
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 4;A New Chapter

Amiver nearly strained herself lifting her heavy bags out of the taxi. She decided to head to Messie's workplace, and visit her one and only friend, Messie, who had been her classmate in high school. Like most of their classmates, Messie came from a wealthy background. However, their lives took a miserable turn after her father passed away.

Messie's father had been burdened with debt, and their family home was mortgaged. Their businesses were taken over by the bank to pay off his numerous debts. As a result, Messie couldn't afford to go to college and ended up working as a saleslady in a mall after high school.

When she arrived at her workstation, she immediately spotted Messie standing and arranging clothes.

Amiver!" Messie exclaimed joyfully upon seeing her.

Hi, Messie," she greeted her friend, hugging her tightly.

Messie hugged her back and then pulled away to get a better look at her. "Ami, what happened to you? You look like you've been through hell," Messie said, concern etched across her face.

Amiver sighed, her eyes filled with pain. "I... I can't explain it all right now, Messie. It's just been a really tough time," she replied, her voice quivering with emotion.

Messie nodded understandingly. "Alright, we can talk about it later when you're ready. For now, just know that I'm here for you," she reassured her friend with a comforting smile.

Messie, I'm here to talk to you and ask if I could temporarily stay at your place," she hesitantly requested, feeling embarrassed.

The smile faded from Messie's lips as she listened to Amiver . She had heard the entire story of Amiver's life, especially about her marriage to Denmark, as Amiver had confided everything in her.

Did you and Denmark have a fight?" Messie asked.

Amiver nodded slightly in response to Messie's question. She wanted to share what had happened, but she decided it would be best to do so later when they were in a more private setting, away from the public eye.

"Ami, the truth is, this week will be my last week at work here. My mom and I decided to live in Cebu, as we have inherited land and a house from my grandmother, so we're moving there for good. Messie said to her .

She sighed heavily, realizing she had nowhere else to go, Messie was her only friend left, and now it seemed like she would be going away. She didn't know her mother's relatives, and she knew even less about her unknown father.

"Ami, why don't you come with us?" she suggested.

I know it's a big step, but a fresh start might be just what you need. We'd love to have you with us, and it would be a chance for you to find your own path, away from all the pain you've been through. Remember, you said you wanted to distance yourself from them. You won't be able to truly get away from them as long as you're here in Manila, considering their numerous businesses around. They'll always have a way to find you and influence you. Messie explained at length to Amiver.

She paused, realizing that Messie's words were indeed correct. She understood that the family would inevitably find and influence her, given their immense wealth and extensive influence in the city of Manila.

Okay, it's a deal," she said with a smile, her face lighting up. Messie was thrilled that she had agreed to join them, and her excitement was contagious.

Amiver felt a mixture of nervousness and happiness. She knew that leaving the walls of the billionaire's family would bring many challenges, but it was a step toward finding her own path.

Amiver's first month in the province of Cebu wasn't easy. She struggled to adjust to everything, including the food, but she didn't let Messie and Tita Che, ( Messie's mother ) to see her difficulties.

She began to explore Cebu in search of employment, with confidence in her qualifications. She believed her background in a prestigious school and her impressive college grades would make her a desirable candidate for a job

"I'm sorry, Ms. Moreno, but our company requires a licensed architect. Your grades are excellent, and you're from a reputable school, but you still lack the necessary architect's license," the HR explained to her in a regretful tone.

Ma'am, would there be any available administrative positions? Even temporarily, I'm willing to take on any role," Amiver pleaded.

I appreciate your eagerness, Amiver," the HR manager replied sympathetically. "However, we currently don't have any available administrative positions. Our immediate need is for a licensed architect. If you acquire the necessary license in the future, please feel free to reapply."

She had already interviewed with several companies, but like the ones before, she was rejected even for an administrative assistant position. They often cited her as overqualified, fearing she wouldn't stay in the role for long, which didn't align with the company's preferences. sa

Amiver walked out of the company building with a defeated sigh and immediately embraced Messie, who was waiting for her downstairs. Messie had the day off, so she had time to accompany Amiver.

It's okay, don't worry. There are still plenty of companies out there. Let's not give up," Messie cheered her up.

Amiver hadn't anticipated how challenging job hunting would be. She regretted not waiting until after her architecture exam before moving to Cebu. She also regretted leaving behind the jewelry given to her by Denmark's mother, as it could have been something to pawn for a bit of money. Right now, she had no money, and Messie was the one covering all their expenses.

Amiver's tears continued to flow even after she was back home. She was deeply dismayed by her job search struggles. Despite the constant advice from Messie and Tita Che, her despair persisted.

After a while, she felt dizzy and lightheaded. Cherry, quickly fetched water for her.

"Thank you, Nanay Che," she managed to say.

Moments later, her dizziness escalated, and she lost consciousness without even realizing it. Messie and Aling Che quickly rushed her to the nearby clinic for immediate attention.

When Amiver regained consciousness, she found herself in the clinic. Confused, she asked Aling Che and Messie, who were by her side, "What happened?"

"You're awake. Just wait, let me call the doctor," Aling Che replied.

A moment later, the doctor entered the room.

"Congratulations, Mrs. You're pregnant and about three weeks along," the doctor announced with a smile.

Amiver's expression suddenly changed, and Messie reached out to hold her hand, sensing her anxiety. The doctor noticed the shift in atmosphere and excused herself, leaving the room.