

As we enter Miller Industries, Melvin and I approach the front desk.

As she glances up at the young lady who is working behind the desk, a grin appears on her face. "Good afternoon, Miss Walker."

"What's up, Tiana? Do Zinnia and Seraphina have a seat?

"They had returned from a conference in another part of town. They are looking forward to seeing you."

"Thanks," After pressing the button that takes me to the lift, I wait for it to open.

When the door opens, we proceed to enter.

For the photo shoot, I push the button that represents the floor.

While we wait for the door to open, Melvin and I converse.

As soon as we exit the elevator, Seraphina and Zinnia are already waiting for us there.

My arms are grabbed by Zinnia. "They're waiting for you, Katherine." For a moment, she separates me from Melvin.

"I'll see you soon, Melvin." I give him a warm wave as he leads me through a door.