
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 20; Marcus is also my child

Amiver turned her gaze towards Denmark, her eyes brimming with emotion and feelings that were too powerful to contain.All this time, she thought that Denmark despised her, unaware of his feelings for her. But she also considered the possibility that he might be lying just to take Marcus away from her. She was torn whether to believe what he said or not.

Since he was also starting to acknowledge his own feelings, maybe it was indeed time for her to finally confess her feelings to Denmark from before.

"Since we were kids, I was in love with you. Not just as a brother. From a young age, whenever life's challenges arose, you were my inspiration. I felt an exhilarating rush of excitement because of you.

So when you started dating Cathee,

I was deeply hurt, crying in secret .I hid my pain, letting myself grow numb, accustomed to the ache that came from seeing you together. That's why when we got married, I was overjoyed, even though I knew you didn't love me. But in my mind, I believed that someday you would learn to love me too."

Denmark looked at her.

"We can still fix this, start anew. I promise you, I won't hurt you anymore."

But Amiver shook her head, tears welling up in her eyes.

"It's too late, Denmark. The pain is too much." and I don't love you anymore".

Denmark remained silent after Amiver's words.

After a while, he stood up and spoke.

"I wish you could give me a chance to do everything to make you love me again," he said, his eyes glistening.

Amiver was left stunned and stared into space, lost in thought at Denmark's last words.

Amiver woke up from her short nap in the evening, feeling hungry since she didn't eat the food that Denmark brought earlier. She glanced around; it was getting dark, and she still wasn't sure about Denmark's intentions.

Soon, there were three knocks on the door, and Denmark entered with some food.

"You should eat. I know you're hungry," he said.

Amiver took the food from Denmark and began to eat, her hunger overcoming any lingering reservations. As she ate, Denmark sat down across from her, his gaze fixed on her. The silence in the room was palpable, filled with unspoken emotions and tensions that had been building up.

After a few bites, Amiver finally spoke, breaking the silence. "Denmark, What's your plan? Are you going to imprison me here for life

Denmark took a deep breath, his expression serious. "If possible, I will, Ami."

"You've lost your mind, Denmark. I have a child waiting for me. What will he say when he finds out what you've done to his mother?" Amiver said angrily.

Denmark let out a sigh and stood up from the sofa.

Marcus is at the mansion with my parents, and I sent Messie back to Cebu for now, he said.

She glared at Denmark, her eyes ablaze with indignation. "You sent Marcus to the mansion? Without even asking me? Do you think you can just make decisions about my son's life without my consent?"

Denmark's expression softened, his tone attempting to convey understanding.

"Ami, Marcus is also my child, whether you agree or not, and I have my own rights over him.I'm genuinely sorry for everything I've put you through. But this seemed to be the only way for me to mend our broken family.

After uttering those words, Denmark walked away, his emotions in turmoil.

Amiver watched him go, her heart torn between anger and confusion. She clenched her fists, struggling to process everything he had just said.

After Denmark left, Amiver burst into tears. How could she ever love Denmark again if he treated her like this?Amiver's tears were a mix of frustration, heartbreak, and a sense of betrayal.

After she finished crying, she completed her meal. She needed strength, she needed strength to figure out how to leave this place. She glanced at the paper bag resting on the sofa and opened them. They contained new clothes, underwear, and even hygiene kits. It seemed that Denmark had no intention of letting her go, as he had bought so many things for her.

She took a shower and changed her clothes. Afterward, she let out a sigh and felt a sense of boredom. She glanced outside, but all she could hear were the gentle waves of the sea. Were there no staff members around? She couldn't see anyone outside.

She knew that the Marquez properties were often private and secluded, and she had been to some of them before. However, this specific location in Batanes was new to her.

After growing tired of gazing at the darkening sea, she decided to turn on the TV. She needed a distraction to keep her from drowning in her tears.

After watching a movie, she stood up and attempted to twist the doorknob of the room again, but it remained locked. She let out a sigh and lay back down on the bed. She was extremely bored, knowing that she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight after having slept throughout the entire day.

She stared at the ceiling, replaying all of Denmark's words in her mind. Could she really fall in love with him again? Before long, her gaze remained fixed on the ceiling, and she drifted off to sleep, lost in her thoughts.