
Last dinner

Melissa's pov

"Melissa, I will always choose you over anything, and I will always come back for you, no matter what, I promise" his hand slipped into mine.

" Just wait" his voice was gloomy, his hand kept squeezing my hand as they lay on top of each other.

I sighed. 

It's not an exaggeration if I said I was short of words for the few seconds that followed, I don't know if I should be happy or sad at the same time, he just confessed and also promised, But can I really hold on to this lifeless promise? He sounds sincere, like he really has a plan on how to carry this out without any problem, still, can I really depend on that? 

I thought of my mom. The pain she was presently hiding without me even getting any hint of it is getting bigger in her heart everyday, she tried acting cool with the whole situation and also to encourage me to do the same even when the scar is silently eating her up. 

I don't know her plan because she is yet to say anything about us staying or moving out of the mansion, but I definitely know this will happen very soon if not sooner than I expected. Besides, with my dad gone, our savings could get us a good apartment and even sustain us for some years, just that my mom has the final say. It's very obvious that she was planning something, but yet to tell me, and that got me thinking about her plan.

 Are we  leaving very soon?

" Melissa!" His voice was a bit loud, but the concern was very clear, my mind swirled away from the thought. 

I tried smiling, but I guess my expression was not that good, because his face was still wearing a concerned look.

"I know this is hard to believe, but trust me for this one, I really mean it" 

" I believe you," I managed to voice out, his head creased in relief, removing his hand from mine before settling back into his seat, with his back resting comfortably on the back rest.

" But what if you are late?" I muttered, my eyes scrutinising his face. 

He did not flinch or seem surprised at my question, like he already knew am going to say that, his face was unreadable as he darted his eyes to my side.

" Then I will find you," he smiled, then grinned silently before his expression turned rigid again, I just sat still, my eyes all over him. He looked confident with his choice of words, and that on its own made me feel better...

" But still.....

" Are you leaving?" His question caught me off-guard, I opened my mouth to say something but closed it back slowly when it didn't look like a single word would slip out of my mouth at that present moment, his eyes widened.

"Are you really lea...ving...." he stammered.

" Not really, but it can happen anytime soon" my voice was barely above a whisper, I breathed in and slowly closed my eyes in the process. My decision this time yesterday is to escape from this place, the mansion to be precise, starting  afresh after all these years of serving a single family, and working as a maid for them. But here I am, feeling scared as the thought of leaving crossed my mind, contemplating on what to do because of one person, not just a person, but the least among the people I could ever think of to make me stay.

I'm very sure my mom is somewhere thinking about me getting a good job with good pay, thinking of ending all these since all this year, thinking about making the dream I have been dreaming throughout the years come through. But I am here thinking about the possibility of any of this to swing in a different direction. No! something is definitely wrong somewhere, this is definitely not me.  What could have happened in the past  few weeks  that could have made me feel attached to him, when he happens to be one of the least people I should get involved with. 

But this is what my heart desires, this is a feeling I can't explain even when I know this is wrong,I don't know how to say it, but this feeling has completely taken over my body and soul, and I don't think there is a way out of this.

" I understand you, that's a very good move,whether today or tomorrow, it's bound to happen anyway "  he sighed and look down, I but my lips in frustration at the sudden change, i also have many things to think about, still, I tried not to think about anything just because of it.

" You don't have to feel pity for me, I will be fine," I encouraged, he looked up again, a weak smile forming on his lips.

" I trust you" 

" I think we spent more than we planned" he checked his wrist watch, opening his mouth widely.

" What?" I asked, still scrutinising his sudden expression.

" One hour late, Melanie would have been calling"

" Time"

" 10pm"

" What!" I quickly tugged my hand into my gown pocket and shoved  out my phone abruptly.

My jaw dropped as I stared at the screen.

"10 missed calls from my mom......"

" 12 missed calls from Melanie..." he cut me off, his hand ding his phone in my front of my eyes 

I gasped.

" Let be going already," 

" Won't you call your mom back?" he looked at me suspiciously, he adjusted his shirt and stood up before I could even say a word...

" That's a suicide, I better call Melanie instead" I grinned sarcastically, and we both laughed loudly.

He stretched his hand, and I didn't hesitate to grab it, pulling me out of the chair abruptly. I nearly crashed into his broad chest but he was fast to catch me, one of his hands wrapping around my waist.

I moaned.

He released his grip.

" I guess you can walk on your own, or you need my help?" he teased.

" Not really," I rolled my eyes, I slowly walked out of the grip, striding towards the front. I can hear him grinning from my back as he follows me.
