
Billionaire's First Love Returns From The Dead

Raylen Vale seems to lead a charmed life. He heads multiple multi-million dollar enterprises, is married to a beautiful and dedicated ex-model wife, and has two adorable children. What's more, he's achieved all this before the ripe old age of thirty-five. Unlike most successful CEOs, he's still young and handsome even when standing beside his gorgeous wife. It's no wonder that the media loves to fawn over his picture-perfect family. So why does he return every winter solstice to the abandoned and unvisited grave of one Delaney Sackville-West? And why does he demand the dearly departed to "Look at me living well while you rot into nothingness" as he paces before the tomb? And why, despite his harsh words, does he envy the soil that gets to wrap itself around her body? Trigger warnings: Suicide, eating disorders.

Montgomeryyyy · Urban
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55 Chs

Answers (Livia)

"I want a baby sister!" exclaims the small girl without hesitation, joy glinting in her eyes. There's no sign of drowsiness left. "She can play with my dolls with me! And share dresses and shoes with me! And have tea parties with Mr Rabbit Ribbit. And and an—"

"What if it's a younger brother?" Livia gently interrupts her child's excited rambling.

"Hmm." The toddler is less eager now. "But I already have Cornelius."

"But Cornelius is your twin and older brother. A younger brother," Livia points out, "will be quite different. But there will still be things you can do together. Sports, board and card games, music, hide-and-seek… There are some games you and Cornelius cannot play because there are only two of you, right?"

Lia nods. "Then I don't mind either a baby brother or a baby sister. When they grow up, we can play hide-and-seek without bothering Alisha or Gertrude."

"Baby, thank you."