


Bobby's pov

I sat on one of the four sitter guest chairs. Head down, I just  can't stop myself from thinking and wondering about what just happened.  I never intended to say that, it's just that I was caught off guard and I thought I needed to say something to alleviate the dull atmosphere, for them not to get the wrong idea of why I am here in the first place. Frisson of different emotion swept through me as I remembered how she looked at me with  her teary eyes. I can't say if I am the cause of  her tears or not with the look on her face.


 For some reason I felt the urge to run to her, calm her, hug her and tell her everything will be fine, but I dare not do that at that present moment, not even when that bastard was standing beside her arrogantly. I raised my head, and breath in deeply. The rages are starting to build, if not for my self control, I was about going berserk when he asked that stupid question. Anyway, he is not to blame, I was not supposed to be here in the first place. I can see him from the corner of my eyes strolling to my side, I hissed silently, what the heck did he want this time. I made an attempt to stand up, I can't stop having the feeling that he was coming to have some meaningless chat with me again,  maybe it is time to leave then. There is no need to wait for Melanie again, riding in the same car with that Sassy maid is a stress on its own. Moreover,  I believe she can also find her way to the mansion since their Messiah is here.

I put my hand on the cold aluminium, supporting my weight in an attempt to stand up,  but only to be met with Melissa eyes, glaring at me from afar, maybe not that far. We maintained the intense look for some seconds before I darted my eyes back to the chair, running my hand on the chair holes as if I was poking for something, my face smoldering, and I found myself returning  back  into the chair silently. Like I was just compelled with her eyes.No!! What just happened? This is not me, I never felt like this before, did I have something for her? Or is this just sympathy for a maid that was hospitalised? I guessed it must be the latter. I supported my jaw with one of my hands, looking down in embarrassment. If not that we're in the night, and the hospital is not crowded, I would have turn to a mocking clown

 I can picture the grinning face of Draven as he took his seat beside me,  but not too close, he also made sure he followed the law of precaution. My phone rang loudly making me flinch , I tucked my hand into my jogger pocket and scooped it up. I glanced at the number that's being displayed on the screen in surprise, I'm not expecting any call, I am sure it is not even up to four people that knew my personal number, unless one of my parents gave it out without my consent, I mulled at the thought before picking it.

"Who is this?" I questioned immediately I placed it on my ear, waiting for the other person to reply.

"Bobby! This is Amelia" her diminutive voice answered excitedly from the other side, I breathed in, I almost forgot that my secretary had got hold of my number.

"Ojhhh, Amelia how are you?' I tried sounding happy.

"I'm fine, you?" 

"Same.......if i may ask, what made you call me....... by this time of the day, you remember something you ought to tell me?" I asked jokingly, I can hear her giggling.

" Not really Boss" I grinned on hearing the word Boss, I don't think I can get used to that.


"Just got a call from the headquarters, you are scheduled to have a meeting with the head of the board cabinet, and...." She paused, "And her daughter" she finished.

"I tried using the next few seconds that were followed with silence to mulled on what I just heard. Firstly, I was told that I will take over next month, which simply means no official assignment till then. Secondly, I spoke with my father today and he never made any mention of any meeting with any of the board. Lastly, if it is an official assignment, why am I meeting only the head of the board alone, and why is his daughter appear in the picture? Series of questions gushed down into my mind as I surveyed  for what to say.

" Are you there?" 

"Yeah......" I stuttered. "I thought there won't be anything until next month, moreover, dad never mentioned anything like that"

"I don't know, but I received the call from the head quarter, the general secretary office to be precise" 

"Ohhhh" that's the only thing I can mutter. I felt lost.

"Sir, I think I need to go, I will be there by 9am with your assigned escorts"  

"No problem"

"Have a good night's rest, sir"  the phone beeps, telling me the end of the call. I sighed.

I gently placed my phone on the empty space besides be, lost in my own reverie.

"Got yourself a new chick already" draven voice cut my thought off. I darted my head to his side, smirking at the same time.  It's not an exaggeration if I said I entirely forget where I am , not to talk of remembering that he was here. 

"I'm not in the mood for your meaningless talk" I cut him off, throwing him a fleeting look , and then took back my phone. I think I need to go now, what I just heard has deranged my emotions . I took my phone, before standing up. He was looking at me intently, waiting for me to say something. Anyway, it's his luck today, my mood just got spoiled, if not for that ........ 

"Are you going already? And I thought you are here because you are worried about her?"  He hissed, His questions made me stop on my track, I turned back abruptly to face him, he shook his head twice then stood up and strode to my front. I clenched my fist together, why can't he mind his own business?

"You wish?" I asked, giving her an intense look. He hesitated for some moments before replying to me.

"I understand, maybe your reason is personal," he chuckled.

"I hope you don't mind telling me why you are here then"  he demanded in a monotonous tone. I lingered a little, then faced him back.

"For you not to get the wrong idea, you won't believe it if I told you I brought her father to the hospital with one of my father's Limousines, while you are busy playing the Loverboy" I snorted , coldly. I can see the shock written on his face, I'm sure he never expect that. I might not be the driver, but am the Saviour anyway, I mumbled to myself.

"You did?" 

"Yes, I did" I answered before walking away
