
Chapter 16

Ben Roberts's Pov

"Mr.Roberts, everything has been spread as you ordered. Tom Cotillard must have a hard time."

I nodded. After a while, I said, "these are far from enough. I need one more secretary."

The new business of Ben Roberts was not very creative. Besides the two special assistants Royal Awad and Sara Hollander, there were also four secretaries. Logically speaking, they were enough.

Sara Hollander immediately said, "I'll do it."

Soon, Sara Hollander sent an internal e-mail. As soon as the news came out, the female employees of all departments were immediately excited about the position of CEO's secretary.

Nora Kim also received an email. As soon as she saw the content, she had the best candidate.

She picked up the phone and dialed the internal phone on the table of Jane Dench. "Jane Dench, come to my office."

Jane Dench's Pov

I was a little nervous when I received the call from Nora Kim. But I still pretended that nothing had happened and entered Nora Kim's office.

Nora Kim motioned me to sit down. "Have you read the internal e-mail from Ms.Sara?"

I nodded, "yes."

Nora Kim continued, "I recommended you to go there. Ms.Sara also agreed. You can go and pack up your things."

I frowned and said, "manager, I have worked in the sales department for 2 years. I still want to work for you."

To be the president's secretary, I have to face Ben Roberts even when I go to work. I don't want to do that.

Nora Kim didn't give me any chance. "It's settled. If you really don't want to, you can tell Ms.Sara."

I also know that this is not something Nora Kim can decide, so after I went out, I sent a message to Ben Roberts. "Ben Roberts, I want to continue to work in the business department."

After the message was sent, Ben Roberts didn't reply to me. Not long after, there was another e-mail from the company. The Secretary thing was temporarily suspended, and everyone didn't have to worry about it.

The other female employees who were itching to have a try felt a sense of loss. It was sad to think that the rare opportunity to appear suddenly disappeared.

Ben Roberts suddenly wanted to transfer Jane Dench to work because he didn't want to see what happened yesterday happen again.

When he received my message, he instinctively wanted to respect my decision and didn't want to force me to do anything.

After the Cotillard Group announced that the Cotillard Group would no longer have any cooperation with the future innovations, although they had taken a series of actions on the future innovations, the effects were not very good. Everyone was talking about it. They all doubted Ben Roberts' ability.

Tom Cotillard's POV

I'm so happy to see this message. It's just a CEO of a small company. How dare you steal a woman from me? I'll give you a hard time.

Luke Smith fawningly said, "He is bound to go bankrupt."

Playing with the phone in my hand, I sneered, "don't be complacent too early. Sometimes what you see on the surface may not be true."

Luke Smith asked in confusion, "Mr.Cotillard, what do you mean?"

"We don't know what kind of person he really is, so we'd better be careful." I glanced at Luke Smith coldly. "Use your brain when you do things in the future. Otherwise, you will be the first one to die!"

Luke Smith immediately nodded obsequiously and said, "Mr.Cotillard is right. We will be more cautious in the future."

I nodded. After thinking for a while, I said, "keep an eye on Ben Roberts. Tell me immediately if anything happens."

Luke Smith said, "I've been keeping an eye. He looks like an ordinary person."

I picked up the document in my hand and patted Luke Smith on the head. "You have forgotten what I just said to you!"

"Mr.Cotillard, i..." Luke Smith rubbed his head, feeling both innocent and aggrieved. He really didn't know what he had done wrong again.

Looking at his silly look, I waved my hand helplessly and said, "you can leave now."

Not daring to stay any longer, Luke Smith turned around and left.

I took a sip of coffee and sneered. If Jane Dench could make up with me so easily, then Jane Dench would not be the Jane Dench that I couldn't forget after leaving for 2 years.

"Jane..." I called her name in my heart.

I still remember that in the past, Jane Dench liked me to call her like this. At that time, Jane Dench was open-minded, but she had a gentle and lovely side. She would act willfully to me and pester me to say that she loved me. She was like the sun in the sky, attracting countless men's attention wherever she went. How could I not love such an excellent and confident woman. At that time, their family always tried to please our family, but she was different. She still had her confidence and pride in front of our family and never bowed.

After we fell in love, she worked harder to study. Her goal was to be a woman who could deserve to stand beside me.

I proposed to get engaged to her first. After she graduated, we would hold our wedding.

At that time, I thought she would refuse, but it never occurred to me that she would agree. She said, "I have been preparing for being your bride. I want to become an excellent person and stand by your side after I graduate."

That year, she was only nineteen years old and hadn't graduated from college. Our two families had a casual meal and agreed to get married,.

Later, she worked harder to design lady's suit. Although she was still at school, the clothes she designed had become a little famous, and many studios came to her.

When she earned her first money, she invited me out for dinner. She was proud at the table and said to me, "Tom Cotillard, I think you have a good taste."

I looked at her with a smile, "what do you mean?"

She said, "I can make money by myself now and make a lot. If you lose your job in the future, I can support you."

Thinking of the past, my eyes were a little wet.

Yes, my Jane has always been so excellent and confident, and she loves me so much.

But later, I destroyed everything by myself and hurt her so deeply. Now, 2 years have passed, and I have the ability and opportunity to come to her again. This time, no matter what, I will not let go easily.

"Jane..." I clenched my fists. "No matter what I can do this time, I must keep you by my side."

"Mr.Cotillard, the driver has been waiting for you for a long time. Would you like to go out?"

I came to my senses, hid my emotions, stood up and left.

"Jane, I'm here."

I want to see her and get her by all means. It doesn't matter even if she hates me. Sooner or later, she will fall in love with me again.