his grandson suddenly cancelling the meeting of a project that his grandson valued a lot, he also knew that he won't take any such decisions recklessly. He knew Jason wasn't one to take haste decisions for momentary pleasures.

On the other side, Liliana was slowly gaining consciousness. She opened her eyes only to close them back because of the blinding lights. For once she thought, was she in a hospital? Then again after she adjusted her eyes to the lights, she got up to find herself in a room. She was about to get up from the bed when the door to the room opened just for Jason to enter with a blinding smile. She was about to say something when her eyes suddenly went to the clothes she was wearing.

"Who changed my clothes?"

The sentence came out more as a mere whisper than a question. The male standing by the door smiled seeing her cute reaction. She was looking like a bunny tugging at her clothes cutely murmuring in her baby voice while her cheeks looked puffed because of the position she was sitting in.

She looked up just to glare at the smirking male who was controlling his laugh because in his eyes she was looking just like a cute harmless bunny glaring at him like this. He walked till where she was sitting on the bed, after locking the door behind him.

"Who changed my clothes?"

She said this time challengingly, like she would tear him apart if he had tried any hanky-panky with her. He gave her a teasing smirk and asked in a low voice,

"Why do you think some else did it?"

He whispered sensually in her ears, which made a shiver run down her spine. She didn't have it in her that she could look back into his eyes. She knew the look in his eyes will only make her weaker than she already is. She gathered her courage and looked back into his eyes.

"Who did it?"

This time it was in a sterner tone. He just smiled at her cute antiques. He picked her in his arms and sat her on his lap. He was sitting by the headboard with her perched on his lap with both his arms wrapped around her waist. She tried to wriggle her way out of his grip but failed to do so. Hence, she stopped struggling and started hitting his chest with her tiny fist.

"Tell me seriously now Mr Williams and this is not a way to behave with your PA professionally."

"Who said I am right now with my PA? I am right now with my sick wife, who fell unconscious due to weakness and pain of her periods and being a good husband, it is my duty as a good husband to treat her very nicely during her hard time."

He said with a cheeky smile, which made her cheeks red. She turned her head on the other side quickly to avoid him. He caressed her face lightly and chuckled at her cuteness. She felt her heart fluttering hearing his laugh.

The doors opened to reveal a smiling Sandra whose face immediately lit up seeing her friend awake.



"How are you feeling now?"

"I am feeling better than before. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? You should thank your husband for if he didn't carry you and called immediately here on time, you could have faced serious consequences."

"He carried me?"

Liana was stunned to hear it. Though she knew about him very well but after the incident that threatened her life, she didn't believe him anymore. Though he always claimed to be in love with her, he wasn't there when she needed him the most, so yet again this was not what she expected at all. Hence, she decided to change the subject because she wasn't comfortable to dwell on it like before.

"Leave it but I also want to thank you for changing my clothes."

Liliana clearly managed to avoid the topic cleverly diverting it towards something else. Jason stiffened his laugh hearing her again bringing the topic back to clothes. He knew she won't leave the topic alone until she knows who changed her. It was like her old habit, and they say old habits don't go easily.