

Melissa's pov.

The last thing I remembered was when I stepped out of the hospital room with Melanie, my back resting on the cold wall, before I passed out 

I don't know how long it took me to regain my consciousness, not until I woke up in the middle of the hospital hallway,  On a stretcher. My vision was still cloudy but I could easily see through my dim sight that a nurse was placing a stethoscope on my chest, but her face was not that clear. I opened my mouth to talk, but ended up coughing. The flashback of what I heard in the hospital room struck my heart again like an arrow. I quickly made an attempt to raise up my head but it felt like a heavy load was placed on top of me making it difficult to change my position. My heart was beating erratically, like it was willing to escape from my precious chest at any given chance. I can hear the faint voice of two people in the background in which I recognised one to be Melanie's voice. 

"She is fine, she will get better after getting some rest" I heard a strange voice talking to some set of people which I assumed Melanie is also one of them, or maybe........Draven, I gasped silently, how can I forget that he was also here?

I tried talking once again, but ended up coughing again, but more loudly to catch their attention, my vision is now getting better. I can see Melanie rushing to my side and quickly helped me to raise my head up to a sitting position.

"Are you okay?" I heard Draven's voice, I gave him a fleeting look, before I quickly looked away, because of my head that felt like it was stuck into one position. He looked very worried, I must have scared them, I guess. One of the nurses stepped back a little, and stood beside the one that was using the stethoscope earlier. The two of them stood side by side, one giving me a cute smile. Anyway, I think this is  what I need right now, someone to console me.

I can see Draven moving to my side from the corner of my eyes, before I could say something to Melanie who was just staring at my face without a word, with a blank face that's not easy to read. He pulled me into a bone cracking hug all of a sudden, I winced silently as his huge body collapsed with mine.

"I'm happy that you are, you scared me" he whispered, her voice sounds depressing, making me wonder if he has been crying all along.

"You can do that, she still needs to rest, that can wait till when she gets better '' One of the nurses interrupted when I was about to give him an assumingg reply,that it was okay.. He gently released my weak body from the hug.

"You can leave now, " the second nurse concluded. Melanie gently placed my legs on the cold tile, with Draven hand wrapped around my waist for support. They both thanked the nurses, I could only smile weakly in appreciation.  I don't think I would ever forgive myself if my mother got to know that I fainted.

The two of them on each side helped with a hand each,  we walked through the bright hallway, silently. The only sounds being heard is the voice of some visitors chattering around some corner which I assumed to be a waiting area.

We reached the entryway of the hospital, feeling dizzy. Maybe if I escape tonight, it won't be that hard to cope with the oncoming ones. I feel empty, devastated and also upset with myself. I'm moving my legs, but lost in thought, that I am not even aware of what's going on around me, if not because I am not walking on my own, I would have collided with something without even knowing.

"When did Bobby leave?" The word bobby made me raise my head to look at Melanie.

"Not long," Draven replied to her, ``he left already? I don't know why I feel disappointed by hearing that, for some reason, I have this good impression about him, and something inside of me kept on telling me that he is not as bad as I think. Anyway, he is the least of my problems right now. I don't know why I am keeping my hopes high about him, just an arrogant brat. Anyway, he will be leaving soon in the next 1 months. My heart was clouded with another sadness, almost immediately as I remembered about what I heard in the afternoon. Is he really leaving? 

"But, why is his car still here?"  Melanie's voice stopped my thoughts train, I and Draven both raised our heads to look at her. That's when it hit me that we're already standing in front of the Yellow benz that Draven drove here with me. Melanie is not looking at us, but staring at looking at something at the Car garage that is opposite to where we are.

"Are you sure that's his?, he left like forty minutes ago" Draven argued, Melanie only nodded. I feel relieved on gearing that.

"Let me check, he can't just leave without going with a car," she concluded, and removed her wrapped hand before anyone could talk. I glanced at her waiting for her next action, Draven tightened his hand around my waist.

"Wait for me, I will be back" with this he strode  towards the opposite garage without waiting for our reply. After watching her for some seconds, Draven unlocked the car, and helped me to get in.  After making sure to sit comfortably on the tan leather, he closed the door before running to the driver seat.

I almost froze as he increased the air conditioner, my lips are shaking already, on their own. He glared at me, giving me a suspicious look.

"Are you okay?" He questioned

*can you please reduce the air conditioner?"

"Ohhh, you should have said that" he instantly reduced it, I sighed in satisfaction.

Bobby is here, I think Draven might know his reasons for being here, moreover, either him or Melanie.

I cleared my throat, even though I am not supposed to be doing this. I just feel curious, and also want an answer.

"Do you know why Bobby is here?" I blabbered out, while looking at his reaction. Our eyes meet and I quickly look down, waiting for his answer.

"You don't know?" I added, "you don't...

" He told me that he brought your father to the hospital, but I don't know if he was telling the truth" for some reason, I find it hard to believe what I just heard , is he saying the truth or not. How I wish he really did that.




