
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 2; Forgetting what happen

Denmark held Amiver's hand, not uttering a word as he gazed into her beautiful face. After a moment, he gently pressed his lips against hers.

Amiver closed her eyes as Denmark's passionate kisses ignited a fiery sensation within her. This was her first kiss ever, so she was a bit unsure, trying to match Denmark's every movement while her heart raced.

As they both caught their breath after the kiss, they paused, their lips parting.

"I love you," Amiver confessed, her gaze locked onto Denmark's eyes.

Denmark didn't respond verbally; instead, he conveyed his feelings through another tender kiss on Amiver's lips.

A moment later, Amiver felt Denmark's hand slip into her t-shirt, attempting to unhook her bra.

His kisses trailed down, from her lips to her neck. He removed Amiver's t-shirt and bra.

"Wow your perfect," Denmark muttered briefly, gazing at Amiver's exposed body.

And suddenly, he buried his face in Amiver's chest, as if a thirsty baby seeking milk. Meanwhile, his other hand played with her other breast using Denmark's fingers.

Amiver let out a moan in response to Denmark's actions, as if a million volts of electricity surged through her veins at that moment.

"Hmmm," she moaned, accompanied by a tug at Denmark's hair.

When Denmark had his fill, he quickly removed her sleepwear along with her underwear.And then Denmark removed his clothes as well.

He slowly straddled Amiver and entered her intimate part with care.

Amiver reacted strongly as she felt Denmark enter her, the pain was intense, piercing through her very core. However, despite the discomfort, she endured it for the sake of Denmark.

Are you okay? I'm sorry," Denmark apologized, stopping when he sensed Amiver's pain.

"Please continue, don't stop," Amiver pleaded, her voice filled with longing.

Denmark continued moving his body, and the pain that Amiver had initially felt gradually gave way to pleasurable sensations coursing through her. She let out a loud moan as she felt Denmark's movements quicken.

"I love you Cathee," Denmark confessed, still moving against Amiver.

Amiver's moans ceased abruptly upon hearing those name. Was she right in hearing that he called her Cathee? She couldn't react further as Denmark silenced her with a kiss.

Until they reached the peak of their happiness together.

After their intimacy, Amiver gazed at the sleeping figure of Denmark. A smile formed on her lips; they were now a complete married couple. She felt an overwhelming happiness in this moment, finally at peace with Denmark. The events that transpired between them brought immense joy to Amiver's heart. She embraced Denmark and kissed his forehead gently, while he remained peacefully asleep.

The following morning, Amiver woke up earlier than Denmark, who was still peacefully asleep beside her. She glanced at him and smiled. She planned to cook a delicious meal before heading to the review center. Slowly, she got up from the bed and started putting on the scattered clothes on the floor.

"What are you doing in my room?" Denmark asked loudly, surprising Amiver.

She turned to him, meeting his fiery gaze. She didn't know what to say. Wasn't he supposed to remember last night's events? As far as she knew, he wasn't drunk anymore when they were intimate.

Uhm..." was all Amiver managed to say in response to Denmark's question. Denmark's gaze shifted to the bloodstain on his bedsheet, evidence of Amiver's lost virginity.

"Shit! this is wrong".Denmark muttered loudly.

Amiver couldn't help but shed tears at Denmark's reaction.

"Get out of the room and don't show yourself to me," Denmark angrily commanded, pointing his fingers towards the door as he spoke.

Amiver quickly rushed out of the room, her eyes filled with tears.

Despite the pain in her heart and body, Amiver made sure to attend her review class for the upcoming architecture exam next month. She was determined to excel, knowing that only Denmark's parents supported her financially. She gave her best in every subject as a way to repay their kindness. When she graduated from college as a summa cum laude, it brought joy not only to Denmark's parents but also to her own mother.

While Denmark's parents wanted her to study Business Administration to assist with their business, her passion for drawing and design had always been her true calling. In the end, she had to follow her heart, and they had no choice but to support her choice.

When her mother passed away last year, only Mami Joy and Dadi Carlos, Denmark's parents, were there to support her during her time of grief. They traveled together to Hong Kong and Singapore to help ease her longing for her mother.

"I can handle all of this," she thought to herself while sitting in the park, lost in contemplation. She had just finished her review class, and she didn't plan to go home just yet since she was alone in their large house with nothing to do but sleep

That evening, like many other nights, Amiver found herself alone in their large house. She often cooked dinner in case Denmark came home, so there would be something ready for him. She stored the food she had prepared in the fridge and then went into her room.

The next day, Amiver woke up late, as it was a Saturday and she had no classes. She decided to do a general cleaning of the entire house.

When the doorbell rang,prompting her to pause her task and open the door , revealing – a stunning woman, her hair was a shade of golden brown, and she was dressed in a matching blouse and a short black skirt, as she looked closer, she realized it was Cathee – a former high school classmate and a long-time ex-girlfriend of Denmark.

Amiver recalled that Cathee had gone to Paris and pursued a career in fashion modeling. She had already been pretty and tall back when they were in school, but she seemed even more beautiful now.

Hello, Amiver," Cathee greeted with a friendly smile. "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

Amiver managed a polite smile in return, a bit surprised by the unexpected visit.

"No, it's fine. What brings you here?"

Cathee's eyes scanned the room, taking in the cleaning supplies and Amiver's slightly disheveled appearance

Amiver felt self-conscious as she looked down at herself. Her hair was a mess, and her clothes were far from the stylish attire Cathee usually wore.

Hmm, I just wanted to come here to talk about Denmark," she said, her voice gleaming with intent.

Amiver felt a rush of nerves upon hearing this. Cathee knew the entire story of her life with Denmark. Denmark and Cathee had parted ways because of their sudden marriage arranged by Daddy Carlos and Mami Joy.

During that time, it was Denmark's 17th birthday, and his classmates celebrated his birthday in their garden at home. Amiver got annoyed because Denmark hardly paid attention to her those days as he was busy with Cathee and others. Out of frustration, she called him over and said that she fell off the bed.

Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Denmark asked Amiver when he saw her in pain.

"No, I want you to do what you used to do when we were kids," Amiver replied to Denmark, a slight frown on her face. "You used to kiss the painful parts of my body."

'You're really crazy. You're a woman now, and I'm a grown man. It won't look good," Denmark chuckled, scrunching his nose playfully.

"Whatever, this pain won't go away," Amiver grumbled, sounding a bit like a child.

Denmark couldn't help but comply with Amiver's nonsensical request. He knew she was just being playful, a way of getting his attention since he hadn't paid her much mind the whole day.

"Fine then, where does it hurt?" Denmark asked Amiver.

Here," Amiver pointed to her forehead, and Denmark quickly kissed it. "And here," she continued, pointing to her shoulder. "So, is it better now?" Denmark asked with a slightly irritated tone.

She pointed to her chest, the neckline of Amiver's outfit revealing a bit of her cleavage. Denmark's gaze shifted towards her, and he couldn't help but look.

"Amiver, that's not appropriate," Denmark said, a hint of disapproval in his tone. "I've told you before."

"Go ahead, leave me here all alone," Amiver retorted with a slightly annoyed tone. "Just go and take care of Cathee, then."

Denmark raised an eyebrow at Amiver's tone and words, sensing her frustration.

Okay, fine. But after this, you'll come back to the party, okay?" Denmark asked, and Amiver nodded in response. After a while, Denmark slowly leaned in, placing his lips gently on Amiver's chest, causing her to close her eyes.

Coincidentally, Denmark's parents arrived just in time, accompanied by Cathee, and they witnessed the scene as the door to Amiver's room wasn't closed.

They were immediately summoned by Daddy Carlos and they arranged their marriage.

"It's good that you and Amiver got married, Denmark, now that you've straightened up. It's better to be with Amiver who's sensible, smart, kind, and beautiful, rather than getting involved with other women who might influence you negatively. You won't find a woman like her nowadays. Carlos's lengthy remark to his son, Denmark, with Amiver and his wife, Joy, present.

Denmark strongly opposed his parents' decision.

Before they even got married on the date given by Denmark's parents.

Both Cathee and Denmark approached Amiver, pleading for her to decline their plan, but she didn't comply. She owed Daddy Carlos a lot, and she genuinely loved Denmark.

"You're such a flirt. You'll regret ruining our relationship with Denmark," Cathee yelled at her ,tears in her eyes, when she refused them. That was the last time Amiver saw Cathee, and she heard she flew to Paris to study.

Denmark agreed to marry Amiver, but he created a document in secret, concealing the agreement from his parents.

"Fine, let's get married, but remember Amiver, we can't be together. I want us to separate when I turn 25 years old. Denmark conveyed this threat to her.

She was left speechless, not knowing what to say. Moments later, he took a piece of paper and had her sign an agreement that he would divorce her once Denmark reaches 25. The agreement also stated that no one should know about their arrangement, and they are prohibited from any form of intimacy.

Denmark is now 22 years old, and their marriage is nearing its end after three years.

Amiver's reminiscing was interrupted as Cathee spoke again.