
Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring

Billionaire's Heir and Maid's Offspring is about childhood friends Amiver and Denmark who were forcibly married by their parents. Denmark secretly made a deal that they would divorce when he reached his 25th year old. Amiver agreed to the arrangement and promised to do everything to make Denmark fall in love with her and break the contract. However, Amiver waited for a long time, but Denmark still didn't love her as he was still in love with his ex-girlfriend, Cathee. Amiver's heart gave up, and she distanced herself, completely cutting ties with Denmark and his family.But fate played its games, and after 7 years, Denmark and Amiver crossed paths again. Will Denmark discovers the hidden secret that Amiver has been keeping since her long departure.

Kathm16 · Urban
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31 Chs

Chapter 17; Blood

Upon arriving at the hospital, Denmark was quickly

conducted the necessary tests, and once everything was cleared, the doctor and medical staff wasted no time and immediately started the blood transfusion for Marcus.

"Hello Ms. Moreno, your child is in stable condition now. We just need to wait for a few hours for him to wake up," the doctor informed them. Amiver let out a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"He's my son," Denmark softly uttered byto her, his voice filled with emotion, as they stood inside the room with Marcus sleeping peacefully in the bed.

"Ami, I'm going home for a bit. I'll grab some extra clothes for Marcus," Messie said to her, quickly pulling Justine's hand to accompany her.

Amiver remained silent, her gaze fixed on her sleeping child while holding his hand.

"Ami," her ex in-laws greeted as they entered the room.

"He's my grandson,"Dadi Carlos said softly as they saw Marcus sleeping.

Amiver still didn't say anything, allowing the situation to unfold. They already knew everything about Marcus, and she couldn't hide it anymore.

"Ami, why did you keep Marcus a secret from us? We have rights, especially Denmark," Daddy Carlos said.

She looked at him with sadness in her eyes.

"I just wanted to protect him.

"Protect of what, Ami? From us? Is that how you see us now, terrible people,; that you didn't want to introduce our grandchild to us?" Mommy Joy said, her voice trembling with tears.

Amiver took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the situation. She looked at Marcus, still sleeping peacefully, before turning her gaze back to Mommy Joy.

"When I got pregnant by him, it felt like my world was turned upside down. I was extremely confused about whether to keep the baby or not, and it was a huge struggle for me. I didn't have anyone else to turn to during that time except for my friend Messie. I also didn't have any financial means because I didn't have a job.

But even though life was tough for us, especially during my pregnancy, I never imagined asking for help from you or your son".

She looked at Denmark, who was also listening and continued talking.

"And I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't go back to Denmark's life again. I was hurt and broken, and I thought I would carry that experience with me forever.I tried to create a new life for us, away from the past. I thought I could handle it on my own, that he didn't need to know his father or the complications of our history".

"Ami, we're really sorry if we've hurt you and Denmark. We hope we can all forget the past and start fresh. Please find it in your heart to forgive us for our actions, Ami," Mommy Joy said with tears in her eyes.

"Ami, I know I've made mistakes in the past. But if there's any chance for me to make things right, to be a part of Marcus's life, please let me know".Denmark's Addition

"I would like to be alone with my child for now. I want to express my gratitude to all of you for helping me today. Especially you, Denmark, thank you. But please understand that even though you know the truth, I still can't bring myself to face and introduce you to Marcus".

There was nothing else Denmark and his ex in-laws could do but follow her, eagerness evident on their faces to see Marcus. Nonetheless, they needed to follow Amiver because they were the ones at fault for how Amiver had become.

Meanwhile, Amiver was determined to return to the US.

As the days went by, Amiver continued to care for Marcus in the hospital. She watched as he slowly regained his strength, his vibrant spirit shining through even in the face of adversity. The incident had brought them all closer in a way they hadn't anticipated.

Denmark kept his distance, honoring Amiver's wish for space, but he remained a constant presence by sending fruits and toys for marcus.

Finally, the day came when Marcus was cleared to go home. Amiver felt a mixture of relief and joy as they left the hospital together.

Justine and Messie welcomed them with smiles, a banner that read "Welcome Home, Marcus," and a table filled with food. Amiver's heart swelled with happiness. Not only was Marcus finally out of the hospital, but the burden of her secret had also been lifted. She felt a deep sense of joy in knowing that Justine and Messie respected her decision and supported her.

"Ami, I heard Marcus is out of the hospital. How is he doing?" Mami Carol asked on the other line.

"Yes, Mami. He's okay now and running around again. He's back to being his lively self," she replied with a smile.

"It's good that Marcus is out and back to normal".Mommy Joy's statement came in a cheerful voice from the other line." Hmm, Ami, I heard that you're going back to America and not coming back here. Is that true?"

"Yes, Mami. We have properties in the US, so it's better to live there. Plus, Marcus prefers it there."

There was silence on the other end for a few seconds.

"Ami, I know you might not want to introduce us to Marcus as his blood relatives, and we understand that. But please, give us a chance to spend time with our grandchild somehow. Even if you introduce us differently, it's enough," Mom Carol said, her voice choked with tears.

Amiver felt a mix of compassion and guilt. She knew that they also had a right to know Marcus. All she was worried about was that it might complicate their return to the US if Marcus found out his father and grandparents were here.

Okay, we'll come on Sunday, Mom," she replied.

"Thank you, Ami. We're all excited, including Daddy Carlos, to finally see and bond Marcus ," it said in a joyful tone.

After the conversation with her former mother-in-law ended, Amiver couldn't help but smile. It was a wonderful feeling to have nothing hidden in her heart, as if all the secrets were known.