
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 3;You're a Monster

I've been here for 2 months now, ever since I came back from Paris. Denmark and I often meet, and he tells me about your situation," Cathee shared with her.

She looked at Cathee, realizing that Denmark and Cathee had been meeting for a while without her knowledge.

"Oops, sorry if you didn't know that Denmark and I have been meeting. In fact, on the night he came home to you drunk, he had just been with me. He wanted to get back together and also told me to wait for your divorce but I declined.

You know, it's difficult to get involved in something complicated, especially since he's still married to you. So, he ended up getting drunk with Kevin," Cathee explained, her words carrying a hint of mocking.

Amiver was surprised by Cathee's admission. Tears began to well up in Amiver's eyes, but Cathee appeared to be relishing the situation, which made her smirk when she saw Amiver crying.

And one more thing, you had sex with Denmark when he got drunk, right? Is that correct? He told me that he doesn't remember everything that happened between you two that night," Cathee continued talking to Amiver.

"Cathee, thanks for the information, but I think you need to leave ," Amiver said angrily.

Cathee stood up from her seat and smirked with an insulting expression

I told you before, didn't I? that things would become miserable...

Leave now.!!!!

Before Cathee could finish her sentence, Amiver completely lost control, shouting at Cathee who had been taunting her completly.

After Cathee left, Amiver's weakened knees finally gave in. She collapsed to the floor, sobbing loudly, as if the pain she was feeling at that moment was unbearable. She was furious, boiling with anger towards Denmark.

Denmark should be aware that they are still married, yet he seems extremely eager to reconcile with her ex girlfriend.

Amiver was in a state of inner turmoil. Should she hold resentment towards them? She admitted her own selfishness in agreeing to marry Denmark, but she never anticipated the situation would deteriorate to this extent. If only she had known, she regretted ever marrying Denmark. She yearned for the closeness they once shared. Her mind was filled with "what ifs," realizing that regret often comes too late.

On that day, Amiver lost her appetite and couldn't bring himself to review her materials. Her mind was preoccupied, and she sat in the living room watching Netflix, yet nothing from the show registered in her mind.

After a while, the door opened and she saw Denmark entering the house.

"Hi," Denmark greeted briefly.

Amiver couldn't help but smirk. This was the first time Denmark had greeted her in their five years of marriage and why was he coming home now? angrily, she asked in her mind.

When she noticed that Denmark was staring at her, she turned off the TV and was about to enter the room. She was angry and didn't want to see his face right now.

But Denmark stopped her, gripping her arm tightly.

"Let go of me," Amiver said in a firm tone, trying to break free.

What's your problem?" he retorted in a defiant tone.

Denmark, please, let me go. You're hurting me," Amiver pleaded, fear evident in her eyes as Denmark's gaze seemed to turn intense and threatening.

Isn't this what you want?" Denmark said with frustration, and he quickly kissed her on the lips—a rushed kiss filled with both eagerness and frustration.

As soon as she was free, she immediately slapped Denmark with great force.

Instead of ceasing, Denmark forcefully pushed her onto the sofa, firmly holding both her wrists, rendering her immobile. His grip was unyielding, leaving her unable to move.

Amiver cried and pleaded desperately, yet her pleas fell on deaf ears.

Then he began tearing her clothes and buried his face in her chest.

Amiver could do nothing but cry.

She also tasted blood from her lip due to Denmark's intense kisses.

"Enough," she managed to say through her tears, but he continued to ignore her.

Amiver closed her tear-filled eyes as Denmark overpowered her with his desire.

After that horrifying incident, she sat hunched in a corner of the couch, her clothes in tatters, and her hair disheveled.

Denmark, meanwhile, appeared to be filled with remorse for his actions towards Amiver. He observed her, staring blankly into the void, tears streaming down her face.

"I apologize, Amiver. It wasn't my intention. My emotions got the best of me. I should never have treated you like that," Denmark confessed with tears in his eyes, facing Amiver.

"You're a monster," she wept, her words heavy with sorrow.

"Ami, I'm sorry," Denmark repeated his apology, trying to approach Amiver.

"Don't get closer to me!" she retorted angrily, rejecting any attempt at proximity.

She no longer heard his words. Without another word, she stood up and retreated to her room, shutting him out.

As she entered her room, Amiver collapsed onto her bed, sobbing uncontrollably, consumed by anger and frustration.

Amiver woke up the next morning with aching pain throughout her body. She got up and went to the bathroom mirror, still wearing the torn clothes from the previous night. Her eyes were swollen from crying, and she noticed the bruises on her arms, remnants of Denmark's forceful grip on her.

She cried, no longer recognizing Denmark, the man who had taken care of her since they were kids, protected her, and the man she had loved for a long time. The sweet and caring Denmark she once knew was gone, now transformed into a ferocious beast in Amiver's eyes – a beast that had hurt her repeatedly, emotionally and now even physically. Amiver's fists clenched tightly as she thought about it.

Upon regaining her composure, Amiver swiftly took her suitcase. With a resolute heart, she decided to remove the Marquez family from her life, to remove the man she deeply loved entirely.

When she came out of her room, she noticed that Denmark was no longer in the house. Anger flared up within her because it seemed like Denmark didn't care about what he did to her the previous night and had the audacity to go to work as if nothing had happened.

She sat down and began to write a letter. In this letter, she would express her gratitude to Denmark's parents for all the kindness they had shown her throughout her life. She decided not to disclose the details of what had happened to her at Denmark's hands the previous night, as she still held a deep respect for them and had grown fond of her in-laws over the years.

She retrieved their pre-marital agreement, remembering their agreement: "Divorce my ass." She thought Denmark had violated that pact. She knew he was eager to break free from her, so if he dared to disrespect her, she was ready to take it to the extreme.

She clenched her fists, the memories of the previous night flooding back, making her shiver.

"You'll never get the divorce you're searching for. I won't show myself, and you'll die searching for me to coordinate your greed," she vowed to herself, her determination unwavering.

She placed the ATM containing the millions given to her by Denmark's parents, along with the expensive jewelry and cellphone, on the table. The only piece of jewelry left on her body was a necklace from her mother, holding a picture of herself.

"I'm leaving this extravagant life that never truly belonged to me," she thought to herself as she prepared to walk away.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she realized she didn't know where she was going next and what fate awaited her after leaving the family that had taken her and her mother in.